SoylentGreen said:
I dont know if I believe in this "dj" stuff anymore.
I mean, I am UGLY. Not only that, but I am 5'4" and 124 lbs so I'm also TINY. I have a great new ATTITUDE from reading and practicing the things on this site. For that I am so thankful.
....Please prove me wrong.
Dude you are wrong you are so wrong and my life is proof of that. I am just like you. I am like 5'4 160 lbs, somewhat flabby, balding, high pitched voice I have to keep under control, not much money, etc. At this point in my life I am dealing with a lot of crap from my past that has caught up with me. In fact, I would party too much and did a lot of drugs and drink and spent too much money and got in trouble with the law. I was getting laid left and right. I felt like fuking Superman on cocaine. I was doing all kinds of crazy crap like stealing dude's gf's just to get them back for pissing me off, or fuking some dude's wife, just for the challenge of it. I'm glad I've had my ego shot to hell, because I realize what I was doing and my selfish mindset was wrong and I should be dead right now. I've had so many near death experiences from being stoopid, it's not even funny.So right now I'm having to deal with the self-improvement part of my life, but I can still get laid when I want to. I do have to run game and get a chick comfortable with me, but I can go to the library or a grocery store, or book store or even hit on a cashier and get a number or f-close in a parking lot or whatever too.
I have always had a great mind, but never really tried hard in school. Then I started working and did well in my business and did well when I was employed at my job, but I never really had much; just an apartment and a 10 year old truck. I ended up partying too much and went to jail a few times, and I admit I've been a complete bum my whole life, but I'm starting to change that. I've realized that I've been wrong and things are turning around for me. My whole family hates me just about right now.
All my close friends have abandoned me. I didn't realize that I wasn't really being a DJ. I was being the bad boy. My whole life that's all I wanted to be, but I found out that that is not where it's at. So, by being responsible, you are so far ahead in the game than the other loser that you don't even know it. You really need to develop that inner game. That core that tells you to persist and that you are the great catch and all that stuff. It's in you, it really is, but you have to bring it out by talking within yourself and constantly pushing yourself for more and more.
I'm currently living with a psycho for a housemate, but I'll be out of here in a few months. The point in all my rambling is that when I did have some semblance of control in my life and I did have some money and was working my way up, I got a lot more play, but I find out later through all this mess I'm going through, I found out quite a few things, but one was the importance of Inner Game. And that applies to anything in life.
You have to have the right psychology no matter what the circumstances. I'm beginning to get into the mindset that I like adversity most of the time with a few moments of triumph and then more adversity. It's like I can't live without some sort of difficulty in my way to challenge me and make me better. So 3 of the many things I've learned since I came on this site and started this whole DJ thing: 1. Adversity makes you better, so welcome it.
2. It's all about you, so you must be in control of you. Don't let anyone tell you about you. You can pick up on The What you need to improve on through communication, but in the end you have to control The Why you change.
3. Nothing is what it seems.You may look at a guy and see x and y and conclude z, but you may be dead wrong about that. The guy you said did drugs and got chicks, etc., probably dealt those chicks drugs. I know a lot of chicks, who are not worth my time (more on that in a sec), who screw their drug dealer. I know a lot of chicks who will screw me if I give them a loretab (I don't drug anymore, btw).
In fact today I saw 2 fine @ss women at my neighbor's house, who I cold have fuked if I wanted to, but I'm now in a religious stage where God is becoming more important to me, and I'm really trying to stay away from fuking and want to find a Christian girl to marry, because I think that is The Way God intended. I'm convinced, by seeing other Christians at my church and just by reasoning out the whole mess, that a marriage done God's way is better than all the promiscuous relationships in the world. I could write a book on that, but I will skip that for now, and I know I'll probably have to explain to some curious bloke why I'm still on this site with a bunch of manwhor*s.
The point is, you have to keep on persisting until you reach that point of victory. It's gonna come, but it will take time and effort. You can't tell me you can't try harder. Everyone needs to try harder. You say you're 124. Please dude, you could spend more time lifting heavy with low reps, eating twice your weight in grams of protein every day, and getting on a plan to build strength and grow muscle. You still have much more you need to do before you give up. Be of the mindset that you would rather die trying and have nothing, rather than do nothing and die not knowing what you could have had.
I know a lot of guys who get to a certain point and they just coast. Yeah they end up getting laid a lot, but are the women quality? Do they reach you at that spiritual level? Are they really on the same page with you? I know women are amazing creations. I know you can be mesmerized by a lady's look. She's like everything you have ever dreamed of. And you have this mindblowing wanton animalistic sex for like 3 days and then you're thinking she's like everyone else. I like her a lot and she's great, but I want more. It's always like that with me anyway. So there are so many different ways you can look at women and how you approach a relationship, I'm in this little corner right now, that probably no one else here is, but you can still learn a lot from the top guys on this site. They really put things in perspective when they post.
My outlook has changed so much now, I don't even want to talk to women who aren't close to my beliefs. I used to be the total opposite, but now I'm finding out exactly who I am and what I want and now I'm picky. So in the end, I think, you may end up being so particular that you will regret wasting your time with half the women you did. I don't know, but don't expect to get anywhere without paying your dues, doing your time, and taking it fully on the chin time and time again. That's life. And don't expect to do all that a not have results, because you will. Just keep at it.
And as far as the ATTITUDE. Yes you have to grow that. It will blow you up to 6 '4 in time. People who know me may not like me, but they know that you can't get into my head. If I know I'm right, no one will stop me from doing what needs to be done. See I know I have A LOT I need to improve (but nothing to prove), but I'm not going to let adversity stop me from changing. So it's good to be ridiculed. You end up learning a lot. And no, I'm never part of the status quo in any group. I love to be in the underground group always progressing and changing what everyone is so comfortable with. Humans need to learn to change and adapt. It's good for us. I'm not trying to be a complete outcast either. It's good to have report with people and to have friends who can help you out. I say friends loosely, because most people will stab you in the back when they can.
And some women have a fetish for small guys. I can't tell you how many times the tallest girl in the room acted very interested in me. Girls are much much much more hornier than guys. You just have to get them in the right mindset. And stop looking like you're fuking pouting all the time. Change the look on your face. At least
look at the camera.