Alright, I'm a junior in high school and I haven't had a girlfriend in almost 2 yrs. When I got into junior high (7th grade) I had all the confidence in the world and I was really outgoing. I would go up to the hottest chick in the school and ask her out. I had 3 or 4 gf's in like a yr. But when I got to 8th grade, I got all shy. I think I might of started getting self concious and worried about what everyone thought. I mean in 7th grade I thought I was good looking and everything but now I think I'm unattractive and honestly I don't even talk to girls anymore. And it sucks because I want to talk to girls but they just aren't attracted to me. And I really believe a girlfriend would make life so much more fun for me. I have this friend that isn't the best looking kid but he talks to a lot of pretty girls i really don't get it. What I'm really trying to say is, why arent girls attracted to me anymore...? I'll show u pics if u ask but I need some advice on my confidence too. Maybe thats part of it Idk, I really appreciate any help