boostinfd said:
I would really love to do that... but i feel like the condition i'm in... i doubt i'd be able to spinn a spoon let alone a plate...
Which girl would want to talk to me now in this condition?? Sh!t, even all the openers, nags etc. etc. i used in the past... pretty much gone... It's been 2 years since i've really been "out there"
Need to remind myself of all that stuff again...
If you approach the situation with a defeatist attitude, then there's no point to trying. You should be EXCITED.
You need to be OPTIMISTIC.
You need to realize that you have a new chance at LIFE.
But you're sitting here, sobbing that you can't spin a spoon, let alone a plate. What kind of bullish talk is this? Sounds like a feminized man bringing his ownself down.
I was out of the game for almost 7 years and there's no way I was putting myself down like you are. Chin up, soldier. You don't have children, nor a marriage, nor anything like that. You are free, but you have the mentality of someone who has been in prison for decades. You don't want to get out because you crave the familiarity of the cell, even if it makes you miserable. Misery for decades is comfort, it's better than knowing that you might fail on your own.
And this is why many men want to go back to their ex's even if they shouldn't, because they'd rather deal with an evil they already know than to deal with new situations. It saddens me to see this.
You're a man and you should be enjoying life as such. Quit this defeatist attitude and language, it's embarassing for me as a man to read this coming from another man. You have a wealth of information on this site to help you out.
STOP the excuses.
STOP the defeatism.
STOP being a pansy.
START enjoying your life.
START enjoying the prospect of new women.
START practicing everything you once did.
START seeing yourself as a man freed from a prison of misery.