What was his true motive? Anybody knows?
Yea. You gotta read or at least get familiar with
Sayyid Qutb.
If in a gist, after colonial times middle eastern countries got freedom, however, instead of freedom and prosperity, they got more opression and dictators - essentially even more blood . Rationalization from Qutb (he was hanged by Egyptian government) was go to fundamental roots, fundamenal religion. This is the origin of fundamental islam and
wahhabism, origin of Osama Bin Laden.
I shall digress here, and say that origin of Islam, Christianity, Judaism is like so -- back in the day, after Younger Dryas and floods people had many religions, and one would swear to God something, and then turn around and break his word, because he didn't swear to his God, but to someone else's God. This is the origin of a single God. God was invented so that people stop lying and back stabbing each other. Judaism is oldest in this respect.
Now, don't be thinking that there is an organization out there, a boogie man, that hates everything western. Fundamental islam is used as weapon by many countries around the world. Pakistan, that middle eastern country which isn't islamic and against whom you better not to speak badly, Turkey, Britain, France, United States. You can wage war with this ideology. Most recent example is happenings in Syria -- Russia and Syrian government has folded, allowing Turkey and Israel to duke it out, head to head. But the original plan of that "weaponized" move was Russia VS. Turkey, which is essentially means cutting Black Sea access to Russia.
This jabbar guy is said was born in the United States. At age 42 that means he was born in 1983. Early 80's we had Iran Iraq war, Afghan war. He could be Iranian, Iraquian, Afghanian, or Pakistani. He does look like Iraqi. Go figure what country is his origin or origin of his parents. This is my best bet here. This however, puts him into ideological influence of wahhabism and fundamental islam.
The act itself. An attack against people, not government. Innocent people. That speaks volumes about his particular ideological believes
and most importantly who weaponized him.
His act is very similar to what a palestianian would do. So we talking about same M.O. as a Palestinian would, and very similar to what these radicals do in Europe, places like Germany for example. We talking about Syria and ISIS here.
Who weaponized Syria and ISIS? No, Turkey is a proxy, their president is a retard who wants to eat his cake and have it too, he has big dreams about turckic empire which involves some lands in Russia, he is going to get distroyed.
I shall make no conclussions here. Because, hehe. Nah.
But yea, the official version is that he is an ISIS agent, a group of idiots who nobody understands what they do and what they want.