@Drmuscular - Are you currently a college student? You are 20 and that is the age of a typical current college student.
Social ostracization depends on the college. I didn't see it much at my college in undergrad (2001-2005).
Most college students do form monogamous, committed relationships to get laid. Most of the guys attempting to live unattached lifestyles and put up big notch counts end up failing. There's a small percentage of men on all campuses who can successfully have sex with many women but they are offset by the unattached guys getting ignored and not scoring.
As an 18-20 year old, why would you have luck with women 27+? That's not your target market.
Looks matter more than money on campus. However, men with family money who flaunt it with awesome possessions can experience sexual success.
I have called my undergrad alma mater "Hot Girl U" on here before. It wasn't a legacy SEC school. It's interesting how University of Georgia alum act. I haven't interacted with too many Georgia alumni randomly in Dallas in the past decade +.
Some colleges tend to attract certain personality types. It seems like the personality type that goes to Georgia is not great.