New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I posted this earlier as an amusing anecdote but I've refined the idea.

Here's what you do. Suggest a nice place for your first date like a ****tail lounge or steak restaurant. Day of or day before, say you're not feeling well but still want to see her and ask if she wants to just come over to your place to watch a movie and get takeout or ice cream or whatever the ****.

This works because it gives you plausible deniability and lets her rationalize the behavior in her own mind. It is even more effective if you name a specific place and specific time so she knows you at least put effort into planning the date which helps the plausible deniability even more. This tactic also works great to protect against flakes and low IL women t since changing plans at the last minute forces them to comply and confirm to new plans rather than texting something like "we still on?" which won't go over well with most women. This tactic may not work with every girl but it weeds out the low interest ones which probably would have just flaked or done some other BS anyway and overall is much more efficient.


Sep 10, 2014
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There is no way I am ever suggesting a nice steak already put yourself in the simp category with her as soon as you try and set that date up and that's her expectations from you moving forward.

It's a low probability play and not something a quality woman would do, but it depends what you are looking for.

On one hand guys cry about not being able to find quality women but yet they screen for only low quality women.

Can't have it both ways.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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There is no way I am ever suggesting a nice steak already put yourself in the simp category with her as soon as you try and set that date up and that's her expectations from you moving forward.

It's a low probability play and not something a quality woman would do, but it depends what you are looking for.

On one hand guys cry about not being able to find quality women but yet they screen for only low quality women.

Can't have it both ways.

I will never offer a steak dinner either, at most I'll suggest a nice ****tail lounge. But, if she thinks you're a simp her guard might be down and give you a better chance to seduce her. But I'm totally speculating there. Maybe just stick with offering to grab drinks as your bait, that's all I ever suggest anymore.

Also I'm strictly interested in smashing or FWBs and that was sort of implied. Obviously any girl who comes straight to your house is a hoe. On some level maybe this is unnecessary, because if a hoe wants to smash, you can literally say "lets fvck" and she'll probably agree to come over.
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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It also shows weakness. "I'm too tired" - she's thinking the meeting will be subpar if you're not feeling great, and will either reschedule or be pissed you f-ed up with her plans to go out on the town and ghost. Yes, it could be an indication of low interest, no doubt. But it also reduces the possibility of getting leg from her, possibly permanently.

I think it's better to play the comfort game on a fun, active date and then extend the invitation to your place to get in the hot tub or pool, or to share a meal, a great bottle of wine and watch the sunset, etc. If she doesn't have a bathing suit with her, tell her she can wear a pair of your board shorts and a tank...


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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It also shows weakness. "I'm too tired" - she's thinking the meeting will be subpar if you're not feeling great, and will either reschedule or be pissed you f-ed up with her plans to go out on the town and ghost. Yes, it could be an indication of low interest, no doubt. But it also reduces the possibility of getting a leg, possibly permanently.

I think it's better to play the comfort game on a fun, active date and then extend the invitation to your place to get in the hot tub or pool, or to share a meal, a great bottle of wine and watch the sunset, etc. If she doesn't have a bathing suit with her, tell her she can wear a pair of your board shorts and a tank...
Okay then say "something came up, and I'm swamped with work". Whatever you have to say that makes sense for you. This strategy is basically built around putting in minimal effort and dealing with minimal horseshvt. If she still gets pissed so be it. Gotta be willing to take the L in any situation regardless.

Going on an actual date and inviting her over after seems fine, but still requires dealing with all the occassional headaches and female horseshvt (flakes, logistics, tardiness, etc) associated with setting up first dates. I like the idea of automation and devoting as few brain cells as possible to gain access to sex.
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I guess if a guy has a lot of date options meaning he’s juggling a lot of chicks on OLD or whatever his sources are, you can afford the lose.

But as we know, most men are not having that kind of abundance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
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Wilmington, DE
So you're suggesting to start a relationship with dishonesty by using a bait-and-switch?

You know...a lot of people on this forum are surprised when I say I sleep with as many attractive women as I do when I'm as poor as I am. You wanna know why? I'm honest, and don't lead with my wallet...


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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So you're suggesting to start a relationship with dishonesty by using a bait-and-switch?

You know...a lot of people on this forum are surprised when I say I sleep with as many attractive women as I do when I'm as poor as I am. You wanna know why? I'm honest, and don't lead with my wallet...
relationship? who said anything about that. most women that will agree to **** before even meeting you are not dateable. strategies for LTRs are completely different and are based entirely around consciously vetting them, hard
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Not many women are going to agree a straight to house date in 2024 theres way too much paranoia around r*pe & me too culture

To be honest I would probably be very concerned if a woman did agree to come over straight away unless we had already met a few times and were familiar with each other

If you want first date sex you go down the casual drinks route , most women know what this means and will be prepared for sex

I think I personally have a 100% success rate when drinks have been the first date

If you want something more longer term you suggest something fun like an activity date which should give you an excuse to get comfortable together and to touch her

If she's stiff during the activity date she's not that into you and personally I would take the hint and not be looking to take it any further forward


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't like this idea for multiple reasons.

I don't like the bait-and-switch tactic.

Suggesting any sort of meal date in a restaurant prior to sex is a simp tactic too. Way too many men still use the meal date tactic and this is surprising to me. I was reading online in the early 2010s that meal dates in restaurants prior to sex were a bad idea. I think this idea was promoted as far back as the 2000s, if not earlier.

