You know what, BBB? i hate it when people give old dead white guys a ton of credit because they THEORIZED about life. he was a philosopher. (oh and it wasn't on purpose that i capitalized it in that one post) SO WHAT? the fact that you rule your life based on THEORIES proves that you know little about living life in reality. These theories do not apply for everyone, there are always exceptions. And for you to accuse everyone to living in a cave, is ignorant. To tell a couple that has been together for decades that they're living in the dark is ignorant.
Just because you havent had a good, solid realtionship doesnt mean you can criticize anyone else who is in one.
BBB, you talk of marriage as though it is a religious institution. It isnt. It was, but there are a ton of non-religious folk who get married.
personally, i dont call intellectuality spating theories from a set of movies aka the matrix and some dead philosopher. who was most liklely a homosexual. adn youre probably not even understanding what he origionally meant, or applying it to the wrong set of ideas.
You might have never said them Jester, but it reeks of implication. I’m convincing myself that you are wrong? I have known for AGES before your pessismistic post that i was not living in a “cave” and that not all relationships are destined to fail. Its not our faults that youre just a bitter teenager pissed off because his previous girlfriend turned out to be a psycho.
Do you know what happened to a friend of mine? She and her bf have been going out for three years, and having sex for two of those years. Just recently, her bf told her that he only has sex with her to please her, and he feels embarassed that he has been doing it, SINCE THE DAY THEY FIRST HAD SEX. Do you think that she’s a bitter pessimist because this happened? No. She’s trying to fix it.
You might have not said all girls cheat, but you implied it, and said that all girls are sluts. I never EVER want to be with another man other than my boyfriend. And you know what? I had the opportunity to be with another man last night, at a party, but i didnt, because i’m better than that.
When you say that all women want to be with another man, given the circumstances, that makes you look like someone who was cheated on, and therefore your bitterness translates to = all girls cheat. The fact that you think you can JUDGE the ENTIRE female population is BULLSH1T. Not until you have talked to and known EVERY FEMALE KNOWN TO EXISTANCE, past and present and future, then you can make that judgenment.
Of course the thought might cross one’s mind at times, but there is a thing called self-control. The fact that you believe that women have no self-control is very 15th century. Stop living in the past!
the fact that you judge ALL couples is very ignorant too.
JSH, whats wrong with what you call “indoctrination”? you are bound to get influence from something in your life, whether it be your parents, peers, church, the Bible, the coutry, the law, your teachers, professors, the media, where you live,. etc. You cant live completely uninfluenced life or else you’d be a hermit. living completely alone. When someone chooses something based on religious reasons, it means they are choosing to follow that belief. You make it look like someone chooses for them. And whether it be God or the church, you make it seem as though saving your virginity for your spouse is a bad thing.
What does that whole looks and attractiveness thing have to do with anything? Way to go off-topic.. If your S.O. gains weight (pregnancy NOT included) and you feel uneasy about it, you talk to them about it! you say, hunny, i think we need to talk, i’ve noticed that you’ve gained some weight. Are you depressed about anything? Lets go start working out more and get back into shape”. Chances are they’ve noticed the weight gain too and will want to get rid of it. And saying that you wont be attracted to them anymore and would not continue the relationship because of the weight gain, is SUPERFICIAL, SELFISH, and SHALLOW That being said, thank God youre not in a relationship right now. You wouldnt know how to treat a gf with dignity and respect if you didnt respect her feelings. Chances are, youre getting old and fat too, and how would you feel if your girlfriend or wife of several years broke up with you because “you were getting a little chubby and wrinkly” thats the whole part of getting old.
I suppose i just assumed nobody wanted to be like that.
you have to be one of the most ignorant people imaginable. Did you honestly think that EVERY man wants to be single for the rest of his life? Come on, man! You know whats really f*cking funny? My bf, he wants all that too, but he’s still gonna go out and do what he wants to do. Hes in the army, and he wants to go to Kosovo and will go even if he isnt signed up to go. I dont want him to go AT ALL. is that gonna change his mind? NO. he wants to go to barber school and start a barber shop. Its a great idea, just not what i had in mind but he’s still gonna do it, no matter what i want. I want to go to grad school and if he wants to get married before i’m done, then too bad.
I wanna finish grad school before tying the knot. its all about mutual aggrements and respecting one another’s lives.
I just dont see how you could ever participate in anything you know is false.....or why you would even want to when you know its BS.
I think that from Metal’s previous posts that he thinks the OPPOSITE of this belief. Its a BELIEF, not a fact. Its YOUR belief, in fact, and saying that everyone does or should believe it is ignorant and naive.
You are so young, you need to go out and experience the world for yourself. go to college, and discover that *shock* people dont think the same way as you!