Tazman said:
I actually agree with this to an extent, but I don't see a reason to get so offended. You have to remember that all we can do is interpret what's posted, no one here is personally hanging out with you watching how you interact with other people.
You say that something "clicked" when she asked if you wanted get pizza instead of going bowling and you decided to opt out. My opinion is that something "clicked" long before this, I mean dude you had to know she was interested in you, but you probably enjoyed the attention until she tried to escalate just a bit further, then you pulled the plug.
Did you talk about your relationship with your child and GF while you were hanging out with this chick? Her reaction was way over the top especially if she "knew" about your current situation, but then again you said she was bipolar so it's almost like you were asking for trouble.
Whether or not you genuinely wanted to help her is not in question and no one's saying your hanging out with her was necessarily wrong, but you have to take some responsibility for participating knowing what you were dealing with from the start.............a single, bipolar, recovering addict, female.
talked about Joe (my son) all the time. she has an 8 year old. she is recently divorced. talked about my GF all the time. I mean, coming from someone who knows his way aronund women.. I am telling you I honestly didn't see THIS coming.
backbreaker the DJ talking, dont' get me wrong... I'm a good looking guy that has his **** in order. I am pretty sure she didnt' find me repulsive or anything like that. I'm not one to microanalyzie a conversation, epsically when I don't like someone. But nothing really just jumps out at me as saying "man see, that shows tht she liked you". She actually met my GF at a get together I had at my house about a month ago, seemed pretty cool. I mean it was from what I thougth pretty platonic.
I mean there is usually a pattern that a woman who wants to jump my pants follows and this came from left center, assuming she wanted to jump my pants. maybe she was just crazy.
going back looking at it, sure there could have been signs, but again like I tell AFC's all the time, if you have to go and microanalyize a situtation, you are thinking about someone too much. women are pretty good at making it known they want you.
I mean we talked, I'm not an android. She knows about my relationship, she knows what type of women I like, I know what type of men she likes.. rich ones. lol, per her.
there was one situtation, I had an odd dream one day, with my GF and all my friends were in it, she was in it, and everyone got together and tied me up and throw me off the golden gate bridge and I died. lol. True Stuff. And when I saw her and I told her I had a dream and she was in it, and I prefaced it by saying "it's not sexual or anything" and she said "dang".. I didnt' think anything of it then, I dont' think anything of it now, she could have been being sarcastic, hell she probably was.
anyway, it's done and over with, i still feel like a cheap crack *****, but I will live. I do have to be careful about who I open up to, that's a tough lesson learned, but at the same time I dont' think I did anything wrong by letting someone basically work out with me, when you get down to it.