nicksaiz65 Odyssey

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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Cold Approach 12
I unexpectedly did another approach today. I guess it's not really an approach, but hey, there's an opportunity to get laid here. So why the heck not.

Ran into a girl that I used to go to high school with at a coffee shop today. Kind of a cake face brunette. The interesting thing is that I've made out with her in the past. So I'm gonna start working on her and try to turn her into a lay report. I always have wanted to fvck a coffee shop girl.

The issue is that I'm not gonna be able to work until June. I literally have $1 to my name. So until I can work, I can't go on any dates at all.

So I'm gonna keep working on her, and just talk to her now that I actually have some degree of Don Juan skills. Hell, I think I'm just gonna have her over and watch a movie before I go back to school. In fact, that's my goal. Use my Don Juan skills to seduce her and at least get a kiss close before I go back to school.

Other than that, the mission is still just lots of self improvement and building my confidence.

I'm gonna actually go out and experience the city too. Hopefully my friends aren't too lame for me to do this. I really wanna start meeting some artsy girls. I'm gonna start dressing the part, and going to Open Mic Nights and concerts. And with Open Mic Night it'll just be more motivation for me to write more music and be artsy and all that good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
5/20/18: Concert, Cold Approach 13, and Cuts
Had a really fvckin awesome day today.

So I had my concert today. My performance wasn't 100% perfect, but it was still very very good. I got hella compliments. Someone who I've known a while said that my playing has improved several levels. I crushed it just like I said I would. Gonna keep practicing to get better and better. Next time, my performance will be absolutely perfect.

Did another cold approach. Saw this cute HB, so I chatted her up a bit. She seemed to be feeling me a bit, so I chatted her up. The conversation was awesome and she said that I was hilarious. She was really weird though, and I wasn't able to get her social media. She had a Snapchat but no people on it. Maybe BS, maybe not. Still worth a shot though.

I don't need to spend money buying expensive clippers like I said earlier. My home cuts don't have to be the most perfect most bald things ever. I'm at the level where I can make myself look nice whenever I want. Like 360WaveProcess, the cut still looks icy even if it looks a few days old. So I'll get my hair cut by a professional once a month and keep it looking good myself once a week since I'm lazy. As long as the waves are deep in there it'll be good. And it'll be more than enough to get the HBs I missed out on. I'll use my liners for balding, and my clippers for cutting. Idk why but I just want to stick with these cheap WalMart Clippers. If Enemy Cutz does it, then so can I.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
New Clippers
Okkkkk and my clippers just broke. Fvck. I'm gonna get some real clippers so I don't have to half ass these cuts anymore


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
The Look that I’m gonna use

After talking to chicks and doing some research, I now know what look I wanna have.

Definitely going for the stubble beard. For me, it’ll look even better than a full one. And this has been verified by some female friends, Alpha M, and the legendary PUA Paul Janka. He said that having some scruff is great, 5 o clock shadow beard. If I work out hard for one year and take pills I should be able to get there. I just wanna look like them, like a smooth PUA really. A 10 day stubble will do that.

Also damn I weighed myself and I’ve gained a ton of weight. Same goals, keep cutting and get fit. Losing weight will help with cardio. At least people know I have muscle.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
5/24/18: Clean Ass Cuts
I know I'm always going on and on about haircuts in here. But I wanna be a barber so it's understandable.

I gave myself the perfect haircut today. It literally looks even better than the one I got when I went to the barber last week. Shoutout to 360Jeezy for the YouTube tutorials.

And the best part is that I watched a video of him cutting someone else's hair. So if I ever see a cool haircut on Youtube, I can get it.

I fixed my Walmart Clippers and I did the whole cut with them. And the cut came out professional. So there's no need to spend money on more clippers. If I end up busting the clippers that I do have somehow, I'll just get the Andis Headliner set. Which will only run me about $60. Walmart Clippers for life.

