Originally posted by h a r d a s s
I have seen too many turnarounds and comebacks in all aspects of life to ever believe that giving up is the healthy thing to do. Chances are you came here because of one girl. You may have coined a negative term “one-itis” to help distract yourself and become interested in other girls. But to give up on your dream girl is to give up on yourself. Are you really not good enough?? What prick out there is more deserving? I’ve learned how to become a DJ and a player and I must say I look pretty damn successful with women, but you know what at the end of the day I usually feel empty inside. I’m tired of hurting girls, making them fall in love with me when I really don’t care much about them. Do yourself a favor and try, with everything you have. You may have to bust your balls for years! You know you could do it, is it worth it to you? There are two paths man. I’ve made my decision.
I can relate to everything you just said,
h a r d a s s, and I, for a while, decided to go down that path, until I realised that it is too early in my life to be going down that path (path of love, having 1 girl to be with forever, blah di blah), not because
I was not ready for it, but because the women in my age group are just not mature enough or ready for a commitment such as a LTR, nor are they emotionally capable of "LOVING" properly. Their emotions control them, rather than the other way around. And because of that, I chose to rather continue playing the fields, getting experience, having fun, and just enjoy my life... for now.
If you are in your 20's etc, then in MY opinion, if you find yourself a woman that is mature enough and is a good match for you, then by all means, give it your all!
When I think to myself about my "love life", I say "I'll continue playing the fields, getting experience, having fun, and just enjoy my life, UNTIL I stumble upon a girl that falls under my "LTR MATERIAL" girl, and then I'll consider giving love another go, but I'm in no rush, and I'm just gonna take what life throws at me