Congrats, keep everything going, you've got this!!it's been 22 days since my last smoke(i haven't smoked cigs in years, this was weed).
3 days since my last fap.
this was my plan, to stagger the cessations. i've gone cold turkey on multiple at once and it's absolutely brutal on the body/mind and unnecessary.
the days have been dragging by in an agonizing fashion, which i've learned is good for me...
i went on a retreat to a beach city for a week to kickstart the detox, didn't smoke or drink. contemplated life, worked out on the beach. this was after smoking daily for months as shown by this thread. i had a good time seeing the sights and talked with a bunch of people. two days into the trip i wrote up and sent a long email to the ex about my thoughts about the relationship. she had wanted clarity but then refused to meet up so i thought this was a fair compromise. i wasn't expected a response and said as much in the email. a few days later she responded with an email just as long. i actually made a separate thread about the encounter that happened as a result.
Unrequited Love?
I had my ex over last night. TLDR: we had sex and i felt great for an hour or two after she left but then i felt weird and violated or something and i'm not sure where that feeling is coming from. has anyone had similar and has found out why? The relationship had ended over a year ago and
sending that email was a result of the weakness that comes from detoxing after months of smoking. the weakness usually lasts a couple weeks while i readjust and start taking better care of myself. sadly i had her over while in that state as well, so i probably wasn't the sexiest thing in the world. i keep replaying how i could have made the sex better by enjoying myself rather than getting caught up in my head and how feminine i came across in some of my actions(things i would otherwise never think about with other girls, pedestal thinking, the cure is to date other women). i have no intention to reach out to her as the last response i gave her was an open door. i actually saw her across the street on my way home the other day, which is pretty crazy considering this is a city of millions. she noticed me with a glance at a distance just before i noticed her and she acted as if she didn't. she looked away, didn't make eye contact, and began walking briskly in the opposite direction. she may have not actually seen me but i'm pretty sure she did. this avoidance behavior pretty much confirmed what i concluded in that other thread. i will gladly oblige her and give her no attention. always look at actions, not words. i have no intention to reach out to her, but i still have an agenda if she reaches out, to make her submit. her only option to be in my life is to come back submissively, the way i like it. the thing to remember with my ex is transience. she will not be in my life forever no matter what i do, so i need to remember to simply enjoy her when she comes by and quit overthinking things, this is a constant mindful practice at this point. anyway talk about a small world.
another girl that has been testing me for months finally caved and texted me that she wants to fuuck. we had banged once a few months back and i wasn't impressed. over these months i passed all her tests by being playful and never initiating, always doing my own thing, and never meeting her out or otherwise working around her schedule, her only option was to work around mine. once she realized this she directly stated what she wanted, to bang. she gets lots of attention and is super picky about who she sleeps with(or so it seems), and tests hard. but tests are easy to pass when you don't care about the outcome. most of them are passed by being playful or not responding at all. i let her come over and gave her what she wanted but i wasn't really into it. she's slightly older and looks good but has a bit of a prissy attitude.
the last sexual encounter before this was with the ex, who is a much more fun lay, so naturally i'm comparing all lays to what i last considered the best.
two dates lined up for this next week from OLD. one is two years younger, the other 2 years older(although has a rockin bod, beautiful face and a very sweet in comms). i intend to get a photographer for some good pics so that i can appeal to a wider spectrum of younger girls(they tend to be more fickle but some are absolutely great all around packages). i may set the age range higher until i have the new pics up so as not to waste swipes.
i've been doing yoga consistently and my nerve pain is virtually gone. i've been able to start working out again and my weakened arm is slowly recovering back to where it was. the plan is to never stop working out ever again. when i'm feeling down or an urge to fap i go for a jog or workout. a sustained elevated heart rate seems to always pull me out of a down mood. and when the urge to fap passes i feel accomplished. i'll continue dating new women at a rate of at least two per month until i stop putting my ex on a pedestal.
women enjoy when i come with no clear agenda other than to have a good time with plenty of charm. when they hint at sex i subtly capitalize by acknowledging their advances and encouraging them, but make few of my own advances until given very clear signals, and even then i tease. this gives them exactly what they want, a sort of grind to make the eventual sex that much more satisfying.
without the smoke in my system i'm finding my brain is getting less foggy every day. i'm performing better at work and with all my hobbies.
what i'm slowly rediscovering and coming to terms with is how constantly challenging myself and being in an uncomfortable state is what keeps my mind sharp and calm. i relish in the controlled chaos i create for myself because that's where i draw my strength. one issue is how do i determine the ideal intensity of this self challenge? it seems so contextual. the other problem is this is where i start to rationalize dating a less than ideal partner. the strongest man can date the craziest woman, but should he? this was my rationalization for the ex but i slowly started to consider an LTR with her. otherwise what was i doing with her? biding time? more like wasting it.
rather than date crazy women a strong man will naturally date strong women. they will challenge him in healthy ways, rather than in debilitating ways. they will challenge him to make plans together with open communication and stick to those plans. he will feel challenged but at the same time supported and satisfied. a crazy woman will not be able to communicate effectively with her words and will instead be passive aggressive/dramatic with her actions and misleading with her words. but who is to say which challenge is detrimental? can't i benefit from all of them? isn't that why men here remind us that walking away is a powerful and useful option? obviously this isn't binary, women run the gamut between both extremes. women can also move across this spectrum depending on how a man is coming across. again this seems so contextual and multi-dimensional, how can i possibly generalize it?
in these strange contradictory thoughts i begin to humble myself to such an extreme that i begin to doubt my cognition and conclusions. i forget that i'm 205 pounds at 11% body fat, towering an athletic frame over 6 feet, gifted where it counts, with a deep understanding of many sciences, and a useful emotional acuity. it's only when i'm around others or compare myself to others that i have a point of reference, but why is that point of reference so valuable to me? is that not the epitome of external validation? so far a sustained elevated heart rate is the only thing that can reconcile these silly questions. the answer is a care free yet ambitious attitude. willing to own any decision and the consequences there of without hesitation, while not becoming careless.
so it's not enough to challenge myself. i must always be thinking of how to best leverage the challenges available to me. which ones would benefit me most and when is walking the right answer... but this begs the question, what is my goal? indecision is crippling. i have to polarize myself to one path at the expense of another, there is no way to go down both. why is this so hard to accept sometimes? am i afraid of that responsibility? but the freedom of that choice is a luxury!
a sustained elevated heart rate brings me so many answers it's mind boggling. the above was written after a lot of sedentary activity. maybe for my next update i'll go for a jog before posting and reflect on this one.
Jan 2 to present: cigarette free for me.