I feel so confident and great about myself right now. So if I wanted to, I feel like I could give myself any cut I wanted. So now there's no excuse for me to not be chopped up 24/7. And once again, now it's time to get my hair looking right. I'm starting to turn into the kind of guy that girls would want to date. Wait until I combine this with my fitness.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Just some musings. I woke up today and realized it’s not fair and I’ve low key been screwed over. There’s no reason I shouldn’t deserve the best things in life. I was ignorant before but now I know exactly what I need to do. Why is it that the girls I want are attracted to everyone but me? Why is it that my life is so trash? It’s just not fair. I’m gonna devote my life to being a Don Juan/ PUA, and one of the things a Don Juan does is become successful in every single aspect of life. I won’t be screwed over any more. Let’s get it!!!! Just my motivational speech before I go to the gym today.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Fixing Lots of Things
I've been spending the last few days just fighting my life more. I gotta vent a bit. I swear, it's like whenever I try to become something that's not a depressed incel, life tries to fight me back.

I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to take my summer classes anymore. I'm working on getting a place to stay, and finding money. But it might be too late. Which fvckin sucks cause I was really trying to take some major classes. Almost quit my major today honestly.

I have no cardio, no waves, no car, no dance skills, no credit. Honestly, as it stands, I'm crippled in life and I'm gonna end up an incel manchild failure if I don't do something. No more stupid purchases... I'm only gonna buy stuff that I honestly need. Cause not having a car is honestly really crippling.

So I've just put together a dope ass playlist and I'm spending every second of the day just fighting my bullshyt life. Listening to good music and fighting life every second of the day. After today we'll know if I'm taking classes, getting a job, whatever. I have no idea. All I know is that I MUST take some classes this summer or I'm gonna be in really really big trouble. Doesn't help that I've let my schedule get deleted.

I really wanna go back to my college town. They have a gym so I can actually do weights, I can do cold approach(there are some new girls I wanna get up there), I can take violin lessons, but most of all I can actually take some of my major specific classes.

I've got a rough draft of a plan here. I'm gonna take classes in the second summer semester at college. This will save me a bit of money and give me one whole month so that I can work a job. If I can make like $1000, that would be awesome. I need to take one core programming class and another science class or just something that can move me forward. And then I can go back to work. The money I make will be spent on cheap healthy food or saving towards a car. I'm going to find a good car for around $5000, no ifs ands or buts. No buying stuff that I don't absolutely need, and ALL of my clothes will be thrifted. So sounds like my plan is really coming together. Sorry about the rant earlier, guys. I hope this doesn't lead to a month long dry spell, cause it's gonna be really hard to approach without a car. Especially since my friends are hyper Christian and never want to go clubbing. But I'll try to go to the club at least once, and hopefully not alone. But even if I am on a dry spell, I'll just spend that time on me. Some PUA did say "a dry spell only means that life is telling you to work on yourself." Hell, maybe I'll go Monk Mode for a month and work on my inadequacies.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/3/18: Cold Approach 14

Awesome day for approaching today.

So I decided to stop by my local guitar center. I walk in and start doing my business. After that, I see this super hot blond girl with her stomach out. Following the 3 second rule after I do my business, I go approach her. And it was horrible. Pretty sure she didn’t even notice me. So I just walked away.

So I go back up to the register. But then I see this 8/10 girl there returning a guitar. 3 second rule, and I chat her up. It was a great conversation. I had her laughing, and we had a ton in common. The vibe was great, I could tell she was feeling me at least a bit. So I was gonna Number close. But she opens up her phone and I see a picture of another dude on there. SMH of course she has a boyfriend. But hey, I’m proud of myself for approaching. I will continue to get better until I’m a Master PUA.

I got a pair of Wahl Designer clippers. The difference is day and night between my Walmart ones. My haircuts are about to get even better. And I’m a 360 Waver again.
I just can’t resist.

I hit up one of my Dream girls through Facebook Messanger and got my ass curved today. Even though the vibe was good. Should’ve known. That’ll be the last time I ever do that.

I bought the book The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give it to them as suggested by TRP.

Been reading a ton of Good Looking Loser. Everything that dude says is straight facts.

I’m so glad I have the PUA community on my side or I’d be totally lost with women.

There’s a friend of a friend who I find very attractive. I’m gonna work on myself so once I get back to school I’ll be ready to get her. But can you guys give suggestions on how to organically get a friend of a friend who I don’t see that much? Of course, more sex practice before would be ideal. Cause I’m still kinda inexperienced.