Alcoholic drinks in a bar or lounge is an acceptable first date. I think it should be the standard first date if a better alternative isn't available.

If a man really wants to get "straight to the home" first dates or same night sex, there are 2 options....

1. Paying directly for sex
2. Demonstrating enough value that a woman wants to go to your home immediately. The best way to demonstrate this high value is through appearance. Being 6'0"+ with an above average physique with lower body and some muscle definition is the best way to do this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Demonstrating enough value that a woman wants to go to your home immediately. The best way to demonstrate this high value is through appearance. Being 6'0"+ with an above average physique with lower body and some muscle definition is the best way to do this
Or having a cool house. With great cappuccino.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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That's too big of a dropoff OP. From a 5 star rest to netflix and chill? She's have to be super-horny and even then would be battling conflicting emotions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Here's an effective strategy - move someplace where it's 110 in summer everyday and too hot to go outside.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I posted this earlier as an amusing anecdote but I've refined the idea.

Here's what you do. Suggest a nice place for your first date like a ****tail lounge or steak restaurant. Day of or day before, say you're not feeling well but still want to see her and ask if she wants to just come over to your place to watch a movie and get takeout or ice cream or whatever the ****.

This works because it gives you plausible deniability and lets her rationalize the behavior in her own mind. It is even more effective if you name a specific place and specific time so she knows you at least put effort into planning the date which helps the plausible deniability even more. This tactic also works great to protect against flakes and low IL women t since changing plans at the last minute forces them to comply and confirm to new plans rather than texting something like "we still on?" which won't go over well with most women. This tactic may not work with every girl but it weeds out the low interest ones which probably would have just flaked or done some other BS anyway and overall is much more efficient.
Have you actually tried this? I kinda doubt it would work. Women can be stupid but not that stupid.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I don't like this idea for multiple reasons.

I don't like the bait-and-switch tactic.

Suggesting any sort of meal date in a restaurant prior to sex is a simp tactic too. Way too many men still use the meal date tactic and this is surprising to me. I was reading online in the early 2010s that meal dates in restaurants prior to sex were a bad idea. I think this idea was promoted as far back as the 2000s, if not earlier.

Alcoholic drinks in a bar or lounge is an acceptable first date. I think it should be the standard first date if a better alternative isn't available.

If a man really wants to get "straight to the home" first dates or same night sex, there are 2 options....

1. Paying directly for sex
2. Demonstrating enough value that a woman wants to go to your home immediately. The best way to demonstrate this high value is through appearance. Being 6'0"+ with an above average physique with lower body and some muscle definition is the best way to do this.
Hoes don't deserve our honesty and dignity.

This tactic is designed to work on hoes who would already be open to coming straight to your home for a first date anyway. It's not going to snag a girl who wouldn't at least be considering it in the first place.

I do agree that my suggestion of a steak dinner was a bad idea though.

Have you actually tried this? I kinda doubt it would work. Women can be stupid but not that stupid.
Not directly, but it has happened on accident a couple times and yes it worked. But then again it has also worked with some girls to invite them over directly, so of course this strategy could work equally well in this roundabout way.

Btw this isn't about women being stupid, of course any rational women would say "i'd never fall for this". Except, they're fickle creatures ruled by emotion, not logic; in the face of a guy they are attracted to, all of their rules are thrown out the window. One style of seduction is built around the idea of giving their "superego" (for lack of a better term, a conscience might be more fitting) a story they can tell themselves to rationalize slutty behavior and effectively gaslight themselves into thinking certain behaviors are acceptable, even if the stories are paper thin.

Honestly, the more I think about why I made this topic the more I realize it's because I am mostly just trolling and fvcking around with women just to experiment and learn new things, I simply don't care anymore.
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
I tried this strategy on Friday.

Asked a girl out to a ****tail lounge and then hours before the date I told her that some plans came up so I'll have to hangout with her later that night. I told her we could hang at her place instead (we usually **** at her place).

She politely rejected me and said 'some other time.'

Context of the girl: We have hooked up several times (usually at her place) but things aren't stable yet. She's not developed into a fwb yet. I obviously want to skip the date and go over to ****, so I thought this strategy could be viable. But I guess this girl is either feeling ASD or trying to push for something serious.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Asked a girl out to a ****tail lounge and then hours before the date I told her that some plans came up so I'll have to hangout with her later that night. I told her we could hang at her place instead (we usually **** at her place).
"I'd like to skip the preliminaries and go straight for the sex, if you don't mind."
She politely rejected me and said 'some other time.'
"Sorry, but I'm not that horny."


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I guess if a guy has a lot of date options meaning he’s juggling a lot of chicks on OLD or whatever his sources are, you can afford the lose.

But as we know, most men are not having that kind of abundance.
Being afraid to lose usually is what prevents most men from winning in the long run, ironically.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Hmmmmmm. If the old lady ran across something like this (faking beng sick is a really dumb play, by the way) my response would be:

"No worries. Let's take a raincheck. Hope you feel better."

The dude is not my boyfriend or even someone I know. House dates are reserved for someone who has invested time and effort into me already and who I am comfortable being alone with.

Any self respecting woman is going to decline that type of thing and wait to see if you propose an actual date.

Quit actively screening for no self respect hoes and then wondering why that's all you get in dating land.

Go read the Unicorn thread I started several years ago. This paradox is covered on the very first few posts. Use the search function.

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