Odds of being Found on SS


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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I actually tell my plates about my connection to SS, but I don't tell them the name of the site. All they know is I give advice to other men here and I get advice from other men. Interestingly, most of them react positively. They have told me I was different because I'm confortable with my masculinity. Most may actually see you as more advanced with women and higher value altogether. After being here long enough and executing what you learn, it's easy to change from the guy who supplicated in the past to the man who attracts with little effort because he's busy taking care of his own life.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
I wouldn't like to be found in here . Especially gfs and family members .
Gfs because they would think i tricked them into dating them and family members because i spend my time reading these things.

I had a fight with some guys some time ago because i mentioned some of the things posted in here . These guys were really deep into the blue pill and there wasn't any retribution for them .

If you don't want to take the red pill yourself , don't expect to accept the truth so easy.
That's how it works for everyone.

I have recommend this site only to those that want to improve and change as i have . I don't think they post anything but they read a lot of the material and i see improvement in them .


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hell no. If people knew I visit this site it would be the end of my frame as I know it. There is nothing cool about this website:

"How to get her to text back."

"How to get your ex back."

"Seduction guide."

Not to mention the ads that look like porn

From the outside this isn't a men's forum. It's a 17 year old boys wet dream. I would be laughed out of the room given the frame I put off.

Law of least effort
48 Laws of power

No one should know you visit an online forum for dating advice. They shoud just think you get it. I visit an online forum myself and if I found out a guy I knew who killed it with women got his advice from anons on a forum, even my opiniom of him would change.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
No one should know you visit an online forum for dating advice.
Some of us here mostly give advice, using working examples. Others hold up a cross whenever they feel overmatched.

Some of us pioneered extremely unpopular, unconventional paths to success and didn't care what anyone thought.

Wait did this narcissists troll just make a thread so he could e-brag about his ****?
The narcissist part might be true, but the part about me having a large penis was just a coincidence.

Wait, aren't you black? Shouldn't you be bigger?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Some of us here mostly give advice, using working examples. Others hold up a cross whenever they feel overmatched.

Some of us pioneered extremely unpopular, unconventional paths to success and didn't care what anyone thought.

The narcissist part might be true, but the part about me having a large penis was just a coincidence.

Wait, aren't you black? Shouldn't you be bigger?
More race baiting....I could care less about your penis. I'm just curious

how much of an allowance do your sugar babies get?
what type of arrangement do you have?
are they allowed to bang other guys?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I once told an exgf about the site. She got insecure about it, accused me of trying to trick her, and being a player. Never again!


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I don't know, I mean if you showed just about anyone the Book of Pook, I'm fairly confident that they'd still like it and agree with it. Albeit some of them might be salty afterwards, but they would still reluctantly agree with the general material on here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Some of us here mostly give advice, using working examples.
I'm not really here to give or receive advice, I just come here to talk about girls. And other men's issues.

Regarding The Book of Pook, I always thought it sounded like it was written by a high school student. He talks about being in class. Could have been in college. Not sure over how long a period of time those posts were written, several years probably. He could have started them in high school, and finished them up later.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 16, 2017
Reaction score
I think I have talked about this forum to my gf...

I have always participated in forums but this is my first time on one with such subject. My gf knows that I read a LOT... I milk the internet and last couple years been a lot about relationships, women, psychology so in this aspect, if she found out, it wouldn't surprise her at all. Now some of my comments might hurt her a bit as I am obviously not as crude irl but overall, she wouldn't make a big deal of it but that's cause she's chill af!

Some of my other exs or fbs would find out? a whole other story..!

