not getting girls and starting to hate my life / how can I stop being so stupid?


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by wise_mage
thing that confuses me the most, is that if I was a chick and had the qualities I have as a guy but as a chick. if I had the body I have, the looks, I have, the intelligence I have, the talents I have, but as a chick, I would have guys making lines for a shot at me. I would be very popular with men,
but it doesnt work the other way around. one should expect that with all the positive things I have, I wouuld be able to get a chick fast, no problem. but its not like that. Its actually very hard for me to get a girl, especially an exclusive relationship with a girl, which is really what I am aiming for right now. and I have no idea why.
do any of you undestand this phenomenon?
I've said this same thing many times, that if I was a woman, I'd be quite hot. I have sort of a pretty face and a slender body--I was 110 pounds, I have gained 10 since I started working out. My shy, timid qualities could be very attractive to a lot of men, but as a guy, these personality traits doin't go over well with females at all. Women have different sets of requirements for what they consider to be attractive. They want a guy who is tall, muscular, outgoing, who can make them feel feminine--they don't want a guy who's going to remind them of themselves. Otherwise, they'd be gay. And even with gay couples, usually there's a masculine and feminine one.

That is a lot of what this site tries to teach. Embracing your masculinity. Not to say you should be all macho and full of yourself, but just being confident and not being afraid to assert yourself. That is what has been so hard for me--being afraid of making a woman uncomfortable, or bothering her. A while back, I was reluctant to say I was even interested in women and even now, I think I'd find it diffuicult admitting to a girl that I'd like to be anything more than a friend. That's what being a man is--we're supposed to be attracted to women. It's okay to be sensitive sometimes, I guess, but there's a limit. I don't consider myself to be very sensitive, but those fears are something I'm always fighting against.


New Member
May 12, 2003
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it will happen

Wise -
Don't try to do too much all at once. Your experiment was on the right track, to approach a bunch of women over the weekend, but start small and work your confidence up. Start with a goal of talking to one women at a time. Even if it's the chick behind the counter at Starbuck's - get her to smile, or even laugh. Don't go for the phone number or asking for a date, just shot for getting her to smile. After a while, you'll get the hang of what works and what doesn't. Then, move to getting the girl at the party to smile at a comment you made - then leave it at that. It's a one step at a time process. Before you know it, you'll not only get her to smile, but you'll end up sparking a conversation - again, don't go for the number or the date just yet. Trust me, I know you'll want to fast forward to getting her into bed, but take your time until you no longer get nervous just talking to women. It will happen. True DJ are not born with this knowlegde and skill. It's all been a process of trial and error - and for me, I've had a lot of error, but it gets a lot easier.
I admire your goal for 300 women, but I agree with the comments at even 30 is a big number. Yes, there are guys that bed 30+ women, but there are also people that are billionaires. The majority of people want to be billionaires, but reality is we are not. Keep your goals in reality, once you reach that first goal, you can always raise the bar and go for more.

Good luck and stay positive.


Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2001
Reaction score
One good thing about this place is that it will indulge you in such flights of depression, self-doubt, negativity and ranting about how sh*tty your life is, women suck, failure and on and on...for awhile.

I've been there, done that, myself.

It's only human to try and fail. It's a sign you're doing something when your plans go awry. Only couch potatoes and welfare cheats avoid the sting of failure.

It's also good to have friends who will indulge you in a bit of pity-party feeling sorry for yourself blues. Once. Maybe twice.

You wrote:

"...I saw the diary of bridget jones yesterday and consider it a realistic movie. the girls sleeps with the "very very badman". she loves this man and gives him all the sex he wants. my dream is to be like the guy."

Hold that thought.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by RKTek
One good thing about this place is that it will indulge you in such flights of depression, self-doubt, negativity and ranting about how sh*tty your life is, women suck, failure and on and on...for awhile.

I've been there, done that, myself.

It's only human to try and fail. It's a sign you're doing something when your plans go awry. Only couch potatoes and welfare cheats avoid the sting of failure.

It's also good to have friends who will indulge you in a bit of pity-party feeling sorry for yourself blues. Once. Maybe twice.

You wrote:

"...I saw the diary of bridget jones yesterday and consider it a realistic movie. the girls sleeps with the "very very badman". she loves this man and gives him all the sex he wants. my dream is to be like the guy."

Hold that thought.

good thing? are u being sarcastic? thats the only f*cking thing I hate about the site. what do u mean by hold that thought?
is it a good thought to hold on to? what did u think about the movie? about the hugh grant character? think its realistic?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Re: .....