Even though I’m doing better, I’m still depressed cause of my shyt grades and bad life. I really do have a ton of work to do. But I’ll fix it and make it better somehow. Until then I guess I’m gonna just lay in bed and waste time. Maybe I’ll read this book.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/8/18: Epiphany

I had such an amazing day yesterday. And I've finally figured out the way to fix my whole life and make it go the way that I want to. So this is gonna be a really, really long post. Strap in for the ride guys.

Some close friends of mine invited me to do a little dance off thing that will be tomorrow. And with some practice, I was actually doing it! Even though it was really simple, I can get better. So I really can learn how to dance. I just have to practice it like anything else. And also stretch and do lots of cardio so I don't get worn out. I'm a very technical computer person, so I have to have a plan. Other people can "just feel it," but I can't. So going dancing at the club is gonna be very mental and almost like a violin performance. If I don't practice, I'm sunk. Also, some really good dancers told me that they learned off YouTube. Literally everything that I need to succeed dance wise is on the internet.

Music Festival Chicks
I hit up this old music festival chick who I number closed a couple months back for fun. Solid 8/10. She’s sending good vibes. I’m gonna try and get her on a date next school semester.

I’m reading The Manual: What Women Want and how to give it to them. 60% done so far and it’s amazing. I understand women’s psychology so much more now.

Life Mantra: It's Like the Music
I’m not gonna go into too much detail here, but I realized I can use the same techniques I used to be successful in music to be successful in life.
Preparing, practicing, hard work, all that

I’m dedicating my life to programming, music, dancing, barbering, and being an excellent DJ. That’s my path.

If I just ask myself what the ultimate DJ version of myself would do I can’t fail.

New brush came in the mail today. My waves are coming in deep! Need to keep working on that fade with the new clippers.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Book Review

Just finished The Manual: What Women Want and how to give it to them.

Awesome book. It really dove into women’s psychology. I feel like I finally know everything that I need to know about women now, and it’s not so arcane anymore.

No more books. I’ve read everything I wanna read. Now it’ll only be forum posts and videos while I brush to keep improving my game.

Now time to only physically keep going out there and build that life that I want so bad.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/10/18: Shattering Mental Barriers

Sorry guys, meant to post this last night.

I signed up to do a little dance off with some friends. And even though I usually despise dancing, I did it. It was really fun and I didn't look horrible! And it showed me that dancing is a mechanical skill like anything else. If I just keep on practicing every day and keep becoming athletic, I can become a great dancer.

Writing Music
I plan on releasing 4 new songs this summer. I think that's a pretty good amount of material. They'll be perfectly mixed and mastered, and it'll be professional. I'll be getting new synthesizers too. So once this is over, I'll be a way better producer and my confidence will have upped itself again.

On the wave and haircut journey as well. Bought another designer brush. This'll be the last one. I gotta focus more on my fades too and learning different haircuts.

Old Plate
A plate that I made out with before and dropped hit me up, complimenting me and sending me winky faces. So when I get back to school, I'm gonna make my move. But for now, all I can really do is keep self improving and fixing my life so that I'm ready once the time actually comes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/12/18: nicksaiz65 the Stud

Quick update before I do my cardio for the day.

Plates Initiating

This HB8 blond girl initiated with me and it's crazy. She slid into my Snapchat DMs and just straight up called me a cutie lol. So there's yet another plate that is interested in me once I get back to school. That makes 4.


I can definitely tell it's increased by looking at old pictures of me. All I really need to do is lift, dress nice(thank you Alpha M), and have my nice hair and I should be able to get pretty much anyone.

Less Songs and Time Management

I'm just gonna release 2 songs this summer instead of 4. I want them to be really polished, but I don't have a huge amount of time to invest in being a producer. I really need to be focusing on programming(my career) and violin. Producing is just a nice little hobby that I enjoy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/15/18: Epiphanies 2

Back to Work

I went back to my college town for one weekend so that I could work and make some money. I should’ve cold approached too but I messed it up. 8s and 9s were walking in with their stomachs out. I just couldn’t get a good opportunity. And on top of that, they were in huge groups of like 7 people. I just don’t know how to approach groups that big. The maximum size group I’ve approached is maybe like 3 people. So I need to go back to the theory and look at approaching big groups. Excuses, I know.

