New MTV PUA Show: First Three Minutes

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
Eulogy said:
can We Clarify Wether This Show Is Fake Or Not, Please?
Well it has been posted by hoobie about the show and a clip of it. But the thing that has me thinking is that part of that video I had seen that same clip in like a 20 min video of a guy sargin around NY. It was being talked about though and 2 mods got banned on that forums because they spoke about it, I don't know too much bout it but I don't really care. As for the PUA=AFC if thats the case why are yall worried about a TV show or want to even see it, why aren't they making the show based on 3 DJs. face the reality that some of these PUAs are real good and there tactics, or wateva you want to call it works.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
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Duluth, MN
"Bonus points if you have an acting background" ... Is it just me or does something about that sentence stick out?

Alfie Crew

Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
These things don't teach any inner game. This will only make real DJ better. It should phase anyone just make you stronger.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Alfie Crew said:
These things don't teach any inner game. This will only make real DJ better. It should phase anyone just make you stronger.

A strong inner game can come from a strong outer game.

Seriously, guys, enough with all the PUA= AFC shyt.

Take a guy like Mystery or TD and tell him he's not allowed to use any routines whatsoever. Do you really think they'll have trouble pulling girls?


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ever onward said:
Group #2: These guys say they don't rely on canned material or any material Style exposed in "The Game". They say that their game is flexible enough that only guys using canned material will be effected.

What most guys in Group #2 don't realize is that if there are thousands and thousands of guys out there trying to pick up women constantly, that it won't matter if you're using canned material are not. Women are going to get so defensive that approaching a woman in a public place will become virtually impossible because women will automatically assume that you're trying to pick her up, just like the last 10 guys who talked to her. The mainstream public (such as MTV) is so excited to have discovered our little world, they don't realize they're destroying it.
DUDE dude that is not logical, just because some guy exposes some game to the mainstream doesn't mean that thousands or even hundreds of guys are going to magically get the balls to hit the streets; it wont happen. We have guys on here who have here for months, fk that, years, and they still dont have the balls to mack out in the field.

The basics never change.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey I said I'm a bit paranoid. I tend to view the world in absolutes.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score

I feel it. Alot of people are scared. See this is the problem.

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges,
and I believed in myself."-Muhammad Ali

It's is the lack of faith that is making us be sacred. We are sacred women will find this site, sacred that they will learn the Dj bible and put a spin on the game.

What fear dose best is just makes you want to give up and stop believing in yourself. Let people see this show. Let all the women see this stuff. Fine with me. I believe in myself, I have more confidence and more self-respect. Let them try to play me with their new game. From my mistakes I will just learn what they are doing and will once agian flip the game on them and be back to where I was before.

For the guys who fear this show. Are guys who look for pick up lines, and tactics because they aren't in the field. I hope 1 day you guys will see the light and quit being keyboard jockeys and will get in the field.

For the guys who don't fear this bullcrap or anything else. Then ketp those field reports coming.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
as long as they don't take away my pot I could care less about if a girl is gonna reject me or not. I think that you guys simply need to work on being the best you and everything else should take care of itself.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
Women are going to get so defensive that approaching a woman in a public place will become virtually impossible because women will automatically assume that you're trying to pick her up, just like the last 10 guys who talked to her.
Women want to get laid. Haven't you ever approached a girl and she beamed a big smile before you even said a word? Regardless of all this nonsense about how the underground community will be destroyed, the simple truth is this: women like sex. They always will. As long as that fact holds true, we have nothing to worry about, really.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
If facts are true and I was talking about something fake being not a fact does that really mean it's a fact if in the end it's fake?

It is still a fact, in fact, that you stated the truth as to the rumor being fake.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
"Try heading over to Europe, Russia and parts of Asia. The girls there are lot more friendlier in general. You could be 5'6 with a pot belly and they still give you equal consideration as long as you have something interesting to talk about.[/QUOTE]

How do you propose to "talk" to these Russian and Asian girls? In their language? A guy who is 5'6" tall with a pot belly ain't attractive to any hot girl unless he is MegaRich.Especially if he has'nt mastered her language.

He may be a novelty because he is an American or they may really want a green card. In the real world those sorts of foreign girls lose their interest in guys as soon as they get to the U.s. then he ain't a novelty anymore.

Ever wonder why you would need to go all the way to Russia or Asia to pick up your "dream" girl,without attitude when there are plenty of hot Russian and Asians in this country already? who won't give you the time of day? 2 words Green Card.
You better step up your "game" and learn to deal with girls who speak your own language. Plenty of girls here born and raised in foreign countries.

I've checked on some mail order Bride message boards for a few years. So far I'm 90% correct on which girls will split soon as their GC comes in 2 years or so just by looking at the pictures of couples. It is an interesting place to start placing bets.

One girls from Colombia married a guy then got so greedy she started her own pornsite. He still swears she was in love with him, Even though she states in her Bio her dream was to get to the U.S any way she can and did whatever she had to to get here. The poor guy who was a mailman had her dump him for her plastic surgeon. then the same guy in such denial went and got a 19 year old and married her in Colombia. Till her "boyfriend" threatened him and they almost got into a gunfight. Now this dillusional guy is marrying for a 3rd time an 18 year old hottie and she will be going to College in the u.S. How long do you think it will take this 18 year old to figure out the "gringo" she thought was so cool back in her country ain't nothing but a middle aged postal worker with a pot belly? Especailly when she starts going to college with guys who actually have "game" Want to take bets?

The funniset thing about the mailman guy is he makes fun of the other guys searching for foreign chicks and says they have no game. The idiot still has'nt realized those countries are the easist in picking up chicks. Like shooting fish in a barrel. You don't have to have any game. Just show up.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
why even worry about it? women aren't gonna give a sh** if you approach them before or after the show. All this worrying is in your heads. Go back and read the Great Catch thread by pook... remember that your inner game is what is most important, not what other guys are doing. By worrying about other guys (competition) your taking yourself out of the game... and not knowing (notice i said "knowing", not "believing") that your the Great Catch.
If your inner game is good the rest will follow... if you're insecure (and worrried about competition), then work on yourself until you aren't anymore.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Not to get off topic but this foriegn chick thing... these guys must be totally desperate! I'd do a hottie on vacation and leave her there... but bring her back home? That's unthinkable! That's like being a .25 neon and spending hundreds to fly it home instead of grabbing one at walmart. it's amazing how far guys will go to avoid dealing with women who have the power to reject them.

Isn't there some retard who runs a site... model magnet or something like that .. he always goes on about how bad American women are. Perhaps, they thought he actually has a clue! American women are very good to me. They cook me meals, give me great sex, and cuddle with me. What's so bad about American and European women?