Originally posted by Aurelio Tiziano

seriously man, you are way too negative!

You haven'thad any action since Nov 199, so what?

I am 21 and a half, you are 19, your situation is not as bad as you said.

I've only french kissed 5-6 girls in my life, ****ed two, although one was a hooker.:D

I think you are at your maximum sexual peak of desire, and it will decrease in a year or so.

You've feench kissed 19 (!), that's a huge success in my opinion!!!

Or aybe I've just havent had enough myself.......;)

BTW, I know of many guys who are married or soon to marry chix they mey when they were 18/19.....think of that. A neighbour I know who is 23 has been with the same guy for almost nine years (!)

Put things in perspective, I've only sucked the tits of 2 girls, and I'm not as negative as you!

Cheers ;)

I know what ur saying dude, but I dont consider myself negative.
and although I would have never imagined such low numbers (no pun intended bro =P ) from a guy with the nickname Aurelio Tiziano, u did manage to shove perspective into my face.
how do u manage not to feel bad about such lack of sexual activity? I think its perhaps a quality I should learn from you.
I mean, dont u feel bad when u think about how good banging a cute girl might be and then realize that there is no girl in your life with whom that could happen soon? no prospect of sex so to speak. how do u do it? and why r ur numbers so low? perhaps u are very picky? god knows out of those 19 girls some have been reall pretty and hot but some have just been, well.... not that pretty and not that hot.

but seriously, why do u think Im negative? I am at times, but I try to be positive most of the time and I am successful in doing it.
and its more like sexual action for me started on november, 1999.
since then there have been 19 girls. I know u probably think what Im about to say is stupid, but 19 still sounds like a low number after 4 years since the first kiss. maybe Im just wrong about what I think is a low number or high one but I do know a lot of guys (younger ones) that get lots of girls and have had my entire four years in one or perhaps maybe even 6 months. one every weekend kinda thing. it is true though that I havent had oral sex since like december 2000. feels like a very long time. the last time I made out with a girl was in this party like 3 months ago man. 3 long months. an eternity at my age and at my sexual peak. and it was pretty quick. I grabbed her ass and stuff but she wasnt that convinced apparently since she left kinda fast. less than 5 minutes. also I have made the stupid mistake at times of rejecting nice and not so nice looking girls who wanted to get it on with me. but right now chances seem much more rare than 2 years ago. dont know why-


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
anyway, Im surprised to see a lot of u guys rate such low stats concerning this sexual activity with women issue.
I thought I was one of the lowest rating people on the site.
there seems to be tons of posts about I banged her, and her two sisters, and her mom as well kinda ****. or I made out with 3 girls at a party. stuff like that.
I thought I was one of the very very very very very few on this site to whom the don juan concepts were not serving any "getting sex" purpose. I thought most of you were pulling chicks left and right. or r u?
I thought I was one of the few that was not getting laid on the site. the don juan concepts and lifestyle have given me so much and Im so very thnkful for it but there still remains an important thing they must give me and that is the ability to seduce any women I want to. I think I have a good equipment I just hope I learn how to use it to its maximum capabilities.

anywho, if we r djs and we r cool and we spend time working on ourselves and we r, yes let me say it again, so totally awsomely f*cking cool, then why r we strinking out so much with girls?
any ideas? not trying hard enough perhaps? is it always the same answer?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
by the way I just thought of something:

exactly a week ago I was at the gym doing cardio and I started a convo with this girl I didnt know. or since hse said the first hi, I guess she might have started the convo. anyway, we started talking about what we had to do for the day and i told her I was going home and playing guitar after that and she told me she used to play but quit, blah blah blah. so she goes downstairs and I finsh my cardio and just as Im about to leave I tell her:

hey I just had an idea - if u ever feel like playing guitar again I would be more than happy to teach u a thing or two. she agrees and asks me at what time I go to the gym (shes been there 3 months and I had never seen her) I tell her that its more like irregular and stuff. so she aks for my number and when Im giving it to her I pass her a piece of paper and a pen and she writes both her home number and her cellphone down. I didnt even told her anything. I just passed her the paper. this is the technique I usually apply and it has worked so far very well.
she was kinda cute =)

anyway I was thinking that maybe this whole episode would have been a big thing or success for some people here at the site but at the moment I just viewed it as normal. do u think this attitude shows perhaps some progress? am I further down the road of becoming a dj? does the fact that I was not really impressed or excited by getting her number eventhough I thought she was a cute girl mean anything? what do u think of my approach to getting her number and stuff? the whole episode? like using the circumstances etc.