Being a Natural
Like Mr. Fingerz said, I’m really just gonna have to internalize all of this seduction stuff and let it flow naturally. I can’t be thinking about exactly what I want to do all the time or my brain is gonna be on overload. So yeah. At least this lets me know that my game is progressing some.

This hasn’t really ever been a sticking point for me. But now that I’m starting to talk to hotter and hotter girls, it’s starting to become one. I can hold a convo just fine, but the actual topics are kinda tricky to think of. So I’m going to research some PUA topics and possibly learn a routine or two. Also, I’m gonna push my comfort zone and fvck a girl that I should’ve a long time ago. Forget what other people say or think, this is the only way that I’m gonna get better. I need to keep practicing sex as well because although I do well, there’s still a lot of stuff that I need to do.

Attention Games
That girl who was talking about my smile is just playing games. She’s giving hella mixed signals. I read some @nismo-4 posts and he said that mixed signals usually just equates to low interest level, and she wants my attention. So I’m not gonna give it to her. I did what he said and ghosted her until further notice. If she really likes me(unlikely lol) then she’ll come around. I’ve got plenty of other plates that I can spin in the meantime.

Still playing my violin and doing the EDM. I showed it to some white girls and they liked it. So that’s how I know it’s good. Gonna do me with the music and dancing.

Rule of 3
My new frugal fashion rule. I just need 3 nice pieces of each kind. Like 3 athletic shoes, 3 boat shoes like Vans and Sperrys. Then mix and match!


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
6/29/18: Childhood is Over, Summer Vacation is Over

Yo guys. Haven't updated this in a while cause I'm taking a new format to this journal. I'm gonna update this thing bi-monthly so that I can really just let my thoughts simmer and have really huge updates so I can know where I'm going with this. So anyways, let's get to this update.

Classes and School
Ended up not going to summer school due to some bad logistics. It's ok though. I'm taking an insane amount of hours next semester. But I have to do it if I want to succeed.

More Hotter Girls and Various Unsuccessful Approaches

The women that I see just keep getting hotter and hotter. Like 8s and 9s! My approach anxiety has completely disappeared. Nothing much has come of this, but whatever. Abundance. I'll get there.

Waving and Haircuts
My waves are most definitely in there now. Posted to my Snapchat and I got a lot of compliments. So now I just gotta get them deeper. Still getting better at these skin fades and buying more advanced equipment.

Music Career

I'm taking my music seriously as a career. I've gotta really get good if I actually expect to be competitive in the music world.

Designer Stubble Progress
It's actually coming in quite nicely. Even with my shyt beard genetics, in one year I should force it to connect within a year.

Got a couple Tinder dates lined up. I'll keep you all posted on how they go.

Since I'm not taking classes this summer, here are some goals for me to make my life better within the next month.

My Goals for this Next Month:

Master my art of dance. I'm gonna be hellishly busy next semester and I'm not gonna have time to practice dance except enough to keep me not rusty. So anything that I really want to learn, will have to be before I go back to school.
Learn to sing within a month so that I can do this vocal track.
Be able to run 3 miles without stopping. I know, my cardio's pathetic.
Get laid a couple times if I can help it. I refuse to go through the summer without getting play.
Continue to cold approach.
Work a job and earn money.
Use every second that is avaliable to me to work. Childhood is over. If I don't get ahead on this schoolwork, I am literally screwed. I just won't have time to do my work at school.
Brush half an hour to an hour every single day.
Get my violin skills razor sharp
Make those two new beats
Stretch every single day so that I can learn to loosen up


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Hey guys! Very very small update before I start working for the day. I haven’t updated this thing in a while but it’s definitely still on. Once I get back to school in about a week I’ll talk about what I accomplished with life goals and cold approaches this summer. As well as my plans for this upcoming school semester for improving my Approach game and life.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
8/24/18: Lay Report 3, My Summer, Prelude

Things I Did this Summer:
Improved my rhythm... I dance much better
Improved my fashion even more
Continued to improve my haircuts so I can keep a Boosie Fade and waves
Made 2 new music tracks
Studied for school

