Duder, you know what you need right now more than anything? Bringing somewhere in "your world".
Example: a party or gathering with your friends.
You don't have her yet. Bailing or flaking at this point, for her, is as easy as opening a door and walking through it. You need to be thee guy right now. She clings to your arm cause, in this example, you are her comfort.
No offense, but I don't think she can take another boring date. I'm sure you tried, but you gotta face reality. Your head's not in it, clearly with the "perfect this" and "perfect that". You might not be ready to be in charge of an awesome fun filled date and run the show by yourself at this point. It was probably a so-so, at best, date for her. No girl is gong to reply to your texts if she wants to bail 100% so you're not quite there yet. However, she's not going to say "Are we talking about the same date?, it sucked!" so don't get ahead of yourself.
You may have one more shot at this and a diner with the same convo and awkward shoulder kino will surely close the door on this one.
I think your best bet at this time is to bring her in to your zone where others are unknowingly helping you be her knight. She'll gradually feel better as you hit the can or leave her for a few minutes while she has to talk to your friends or pass the time NOT thinking about stuff by herself. You need to get her back to thinking "where is WhatchaOnaDo?"
There's really only one other option if you can't swing that. Your next date has to be action no doubt, but it has to be all action. Like, 2 or 3 hours of nothing repeated non stop where she actually gets to the point of " wow! Let's sit for a minute, this is crazy!". Amusement park or something similar that provides enough stimulation.
Good luck mang