Aurelio Tiziano

Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score

Hey wise,

What can I tell you? I feeld depressed when I think how unlucky I have been with women in general, up to now.

I was severely depressed for a year and a half, and that period was a total no-no for chicks. Moreover, I guess I have never really met enough women.

I think you probably have some friends, which is definitely a plus.
That's how you went around and met many women probably. It's much more difficult to do everythign on your own. I went to clubs this summer by myself but got no action at all.

Guys I knew who are still huge AFCs, and not very handsome, have steady and cute girlfriends. In a way I feel maybe its the wya it should be, thta I should only wait for the perfect one.

But its just that I honestly get to meet a woman I like every month, the prospects are so little and far between. I have balls to approach any woman, but its finding one that 's the problem !

The girls I've kissed were all pretty BTW :D

In many ways I take for my mother, who was very attractive at this age but still had no companionship.

And the sexual contact, well yes, it would be nice, but just think of how some people do not do it until marriage!

At 19 maybe you should lose your virginity. I lost mine at 17 (almost 18). After thta I was able to see sex as it is, nothing to go crazy about!

Cheers ;)


Don Juan
May 9, 2003
Reaction score

i haved already 34 sexual encounters i,m 20 what that 5-8 talk get out there and take the world on


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
If you think your stats are bad look at mine: Zilch!

No sex, no making out, no kisses other than on the cheek, no nothing. And at 19 I'm no longer a kid.

I'm amazed just by reading this topic how easily I've coped with it all. But I guess I've always coped with the crap in my life remarkably well.

Unfortunately, I was put at a disadvantage right from the start. To cut a long story short I became badly ill at the end of 7th grade. I missed huge chunks of school in the 8th and 9th grades. These are the real formative years of development that I basically missed out on.

I did gain mental toughness through coping with my illness and overcoming lonliness, as well as maintained my academic ability. But in my foray back into life with growing physical strength, I was thrust into a mid-to-late adolescent environment with the social confidence of a Year 7.

My illness also stunted my growth, typecasting me as the 'little sick kid'. But since I was so happy to be mostly rid of my terrible affliction, it never affected me. Due to my infectious, spirited nature, I was far from unpopular, but girls would never think twice about me as boyfriend material, and I can't blame them!

I don't care what anybody says, but one of the most incredibly difficult tasks anyone can face in a lifetime is learning years of social skills and overcoming shyness in half the time it takes it takes others to do so.

But even though by the end of 12th grade I believed I had conqurered my worst enemy, nothing could remove the first impressions that were held by everyone at highschool. I still keep in close contact with many of the friends 2 years later but I still get the vibe that they think of me as my former self - soft-spoken, cute, harmless little AP.

I'm just starting to get my sh*t together, but being seen as the new me is really confidence building I suggest you remodel your attitude and make new friends who will forever see you in that light.

Coping with low stats is easier if you never had a chance to begin with. Put yourself in the shoes of another less fortunate and you'll start to notice you are lucky, desirable and successful.

And about rejection: Conventional rejection of type most of you are familiar with is a splash in the ocean compared to facing patronising and condescending girls.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by duke007
If you think your stats are bad look at mine: Zilch!
No sex, no making out, no kisses other than on the cheek, no nothing. And at 19 I'm no longer a kid.
Since we seem to be having a little contest here, let me say that I am 23 and have not kissed a girl or anything...except for a few hugs. I really blew it due to insecurities and being timid. Now I feel absurd for being so old and not having done things that kids in Jr. High usually do. And now that I am out of college prospects have decreased dramatically.

Origionally posted by Aurelio Tiziano
Furthermore, my sexual desire has gone way down in the past year, helping my previous obsessions. I get fewer and much weaker hard-ons when I see a woman I like, it's like I don't care anymore. BTW, how old are you?
Funny, I've been feeling the same way. I'm about half as virile as I was when I was 18, I think.

Aurelio Tiziano

Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score


There's a russian saying that goes: "A man thta is unhappy will be happy when he meets a man unhappier than himself"

Leoncour and duke, I respect you guys a lot. And I respect you because you have had difficult times, even more difficult than mine, but you talk about and face it like real men.

I respect you.

And I'm betting that you will get puzzy in large numbers because of your honesty on this forum. A man who is true and faces reality as it is, has been enlightened.

We must endure and have faith, because things are always impermanent and changing, and so are you and your situation

BTW: Howard Hughes the billionaire first fvcked when he was 23....and then went on to get his times most fascinating women.

