Tazman said:
I can't remember who posted this, but a guy on this forum did just that to his girlfriend when she went away for vacation, her friends said she was such a drag because she was paranoid about what he was doing while she was gone, lol funny stuff.
I believe you might be referring to me----and a post I made a while back.
First of all, I agree with what many of the troops here have already said. No exclusivity conversation has been had yet. So it's much too early to use the technique that I wrote about. In fact, if a man lays down his expectations about the type of behavior that he wants in a relationship FROM THE BEGINNING, then he won't even have to use the strategy that I proposed.
But-----just in case a man DIDN'T have the foresight to set a plan in place to "dissuade" his girl from going out kicking it, I'd urge him to at least try my technique because he has nothing to lose at that point.
And I'm convinced that it CAN work whether or not the girl wants to go kick it with her girlfriends OR her GUY-friends.
Here's that post:
I concur with the majority of the men here: You cannot force a woman NOT to have a girls' nite out or take a weekend trip without you.
But you CAN influence her decision whether or not to do so by applying what I call my---
See You-Raise You-Stealth Maneuver!
What is the
SY-RY Maneuver? It is a form of emotional judo. It is a romantic strategy that allows you to "flip the script" on a babe that you feel is on the verge of disrespecting you by going on a girls' night out or having a weekender without you.
It is a counter attack escalation move designed to inject doubt and insecurity into the babe in question. Thus, effectively but SUBTLEY, throwing her sh!t test back at her. And the beauty of it is that you will have COMPLETE deniability.
Troops, the is the gist of how this works:
Whenever you
SEE that your woman is thrilled about leaving your @ss at home, you show her by your ACTIONS (more than your words) that you are EVEN MORE thrilled that her @ss is leaving!
As the time/day approaches for her departure, you gradually
RAISE your enthusiasm that she's leaving.
IMPORTANT: Subtley is the KEY here, Troops. If you play it ANY OTHER WAY, the jig is up, and she'll KNOW that you are throwing her sh!t test back at her. And if she figures it out, guess what? Game over. She'll be on her way to losing respect for you.
In order to stay off that slippery slope, understand this: Most women giving these specific kinds of sh!t tests EXPECTING for you to react with AFC-type behavior. They expect you to sulk, to be suspicious, or to even become so emotiionally fragile that you ASK her not to go!!!!
All bad moves. I'm sure we all agree on this one.
Trust me, men, the
SY-RY Stealth Maneuver can work wonders on the field of battle in the War between the sexes.
Here's a Field Report.
A few years ago, I was dating this babe. She got a phone call from one of her girlfriends when she was over @ my apartment. They were talking about an upcoming trip--a cruise that I knew nothing about. She hung up and looked at me---expecting me to ask her about it. I did not. I continued on with our previous conversation.
She interrupted me and then told me about the trip rather casually and nonchalantly. The trip was a week away, and this Biitch hadn't even mentioned it to me. And she probably wouldn't have mentioned it to me even then IF her friend hadn't called.
I believe to this day that she was just going to casually drop this info on me RIGHT BEFORE she left, so that I wouldn't be able to stop her. Or so that she wouldn't have to listen to ME biitch and moan about her going. I'm sure this was the type of behavior she was expecting. She obviously didn't know WHO she was dealing with.lol
Anyway, when she mentioned the trip, I said "Oh really? That sounds cool."
She seemed shocked, but pleasantly surprised that I didn't react negatively.
As the week went on, everyday she talked about the trip, and I would talk about it WITH her with slightly more enthusiasm than SHE did. I would get on the internet, suggest places they could go, ask her to bring me souvenirs, etc.
In each convo, I was just a little MORE enthused about her leaving than SHE was. Then on the day she left, I had suggested that I drive her to the airport instead of letting her friends pick her up---after all, I DIDN'T WANT HER TO BE LATE FOR HER BIG TRIP. LOL
I showed up at her house early, dressed in brand new clothes, fresh haircut, fresh new cologne, etc. She was taken aback, but didn't say anything. I RUSHED her out of the house, making sure she had packed everything. I drove her to the airport, casually mentioning how my cell phone was acting up.
I dropped her off and projected strong masculinity and sexual state in the presence of her friends. I kissed her good-bye and told her "Enjoy yourself!". Then I drove the hell out of there so fast that you would have sworn I had a number on my hood and the word "'valvoline" written on the side of my car. lol
All weekend, I NEVER called her. She would call ME from the boat. I would NEVER answer her calls to my cell phone during the night to "check on me"(it was still CONVENIENTLY on the fritz guys, remember??).
I would only call her when she called my apartment phone, and guess what? I was rarely there to answer it. I was out with MY friends, doing a whole lot of NOTHING---but she didn't know that.lol And whenever I WOULD return her calls, I would be extremely upbeat, but brief. I made sure I always ended the convo first.
When she came back to town I greeted her in my 'same OLD clothes". I was happy to see her, but I looked 'exhausted", she said. lol
Over the course of the next few weeks, I found out from her friends that they didn't have as much fun because my girl was ruining it for the rest of them. Turns out, she was too busy obsessing over ME and what I was doing to enjoy HERSELF. This babe of mine never went on ANOTHER weekender. And more importantly, her HOE @ss friends didn't want her tagging along with them again!
This babe stuck to me like CRAZY glue for months after that. Why? Because she knew her motives were fvcked up in the first place. Her lack of acknowledging me BEFORE she made those plans were blatantly disrespectful.
The SY-RY Stealth Maneuver worked like a charm. She had
projected all the naughty crap SHE was probably planning on doing that weekend on to ME. And the anxiety of it all was more than she could bare! Serves her conniving @ss right. LOL
The SY-RY Stealth Maneuver jerked the slack out of her. The beginnings of a pattern of disrespect was broken. And in her mind, I was reaffirmed as the PRIZE.
Peace...well not
that day.lol