I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her
messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experienced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.
So here I was, swiping along on tinder yesterday, saw her, swiped right and match. Again she was forward in her messaging, and she came over for dinner. We made pasta, drank some wine, and d!cked around on youtube. During said d!cking around I again escalated, and she seemed fine with me touching her but when I tried to kiss her, twice, I twice received the cheek of death. At around 2230 I'm thinking this isn't happening, so I'm like I've got to walk the dog and work tomorrow, trying to get her to leave. I still had half a bottle of wine I wanted to finish. She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.
I think postponing a bit might pay dividends in the future. What's your take on situations like this?
The before mention bottle is now empty and I'm going to walk to dog. Thanks guys!