Things I Want This Semester:
Get a 4.0 GPA
Take my dancing to an even higher level
Get strong again
Get in good shape and gain some endurance

I went to the club and got laid tonight. Ran into this girl and she invited me out to her car to take some vodka shots. Next thing you know, we were fvcking in the car. She comes over to my dorm later to fvck again. She came 4 times. I was halfway whiskey dycked because I drank so much. But my fingers and tongue never go limp. I made sure to pay more attention to the cl*t and I was able to get in lots of practice eating pvssy. Something that I don’t usually do. If I keep going, there’s no reason that I can’t get all of the stunner girls that I want to get.

So now for some negatives:
I can’t fvck right at all. I don’t really know any techniques, and I’m get worn out uber quickly. Plus I’m weak, so I can’t really dominate the girl.
Gonna read hard and stop bullshytting on my fitness to fix this. Pook himself did say if you wanted a slim girl, then you need to be slim yourself.
No more “practice” with girls that I’m not super attracted to. I just need to do the damn thing. Like others have said, I’m gonna start just going for the HB 7-8s. I’ve got to figure out where to meet them though. Honestly, I’d rather do social circle game. Suggestions would be welcome. I’m probably not gonna fvck this HB again cause she’s only a 5.5 in my eyes. Of course, I’m not going to be able to approach until I raise my warped image of self confidence.
I need to get to the point where I’m having sex at least once a week

But yeah guys! The journal is back in full swing. I can’t wait to improve my life even further. I’ll keep you all updated once every single week unless life gets in the way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Cold Approach 15

In regards to my academics, productive ass day today.

I did a couple cold approaches at the bar today. The conversation part went extremely well, the plan that I am following works really well.

One wasn’t interested, but the other gave me her Snapchat so we’ll see how this goes.

Not fvcking any more girls that I don’t truly find attractive anymore.

Until I fix my warped sense of self esteem, nothing will ever change.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
8/27/18: Pull the Trigger

I meant to update this last night, but I messed up and fell asleep. Overslept my first two classes as well, so I have make up work to do.

So we threw a party last night. I was able to get my old one-itis and her HB8 friend to come out. I tried to get the girl that I had made out with before to come as well, but she flaked. I’m totally done with her, if Brad Pitt had asked her to come out to his party, she would’ve dropped everything and went.

But we had a good time together. We all drank, and danced. Yet I didn’t get her number or Snapchat! SMH! I was planning to get it at the end of the party, but it just didn’t feel right. I’m learning that you can get the number whenever, really. It doesn’t have to be at the end. Just try to get it at the high point of an interaction.

People at the party told me that they really like the music I make. So that’s even more motivation to keep making new songs(and dancing to them!!!!!) which will in turn boost my confidence.

Pook was right when he said going out into the field gives you feedback. A problem that I’ve noticed with myself is that I’ll have an opportunity to make a move, but then I won’t pull the trigger. Like I had the other girl in my bed! I should’ve started fingering her through her pants and then fvcked her. I should’ve gotten the HB8’s number whenever I felt like it. So there goes the game issue, fortune favors the bold. But part of it is, once again, a CONFIDENCE ISSUE. It always seems to come back to that, doesn’t it? My fake confidence always seems to crumble, so I’m gonna have to do things like get fit and get a full, thick 360 wave pattern, and continue to learn how to dance well to boost my worth and sense of self worth.

I’m reading Bang by Roosh V for fun right now. I just read a few minutes before I go to sleep. I’m always reading books, I really want to become a master at this stuff.

SIDENOTE: A girl that ignored me over the summer hit me up on Snapchat the second I was dressed nice and had some alcohol. So there’s more on the nature of women for you smh
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Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Congrats on getting laid. Anyone that offers you goodies in their car is either DTF or about to drug and kidnap you. Glad it was the latter lol.

8/27/18: Pull the Trigger

I meant to update this last night, but I messed up and fell asleep. Overslept my first two classes as well, so I have make up work to do.