Deep down, they can take a look at the forum for 5-10 even 1hr and make whatever image they want from it, then accuse you of whatever.. it really doesn't mean much. If she can't comprehend that, then she's kinda not very enlightened imo.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
LMFAOOOO.....I did that with an ex as well and she felt some type of way, now I keep **** to myself
I once told an exgf about the site. She got insecure about it, accused me of trying to trick her, and being a player. Never again!
Is this for real? That's crazy. What was her background?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Regarding The Book of Pook, I always thought it sounded like it was written by a high school student. He talks about being in class. Could have been in college. Not sure over how long a period of time those posts were written, several years probably. He could have started them in high school, and finished them up later.
College. If you are in high school, the terminology used is "going to school" whereas in college it is "going to class". That's something I noticed in my transition into college. Plus Pook also said professor too in one of his posts that I read way long ago. I don't know of any 'professor' that works at a high school.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
College. If you are in high school, the terminology used is "going to school" whereas in college it is "going to class"
Was that one of his older posts though? He posted here for several years. Besides, the difference between being in high school or college might just be the difference between being 18 and 19.

Not to dismiss what he wrote, but you must admit it's very "coming of age" stuff. Which is, of course, the best time to handle this stuff.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Many of us have wondered what would happen if our significant other(s) found our membership here.
  • First, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Where else can men be men and bounce ideas off other (mostly) men these days?
  • Second, most of us watch what we write. As many of you know, there is perhaps no greater testament of my love for my current girl than my posts here. Not sure it would help but it wouldn't be a disaster. Maybe some women can chime in here.
That said, while I've long suspected my girlfriend might be a member here, some statistics I found just now make that quite unlikely. Put it this way: it's not Facebook. Facebook is ranked #3 in the world (and US). The average visitor spends 1 minute and makes one post per day. Sosuave.net is ranked #157,000 (57,000 in the US). There aren't even any statistics on people finding it with a google search. That's probably good news. I'm trying to convert this to odds of their finding us but I'm not sure how.


Note: if you say to the person you're dating "I'm on a dating forum talking about xyz" and she is curious enough she can find you with Google.

PS - My then-girlfriend in 2006 famously found my SS account and logged in to answer my question about having a pen!s that is too big for her, because I mentioned that I had posted a question online and she searched for it. She replied to my post and someone wrote "Keep you b!tch off the computer!" We didn't break up over it.

Have you ever had your girl find SS?
I haven't had them find me on here but if they do........so what?

Don't women have like 50 different magazine subscriptions that talk about how to date men, manipulate men, fvck men over, make him wait, and all other types of dating/relationship related shyt?

So when a man has the same thing, now it's a problem? If a girl finds me here, that means I'm going to quote, unquote "lose the frame" (which is an imaginary thing that guys THINK they have, but don't actually have in the first place)?

Most women today (at least with me being a black guy) will get PISSED off:

- If you vote Republican

- Pissed off if you say you don't want kids/marriage

- Pissed off if they see you reading male dating related material

- Pissed off if you say you're a Millennialist and choose to save your money rather than spend it on worthless shyt


Because NONE of that shyt benefits them, it benefits me as a Man and that's the sole reason why bytches get pissed......your sole job in life is to make HER happy, not yourself.

So let her get pissed......I don't care. If she leaves, let her leave, she was going to leave eventually anyway. 90% of the women you meet are only good for short term relations anyway.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
When a woman is going through all your sh*t, you've already got her hooked. Women love trying to figure out a man that interests them. Part of them falling in love.
I think this applies to some women, not all of them. Some women actually look for ways to disqualify you if you are doing better in life than them, black women do this all of the time because how dare a black man be doing better than her. They would say:

"Wow, this guy looks good, has his shyt together, has degrees, his own place, a nice car....why is this guy not married? Why doesn't he have kids? Why is he single? What is he hiding? What's WRONG with him? Is he Gay? Something HAS to be wrong with this guy, hmmmmm......."

So then the snooping starts and if she can't find anything (cause I don't have anything to find) then they will just find ANY flaw with you and blow it up, to give her a "reason" to disqualify you.

It's completely Ego based on the woman's part.

