"Why are you saying that, flippinfreak? Wyldfire is right, and even if she wasn't, there's no need to insult her."
If you'd been here longer, you'd know just how much crap wyldfire talks. Sometimes she's on-base but generally speaking, that isn't the case..... she's also stupidly stuborn and dogmatic, refusing to change her opinion even when she's clearly talking sh!t.
yes, she seems like a nice enough person and occasionally gives out some decent advice. however, [and this is general advice] I wouldn't trust a woman to give you dating tips, in any context. I also wouldn't trust ANYONE but yourself to decide whether you love a person; it's up to you...maybe you'll realise later on that it wasn't love, but that's something you need to find out for yourself.
if you THINK you love her, and you want her..then that's more than good enough, so go get 'er!
p.s flippinfreak didn't insult her, he simply said that he thinks she's a KBJ; which is entirely different from throwing out insults (i.e "wyldfire is a bytch", "wyldfire is a *****", "wyldfire is a fat slag", "wyldfire smells bad", "wyldfire is old", "wyldfire has sex with little boys", "wyldfire is ugly", "wyldfire is a moron who talks crap", "wyldfire... need i go on?

I think you get the idea).