Obedient Women - Good or Bad?


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Asexual Heaven vs. sexual earth

Wow! I think you've got it made. Now you can tell her to stay loyal to you and she'll obey. Yeah, baby! That's one way to keep venereal diseases to a nill. Good move. Yes, yes, indeed, some men have all the luck. Well, life is really about balance, maybe you're lacking somewhere else.
Now as far as turn ons go, again, you have got it made! This is the one. She sounds hot. Live it up and don't let it down. Women like, nix, LOVE to be in that role and friend, don't you dig being the agressor?
When I heard that Heaven was asexual my heart and my pride went, "ouch!" I gasped a little and I said, "Now how on earth can that be?" Well my answer came back a RESOUNDING... On earth IT CAN'T BE for on earth it is not. We have our roles here preprogrammed in our souls at birth. She sounds like a normal girl and if she really exists for you let's hope she's not breaking your bank account.
If you are shower masturbator, here's a tip. A recent study was done on how the human mind reaches absurd levels of perversion. Fact: all human minds are capable of it. What happens is the normal human is not satisfied due to lack of getting any or not being able to reach culmination :crackup: due to fear. No, seriously. Don't laugh. He allows his mind to wander maybe first to a Victoria's Secret model, maybe to a playmate, still he can't do it, ughh, the aggrivation, the embarrassment. A thought wanders through his head, it has distracted him, he relaxed, now he's focused on this passing thought, but it's not clean, oh no! What has he done?
This obedient Lil' miss you have is your answer to avoid perversion, to avoid the spread of venereal disease, AND to have a winning and rewarding relationship. Solution: In the shower, think about this Lil' nameless miss doing anything you want till you are so comfortable that even the sight of her can bring you to a climax. This will actually cause you to grow more in love with her. Fiction: people fall in love. That would be defeating the purpose of love, people LEARN to love, therefore, grow from it.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Who would you favor?

Tom Cruise of course if only he believed in the power of medicine and Oprah, why not, if only she understood poverty.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Immaculate on your suicide comment

i hope my story helps you

COPY + PASTED from thread


Drink Driving
i have been there CLOONEY

i got sentanced to 3 months jail for drink driving when i was 21

sitting in a jail cell at the police station with glass in my eye from where the drivers window busted and shot glass into my eye when i side swiped a car during the police pursuit

with a broken nose from where the police started beating me because they were upset and afraid

have the cops putting a glock to the back of your head while you are handcuffed on the ground totally defensless knowing that the cop is so upset / scared that there is a good chance he may "accidently" pull the trigger

knowing that you just totally f*cked up the $30,000 hire car and that insurance doesn't cover drink drivers

sitting in a cell in the poice station wondering if the people in the car that you side swiped are ok because you managed to spin their toyota torago 90 degrees when you swiped it going 100+ kilometres per hour

the time it takes to find out the people in the car you hit are ok and the feeling of knowing what it feels like to think you have killed innocent people and that you are going to spend life in prison

getting down on your knees inside a jail cell and praying to God that the people in the car that you hit are ok and can He please lower the blood alcohol level in your blood by a miracle before they test you on the big machine

sitting there thinking back retracing the steps to you ruining your life in a mistake that happened in an instant

going to court and paying a f*cking good for nothing barristor $1000 cash per appearance off the books to do nothing !

you legal representation not telling you and you not fiding out till a few years later why the magistrate said he was sendng you to jail before he had even heard the facts

finding out his daughter had been killed by a drunk driver and that is why he said it as soon as i stood up the first time "you are going to jail"

and your legal reprisentation never got the court case changed to a non biased judge

the magistrate setting bail at $5,000 at 4pm when the bank shuts at 5pm so no friends or relatives will have a decent chance to bail you out thus guaranteeing you will do the time

appealing to a district court and going before a proper judge and the police prosecutor standing up and saying "do you know someone just got 4 years for a situation similar to yours"

not knowing what to say to the above statement and freaking out because you are appealing 3 months and by giving a misleading statement the police prosecutor is trying to send you up for more time in jail

having you photo in a major paper with the story of what you did

being ashamed and considering suicide beause of how ashamed you feel because of the newspaper articles

the feeling of shame and no reason to live when everyone you meet says they saw you in the papers

not understanding why i am in the papers when all the worse crimes seem to go unpublished

going to jail for the first time as an adult for driving offenses

being in jail with very bad people

not fitting in because apart from the drinking you did you are not a drug dealer or murderer

having the balls to go to an AA meeting in jail when they call it over the loud speaker and everyone rolls their eyes and makes comments about people who go to AA

seeing fights, 1 stabbing and a people come to take away body of person who hung himself in a cell

having to become an animal to survive

not knowing how to stop being the monster when you get out

not knowing how to relate in a shopping centre when you see all these happy people who buy ice cream and shop and stuff

having just walked out of hell and feeling like you don't belong

the feeling that society said you no longer deserve to be among them and to be locked up in a cage like an animal

sleeping on the floor in your room when theres a bed there because for some strange reason you can't sleep on the bed every since you were in jail

losing your drivers licence for 2 years

losing your girlfriend because you no longer think you are worthy to have anything good in life and so you push her away

pushing away all your family and friends because you are afraid to hear for the millionth time "i saw you in the paper"

living like a hermit and outcast for 2 years not able to get a job because you don't know how to handle it all

Having flashabcks of jail sometimes lasting for hours leaving you in a trance like state this is called post traumatic stress disorder

CLOONEY i believe you when you say you can quit.

your drinking sounds like my drinking. it is not a classic case of alcoholism.

even alot of people in the AA meeting won't understand that your drinking problem is alittle different

we also share something in common. we drink and drive.

this doesn't work so well in Australia where drink driving is considered a worse crime then drug dealing and police corruption

you said you had an accident well that is your warning.

you can stop yourself CLOONEY you have that power where most people don't

but know that as powerful as we are we have a weakness. once we start we do a proper job of drinking.

you need to outsmart yourself. you need to plan ahead.

you know if you start drinking you are going to have a good go of it and do a proper job

and you know you are going to drive

quitting drinking is the only way to outsmart yourself

if people hassle you ( and they will ) tell the your uncle on his death bed made you promise to give up drinking LOL

tell the haters and typical average yobo POOR PEOPLE of australia anything

and if they don't get the point give them a thousand yard stare and tell to back the f*ck off

There is no point being a success in life to have it all taken away in an instant by a silly mistake

prove them all wrong

you don't need it

and make sure you do it before it's too late

Lost In Translation

" stop being insecure " i hate that saying. it's a cop out for not having enough balls to confront a woman about what she is doing THAT IS WRONG or potentially damaging to a long term relationship. – Lost In Translation


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by wheelin&dealin

. I want a chick that is lippy and puts me in my place. I want a girl who will tell me to shut the f*ck up if I cross the line. .

What the fvck for?