See? I bet he had an immense confidence and faith in his abilities......

Cheers ;)
Mar 12, 2003
Reaction score
try to pick-up only the most beautiful women, I mean really try, no matter what your social and conversation skills are right now

aim high and get far


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2003
Reaction score

You have overcome a great deal in your life, and obviously have a great attitude. Reading about your experiences was inspirational in that you don't think "why me" or feel sorry for yourself, you accept your experiences and try to make the best of them. Just based on that (obviously I know nothing else about you), I would expect that you will experience a lot of great things in the future. You seem like an intelligent guy who will acquire the necessary skills involved in getting women. Remember that the past is the past, and if people still label or patronize you, you may not want to spend time with them.

Leoncur, you have to just put the past behind you. Yes, there is a "learning curve" in dating skills , that you can only overcome with experience. Just accept that, and if other don't accept that when these situations arise, then they are not worth your time. There really isn't anything to be ashamed of. I know many guys who hooked up with some ugly or slutty girl, just to get some or have hooked up with someone. Be glad you respected yourself too much to do something like that. Keep a positive attitude and good things will come your way


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2001
Reaction score
Another depressing story here

I am almost similar to your situation wise_mage. My life improved a little bit since I last posted "How to change from a total loser who is nothing into something?".

Basically, I dont get as much @ss as you do. I think you have gotten laid much more compared than I do. I even think of giving up right now because women are making me depressed. I am feeling hopeless and dont want to even think or try anymore.

But nevertheless, after a few months, I got up again and start over and then I crashed again, coming back to this site to improve. You're right when you mentioned that jerks get @ss all the time. It is surprising that even nice girls want jerks to f*ck them.

In the Art of Seduction, it is written that if you played up your seductive qualities and your nasty behaviour, you will be able to attract women in large number. In other words, play The Rake. The Rake is nasty, scruplous, dishonest but this only adds to his seductive appeals. Women are drawn to him ALTHOUGH he is a jerk! And he gets @ss all the time. Like others have mentioned, it's up to you to decide what you want to be. If you want to be a jerk, go ahead. As long as it gets you what you want and you're happy, FINE! Why are you still hesitating to become a jerk?

Now I begin to wonder whether what we have learnt here is really working or are they just fantasy? Hmm.....

So many years have been spent reading different kinds of materials and books and yet only little success is achieved.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Another depressing story here

Originally posted by SlyDonJuan
I am almost similar to your situation wise_mage. My life improved a little bit since I last posted "How to change from a total loser who is nothing into something?".

Basically, I dont get as much @ss as you do. I think you have gotten laid much more compared than I do. I even think of giving up right now because women are making me depressed. I am feeling hopeless and dont want to even think or try anymore.

But nevertheless, after a few months, I got up again and start over and then I crashed again, coming back to this site to improve. You're right when you mentioned that jerks get @ss all the time. It is surprising that even nice girls want jerks to f*ck them.

In the Art of Seduction, it is written that if you played up your seductive qualities and your nasty behaviour, you will be able to attract women in large number. In other words, play The Rake. The Rake is nasty, scruplous, dishonest but this only adds to his seductive appeals. Women are drawn to him ALTHOUGH he is a jerk! And he gets @ss all the time. Like others have mentioned, it's up to you to decide what you want to be. If you want to be a jerk, go ahead. As long as it gets you what you want and you're happy, FINE! Why are you still hesitating to become a jerk?

Now I begin to wonder whether what we have learnt here is really working or are they just fantasy? Hmm.....

So many years have been spent reading different kinds of materials and books and yet only little success is achieved.

ok sly, first and most important remember this and repeat it to yourself every morning: there are no losers in life, losers are a myth. everyone is something and everyone is unique and precious. we are without value because there is no mathematical measurment that could limit us. we are children of the universe and of mother earth. we are a miracle amogst miracles. search the internet for this poem called DESIDERATA and u`ll know what I mean. keep it close to you and read it everytime u start to lose perspective. remember, just because u dont get pu$$y, doesnt mean u r not a winner.

second: I have not gotten laid. thats one of my problems. the closest I was to getting laid was almost 3 years ago my friend.
as u see, I am no super seducer. the thing is I love pu$$y. and I seriously want to bang a chick. a cute one that is. so Im aimiing on getting one. but its not that easy. the process is in fact kinda frustrating. and thats where this post comes from. from one of those moments u feel like ur d!ck is never going to make it inside some wet pu$$y unless u cut the **** and start working on it. man, concerning sex, it sucks to be a guy. women can get it at any time they want to, but to us its very hard. precisly by the fact that most chicks feel its the only thing they have to offer (and believe me, they are not very far from the truth) and they dont give it up that easily. especially in my religious full of **** coservative country. im sure that if I was living in the states, I would have banged a couple of chicks already. anyway....

