Need help before doing Missions


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like i am not a very interesting person and even if i get phone numbers from women while doing the DJ bootcamp i don't think i can offer them much besides my desire for sex.The only area which i am knowledgeable about is sports, i know a little bit for psychology(from my years of studying Pua), a little bit about Philosophy/religion.I don't know much about pop culture since i don't really watch tv or listen to music.So i was thinking if i should spend a month going to comedy clubs reading pop culture magazines or something appealing to women so i can have something interesting to say.Or should i just start the bootcamp?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Lostsoul85 said:
I feel like i am not a very interesting person and even if i get phone numbers from women while doing the DJ bootcamp i don't think i can offer them much besides my desire for sex.The only area which i am knowledgeable about is sports, i know a little bit for psychology(from my years of studying Pua), a little bit about Philosophy/religion.I don't know much about pop culture since i don't really watch tv or listen to music.So i was thinking if i should spend a month going to comedy clubs reading pop culture magazines or something appealing to women so i can have something interesting to say.Or should i just start the bootcamp?
You're trying too hard to please the girl.

Stop trying to please her and stop trying to get her to like you. Just figure out if you like her and be really, really ambiguous and secretive. If it doesn't work at first, don't worry about it. Nobody does a backflip perfectly on their first try without practice, and nobody benches 300 lbs. if they've never even been to the gym.
Just keep going, keep your head up and remember that it's not about the girls. It's about you. Stay happy without girls and make sure YOU are the one testing the GIRLS.
Just start by asking her questions about herself. When she says something interesting, ask about it. Keep going. Add input if you like, but don't tell her your life story right away. YOU are testing HER. If you tell her your life story, you've already deemed her "worthy", and are therefore not testing her anymore. Keep testing her. Make her feel on edge. Like she has to work for you.

Basic questions: Where are you from?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you enjoy (insert something you really enjoy here)?

Remember, men are creatures of action. Women are the ones who talk. You want to be able to listen to her and do action. Don't talk a woman to death. She wants a man, not another woman.
Like many people have suggested, try an "Action date". Those will keep you entertained and not awkward. I find that I can think more clearly when I'm moving, anyways. Plus, it will give you something fun to talk about and it will show her that you're not another boring AFC.

Most of all, man, just have fun with this. It's not about success every time. Remember that life is a journey, and you are to be growing every day. If you fvck up today, you have tomorrow to try again when you're stronger.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Oh, and to me, that bootcamp thing is Useless as fvck.
It's training you to do things based on other people telling you to do it.
That's not what an alpha does. The alpha is the leader, not the little b!tch follower who has to listen to someone else's instructions. I never did the bootcamp. Ever. I've been doing things on my own time my own way so that I can learn what works best for me. Becoming a Don Juan is entering a state of mind, not changing your personality and mannerisms to fit Don Juan. Your mannerisms change with that state of mind.

What you need to do is enter the state of mind of a man. Stop looking to outside sources for your truth. Find truth inside yourself, and be the one who leads. This is not about learning to be a woman seducer anymore, my friend. This is about being a man. Any man can naturally seduce a woman. A real man, at least.

Think about this tonight: Who do you want to lead your life? How are you going to go about doing that? Is a job and a "future" really what you need, or should you learn to mold and shape every possible moment into what you want it to be?

Your life journey begins now. Not tomorrow. Not in 5 minutes. Now. Enter that state of mind. Go. You are now a man.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
So in the short-term i can make up for a lack of worldly knowledge (while i am still working to develop this) by giving only revealing a little bit at a time about myself??One problem i have is when a women tells me tell me a story and i can't think of anything to say.I wish i could dodge that question.I am not a very articulate person.
2)I see the DJ exercises as training wheels to get me started otherwise my brain will freeze and can't think of what to say.The other night i went walked on the street and just said hi to about 15 women walking bye,i felt like it give me some momentum to build off.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Lostsoul85 said:
So in the short-term i can make up for a lack of worldly knowledge (while i am still working to develop this) by giving only revealing a little bit at a time about myself??One problem i have is when a women tells me tell me a story and i can't think of anything to say.I wish i could dodge that question.I am not a very articulate person.
No, no, you don't do ANYTHING to cover yourself up and make yourself seem better. This is not about the girl. You don't need to "seem like you know what you're talking about." It doesn't matter if you know what you're talking about. IT matters if the GIRL knows what she's talking about.

You're looking at this as if it's some sort of game which requires strategy and making the right move at the right time. This isn't chess. You can't have fun with a girl by treating her like she needs to be moved to A5 before the opponent's rook makes it across the board.

Seriously. Just let go and have fun with it. Stop worrying so much. Speak up. Be confident. Walk into the situation thinking "I am confident."

Ask questions, listen, give input when you feel like it. Otherwise, just keep asking questions and learning about her, and when she asks "What about you?" Be as vague as possible.

What's your favorite type of music?

Well, I like a lot of country and some jazz. Hip hop, too. What about you, Sneev?

Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Who's your favorite Jazz artist? (I like Jazz as well, so I asked about what interested me.)

Note: This is just how a typical conversation goes. If she is awkward, you can tease her or something. Just stop thinking so hard about it. It's not a strategy game. It's just talking to a girl. Just. A. Girl.
They're not anything more special than you are, so don't act like it and it will surprise them when you don't bow down to their vagina like every other male does.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Is it possible for me to be a DJ despite the fact

I can't change a spare tire
I am not a handyman
I am afraid of rollercollasters(refuse to go on one)
Afraid of flying(refuse to get on a plane again)
Can't swim in the deep end

I am wondering if i can still be good with women despite these flaws?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Lostsoul85 said:
Is it possible for me to be a DJ despite the fact

I can't change a spare tire
I am not a handyman
I am afraid of rollercollasters(refuse to go on one)
Afraid of flying(refuse to get on a plane again)
Can't swim in the deep end

I am wondering if i can still be good with women despite these flaws?
Yes you can.

But you really should have at least one hobby to make yourself interesting. It's not strictly necessary, but it helps a lot.

There's gotta be something you'd like to learn.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Lostsoul85 said:
Is it possible for me to be a DJ despite the fact

I can't change a spare tire
I am not a handyman
I am afraid of rollercollasters(refuse to go on one)
Afraid of flying(refuse to get on a plane again)
Can't swim in the deep end

I am wondering if i can still be good with women despite these flaws?
They are only flaws if you see them as such.
There have been plenty of professional boxers who have been scared of flying, are they not real men?

Appreciate what you do have and the opportunities that you have availiable to you, regardless of how insignificant they seem. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, work out what you want in life and go get it!