Which actually comes under something that you yourself have argued many times on here. It's one thing understanding female nature, and it's another thing to just accept any old sh*t.
Well, I'm glad that you (one of my biggest detractors) are starting to understand a major argument I've been making on here. It's that women are out of fvcking control man. They have been out of control for at least the last 20 - 30 years. And instead of us as MEN standing up and saying we aren't going to take this shyt, we aren't going to try to "fit in" to this shyt, and we aren't going to try to ADAPT to this retarded shyt.....and demand that the WOMEN stop acting retarded.....we instead try to fit into a retarded structure.

It's like going in a classroom full of retarded kids, watching them throw their food against the wall. Instead of just saying, "These kids are retarded, there's no reasoning with them, we just have to come in with FORCE to stop them from doing the retarded shyt"......you instead pull out a "Book" with techniques, tips, strategies, etc., for how to deal with Retarded children lol.

This is the EXACT state of how we are dealing with women today. The bytches keep doing retarded shyt and instead of telling them to sit the fvck down and stop it....we aren't going to tolerate this shyt....we instead try to "figure out" how to operate in a retarded environment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Don't women have like 50 different magazine subscriptions that talk about how to date men, manipulate men, fvck men over, make him wait, and all other types of dating/relationship related shyt?
I think the difference is that men are supposed to be strong, and just "get it" without any help.

Some might see seeking advice on how to deal with or (more especially) attract women as being a sign of weakness. Women are repelled by weakness in a man, whereas men find weakness in a woman to be feminine and endearing.

The media will also be p!ssed if you vote Republican, by the way, although I'm sure you're aware of that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I got very close to what you are describing with my exwife as far as love, respect, great fun, attraction, and good sechs. We had all of the key elements for many years. I’ve only found one since her that has come close. I think its rare to get all of that

in one package. My parents have a successful relationship and have accomplished a lot together over the years. However most people in this world are not capable. They simply don’t have the skills and discipline. I see it all the time with the behaviors of some here on SS.

My ideal relationship would be a 5yr contract. The terms and conditions would be laid out and agreed upon much like any business contract is done today. The combined and individual assets are defined in the contract. If one of the parties is not compliant by definition, the contract is terminated and penalties assessed. At the end of the 5yr contract, you can choose to renew as is, modify, or end the contract. My biggest fear is getting divorced again and having to split assets. I want the ability to end the relationship with what is mine. I’m not going to have an exwife benefit from my hard work, smart decisions, and discipline throughout my life that produced my wealth.

And yes it would be monogamous. I don’t believe any healthy-minded woman could be happy knowing her man was off fuhking his mistress while she sits at home. I have no desire to fuhk some other girl on the side either. I don’t have the time nor am I willing to deal with additional female drama. Fuhking multiple people at the same time waters down the quality of all of the relationships. Its like multi-tasking….its full of comprises.

All I need is a HB9 that takes care of her body and mind, treats me with respect, and lets her inner freak out. If she can do that I will stay faithful, take good care of her, work hard at having a solid relationship………and we’ll sign a lot of those 5yr contracts.

The type of woman that would be happy with this is one that thinks like I do and doesn’t want to lose what she has. She will also see the value of “staying on your toes” and not becoming complacent. I’ve noticed that the girls I’ve dated that have money and assets desire marriage less than the ones who don’t have anything. Imagine that! If you are a woman that wants security and are content sitting on your azz, getting fat, and not having sechs, then you probably won’t like my deal either. I’m not a provider. If I wanted to provide I would be a sugar daddy.

Ps. I’ve read that they do have marriage contracts in Mexico similar to what I have described. Maybe they will catch on in the U.S. as women continue to complain about men not wanting to get married any more.
So funny in that I'd do this same thing for the same reasons! When you've worked your tail off to accumulate a little something you'd rather not have someone hijack everything...not to mention to be able to enjoy actual intimacy with someone.

It's actually in way VERY throwback old school to think this way, lol