ur right about every single woman on the planet wanting to be f*cked by a "bad exiting unpredictable funny (and even rude and violent at times) man" whatever the **** that means to them. this kind of man (a man whose traits often live in everyone of us just as within him live the traits of a total nice guy - this means we can be whomever we want to be) is often called a jerk. I think he should be called HEROE since he feasts on tits* and ass* on a daily basis.
women somehow think this men **** better and have bigger ****s (size does matter to them believe me just like it matter to us). my theory is they somehow think that they can have the luxury of trweating women like crap precisely because they have a big **** and **** good.
at the end of The diary of Bridget "Im the most stupid piece of ass on the whole ****ing planet" Jones, the nice guy kisses her and she says "wait.... nice guys dont kiss like this". What!!!!!!!! B!tch, u dont even know what the f*ck ur talking about. I could handle u and 2 of ur stupid friends at the same time.
as much as they hate to admit it, its all about sex with women.
the feelings, love, and all that crap is just something they invented so they could have a man take care of them after they became fat old and ugly. thats where the nice guy comes in.
u know how many ****ing jerks screwed bridget jones when her tits were hard? tons. tons and tons. they used her and she used them because thats what its all about to most young women.
remember they just wanna have fun, whatever the hell that means. and then when shes 3 something and she has a fat cellulitic ass and her tits are not that firm anymore and the jerks r using her as a second dish cause they r going for the younger girls , she then starts to look for the nice guy whom she will probably cheat on once hes supporting her dumb fat old ass.
I better stop, Im starting to get angry at women again.
its not their fault though. most of what I just said is very true but its also bullsh!t. remember most are very weak and for most, the only weapon they think they have is sex.
we r men and we have the power. I even kinda feel sorry for them. they were born with all the disadvantages except in this particular area of life. especially in third wolrd countries such as mine. and once they get over 40, almost nobody wants them.
they become desperate. if we keep in shape we can be attractive until we hit over 60. plus, what a drag it is to have to wait for the man to approach. how boring. we instead have the power to apporach. anyway, I m gonna go. try to figure out some way to get laid. its so hard man. they dont give it up that easily.
everytime u start getting down think of how ugly women feel. It all get better believe me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Re: .....

And the sexual contact, well yes, it would be nice, but just think of how some people do not do it until marriage!

great idea thnks =)

At 19 maybe you should lose your virginity. I lost mine at 17 (almost 18). After thta I was able to see sex as it is, nothing to go crazy about!

Cheers ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

ur exacly right. but getting laid isnt as easy as they say. I neeed to find a chick I like who likes me back and who wants to get f*cked by me. now the first is easy, I like a lot of chicks.
the second one is much more difficult but its bound to happen if I approach a big number of girls. the third is much much harder.

I seriously miss having a girlfriend. but I dont want to have some prudish broad that takes my hand off her body. I want a girl that likes being touched and that likes touching. a girl I can **** in: the floor, the pool, the pool table, the couch, the hamac, the bed, the shower, the f*cking stairs, the wall, her parents bed, the roof for crying out loud. the kind of open minded smart cute relaxed sexual being I can confortably hang out with after ****ing her brains out. the kind of girl (like my last girlfriend) who would stop a movie we were watching cause she just started to get horny by my hug and wanted some action. the kind of girl that begs for u to **** her when u have made her horny.
If Im not mistaked most girls have issues with sex right? I want a girl without those issues. a girl who loves sex and isnt ahamed of admiting it. =( oh my god, knowing that there r women like this out there in the world and that Im here in front of a computer screen all alone and horny makes me so sad and angry at the same time. I should be ****ing one instead. cheers =)

Aurelio Tiziano

Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score

Hey wise,

I get a bit morose after reading your posts...

I understand your thoughts on this subject, they are universal for men in the same condition.

BTW, where are you from?

Everyday as I walk around I notice literally hundreds of attractive women. Maybe its also this season, ans they're all dressing up sexy and what not. It makes me wonder "Aurelio, wtf is the problem? THere are so many women you don't know where to start!!! I find it impossible NOT to get a chick of some sort"....

And it's true. THere are so many it's a fvcking joke!

ANd each and every one of them wnats a man, think of that, every single one. IT is a very reassuring thought.

