Senior Don Juan
Many things can end up causing that. A few reasons may be:Has anybody been in a committed relationship together with kids and there was no sex?
1) She thinks that sex is something that YOU are getting from her
The thing is, some women may think that sex is something that she gives you and are at "disvantage" if she keeps on doing that. So, to keep you in line or to keep herself from feeling "used", she will whithold her "gift" for you. From my personal experience, this happens because she's manipulative, emotionally distant or is trying to hurt you in some way (sometimes, all of it).
2) She is distancing herself from you
Sex is one of the things that can only happen with a certain emotional-physical connection. It means that if she isn't interested on having it with you, it's probably because she's in the proccess of shutting down emotionally. It means that she no longer sees you as someone she can trust her emotions safely and can't mess with (because there's always need to be a really clear line of what's acceptable and what's not). That usually happens in the months prior to a breakup.
3) She sees you more as a roommate than anything else
It's all a numbers game. If you care too much, if you don't care enough. If you date and compliment too much, or don't do it enough. Many things can lead a woman to turn you into a roommate. If there's no spark in the relationship, if she isn't feeling safe and understood, if you don't do nice things for her, if you lose your cool or try too hard to please her. Many things can lead to that.
For all three cases above, most of them happen for the same reason: women suck at communicating and men suck at understanding. You wife may have given you the signs, but you didn't catch it. She also could have talked to you about that, but she probably didn't. That's a problem you've been carrying "with your bellies" for such a long time that now that it stinks you're caring about that.
Most cases of lack of sex in a relationship are based on lack of communication. Men who do not communicate effectively verbally and non verbally (with their actions) with their partners tend to lose themselves really fast into a relationship.
The questions to ask yourself when you're in such position are:
1) Am I commiting some of the mistakes above? If yes, how can I fix that?
2) Is my wife displaying any kind of emotionally manipulative behavior? If yes, what kind?
3) Considering that this is happening now, the chances of something like this happening in the future are very high. Am I ready and willing to deal with that?
Remember that it's not always on your back the duty of solving problems. If your partner isn't helping you out, she isn't an partner, but an opponent. Ideally, you'd want someone who can team up with you and work hard to make things work, not to make things harder. If your relationship if going south and you're trying to get things fixed but gets no support, the best thing you can do is leave.