So we threw a party last night. I was able to get my old one-itis and her HB8 friend to come out. I tried to get the girl that I had made out with before to come as well, but she flaked. I’m totally done with her, if Brad Pitt had asked her to come out to his party, she would’ve dropped everything and went.
Wasting time with your old One-itis just erodes at your self-confidence and puts the focus on her whenever she shows up instead of the other girls you could/should be paying attention to. Leave her at home next time!

But we had a good time together. We all drank, and danced. Yet I didn’t get her number or Snapchat! SMH! I was planning to get it at the end of the party, but it just didn’t feel right. I’m learning that you can get the number whenever, really. It doesn’t have to be at the end. Just try to get it at the high point of an interaction.
Pretty much I've lost tons of girls waiting to get their # at the end of the night.

Pook was right when he said going out into the field gives you feedback. A problem that I’ve noticed with myself is that I’ll have an opportunity to make a move, but then I won’t pull the trigger. Like I had the other girl in my bed! I should’ve started fingering her through her pants and then fvcked her. I should’ve gotten the HB8’s number whenever I felt like it. So there goes the game issue, fortune favors the bold. But part of it is, once again, a CONFIDENCE ISSUE. It always seems to come back to that, doesn’t it?
As you continue to go into the field, you will see more and more opportunities. Eventually you will take these opportunities slowly but surely. Then you will reach a point where it becomes automatic. Stay on it!

My fake confidence always seems to crumble, so I’m gonna have to do things like get fit and get a full, thick 360 wave pattern, and continue to learn how to dance well to boost my worth and sense of self worth.
This hair infatuation is overrated. Is there even anyone in 2018 popping that has waves?

I’m reading Bang by Roosh V for fun right now. I just read a few minutes before I go to sleep. I’m always reading books, I really want to become a master at this stuff.
Sounds like you have read enough for the time being. The field is the ultimate teacher at this point so keep getting out there!

SIDENOTE: A girl that ignored me over the summer hit me up on Snapchat the second I was dressed nice and had some alcohol. So there’s more on the nature of women for you smh
That is some negative beta sh!t. These ideas about "the nature of women" is the kinda bitter, jaded talk from the frustrated guys on the website talk that does not exist in the older posts. You can't expect to connect with people of the opposite gender if you have these overarching negative stereotypes about them. Check your insecurities at the door because women can see right through them. Accept that not every girl likes you immediately and look at girls that come back around as bonus opportunities to shoot your shot, not a sign that women are materialistic and flighty. It will help you create healthy relationships in general.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Congrats on getting laid. Anyone that offers you goodies in their car is either DTF or about to drug and kidnap you. Glad it was the latter lol.

Wasting time with your old One-itis just erodes at your self-confidence and puts the focus on her whenever she shows up instead of the other girls you could/should be paying attention to. Leave her at home next time!

Pretty much I've lost tons of girls waiting to get their # at the end of the night.

As you continue to go into the field, you will see more and more opportunities. Eventually you will take these opportunities slowly but surely. Then you will reach a point where it becomes automatic. Stay on it!

This hair infatuation is overrated. Is there even anyone in 2018 popping that has waves?

Sounds like you have read enough for the time being. The field is the ultimate teacher at this point so keep getting out there!

That is some negative beta sh!t. These ideas about "the nature of women" is the kinda bitter, jaded talk from the frustrated guys on the website talk that does not exist in the older posts. You can't expect to connect with people of the opposite gender if you have these overarching negative stereotypes about them. Check your insecurities at the door because women can see right through them. Accept that not every girl likes you immediately and look at girls that come back around as bonus opportunities to shoot your shot, not a sign that women are materialistic and flighty. It will help you create healthy relationships in general.
Thank you for your feedback bro! As for the hair, 360 waves aren’t really trending, but they’re timeless. Ive wanted them since middle school but never succeeded. I know it might sound stupid, but I’m not going to be able to be totally confident in myself until I have full, deep 360 waves.

And on your last paragraph, I see exactly what you’re saying! I’ve been reading a lot of Red Pill though, and it’s really hard not to be jaded and angry about a lot of things with women.

I feel like it’s time to raise my standards higher. Of course, until I get my confidence rock solid that’ll be hard to do. This has literally been a lifelong struggle lol

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

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