I just need to meet them, so mine ismre a problem of getting in contact with chicks rather than anything else. If I came in direct contact with 4-5 women a day, I would scre at least 5 a month

Alas, I will have to find a way around this issue of women to start focusing on the serious and more enjoyable things in life

I bet that if you had a chick you like, your outlook on everything else would drastically improve

And finally, you are right about the jerks. The point is, would it make a difference if you lived on a deserted island and were a jerk or an AFC? No. THe point is in my case, I can be the biggest jerk i the world, but if id on't get to physically meet women, then it makes no difference

Cheers ;)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2000
Reaction score
orlando, fl. usa.
I can sympathize because I'm 20 and still a virgin and somehow I am supposedly a fairly good-looking guy, smart....but as much of an ******* as I have become (I feel like being the BAD GUY too) I still feel like I am a nice guy according to girls because I can get my foot in the door but nothing ever happens beyond that. They stop talking to me and start looking for someone else and I am stuck in these lulls of longing with just my hand. this is the perfect time to be out getting laid but instead it is a time of bitterness toward women because they make me feel unattractive and many are just "average" overall....other than they are good-looking and they make the decision when it should be me making it. Ever feel like you're the one who possesses such a radiance that when a girl walks away, you feel like the impossible has happened again? Imagine that happening every time...whether it be the first conversation, the third, whatever. It is impetus to believe there will be no intimacy ever between myself and women. Although just inches away from them, I feel like I exist on another plane...the communication down between.


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
Ever feel like you're the one who possesses such a radiance that when a girl walks away, you feel like the impossible has happened again? Imagine that happening every time...whether it be the first conversation, the third, whatever. It is impetus to believe there will be no intimacy ever between myself and women. Although just inches away from them, I feel like I exist on another plane...the communication down between.--quintessential
Quintessential, how's it going?. Haven't heard from you in a while. I remember many of your other posts, I found them tough to read, because they hit so close to what I was and still am going through. I sometimes used to feel the way you describe, that I sort of repel women, but I'm starting to believe that less now. I stopped blaming everybody else, because I've learned that the problem lies with me. As I told wise-mage, I'm simply just too scared to approach many women. It's so stressful to me, I'm always fighting the temptation not to even try, and often end up giving in. As they say, dating is a numbers game and if you don't approach enough women to begin with, you don't stand much of a chance. I really think that's where you're problem is--you're just so scared, that you let a lot of opportunities pass you by. Although, it's possible that you approach and converse with women all the time, that you are fine with getting the digits. But as I said, I've read many of your posts. Maybe I've forgotten the details of what I read, but because they seemed so close to what I was going through at the time, I'm assuming my problem is the same as yours.

as much as they hate to admit it, its all about sex with women.
the feelings, love, and all that crap is just something they invented so they could have a man take care of them after they became fat old and ugly. thats where the nice guy comes in.--wise_mage
I don't really know if I agree. I don't think they desire it as much. Perhaps because of what you said, that they can get it any time they want, it becomes less desireable to them. For them it's more an emotional thing. Those few who do place emphasis on it might have just bought into the whole male philosophy, I suspect sometimes, to prove a point. That they too can (or have a right to) be just as cold and selfish as men.

and then when shes 3 something and she has a fat cellulitic ass and her tits are not that firm anymore and the jerks r using her as a second dish cause they r going for the younger girls , she then starts to look for the nice guy whom she will probably cheat on once hes supporting her dumb fat old ass.--wise_mage
HAHAHA. Funny 'cause it's true. Although at that stage, how's she gonna find someone to cheat on him with?

walk around I notice literally hundreds of attractive women. Maybe its also this season, ans they're all dressing up sexy and what not. It makes me wonder "Aurelio, wtf is the problem? THere are so many women you don't know where to start!!! I find it impossible NOT to get a chick of some sort"....

And it's true. THere are so many it's a fvcking joke!

ANd each and every one of them wnats a man, think of that, every single one. IT is a very reassuring thought.--Auerelio Tiziano
I can't say I agree with this either. Again, because they don't desire sex as much, they are more focused on other areas of their life (kind of what this site tells us to do as DJ's). Plus many women are not single--there's a good chance many of the sexy women you are noticing have a boyfriend. And if they are dressing sexy, it's not necessarily to find a man--they are more likely just showing off,"Look how sexy I am--no, you can't have me!" if it's a guy" and "Look how much better looking I am than you" if it's a girl. Just to give themselves a bit of an ego boost.