Need a date


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
woodsboro said:
you actually posted something that's not generic
just picking up in the word you used...the guy is afraid to be himself..... telling him to be generic isn't going to help him.... I agree with your other points
I guess. What I meant by generic is something that would appeal to alot of people.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
thing is....I'm kinda quirky in my profile
and... I don't appeal to everyone...I'm cool with that because if I met them for a drink
we ain't gonna get on anyways
I'd much rather meet a girl who's actually interested in me...
when I started I was the same...
but now I get girls emailing me...asking me for a date... as opposed to being " just another profile "
I actually attract more people .... the right people by being me... I've lost a tonne of girls interest trying to play silly games


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
sometimes I wish I was a girl, because then I know I could get a date or get laid instantly


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
sometimes I wish I was a girl, because then I know I could get a date or get laid instantly
not sure if your serious......
if you are...somethings not right
pm me a link to your profile I might be able to help


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
well duh!!!, it's way easier for girls, those that disagree that girls do not have it easier, or just harder, need a reality check. All girls have to do is welcome or reject our advances, thats all.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
hmm I used to think like you
it's not a good way to see things, it won't serve you
it's up to you though.. if you'd like to change
how women see you, I can only offer to help
saying duuuhhh won't help you
it's not the world I live in
did you know that women find it hard to find a decent guy?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
yeah but still, even if the girl is in a good long-term relationship, actually met or found a decent guy, the guy had to be the one to do all of the work in order to get her, to make her his girlfriend, the guy had to initiate everything. I still think girls have it easier, everything is just handed to them on a silver platter


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
don't take this as an insult...although there is no nice way this will come out
but you seem to have a problem being a man


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
your right, I do, and I don't care, I don't care if I am a Man or not, why do you disagree on the fact that women have it easier? I want a logical explanation as to why you think that women have it harder

dark angel

New Member
Aug 7, 2010
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I haven't been on a date in a long time now, i have kissed a few girls but its been a few months since i got laid. Aside from that, it appears that women have more choice which guy they want to want to date or have sex with. Women seem to have all the power, even the unattractive women get hit on all the time and they to can be difficult to attract.

I know guys who constantly get blown out from the hot girls and don't have a lot of choice so they go after the fat or average looking girls. I'm not that type of guy, i know what type of girls i like. Of course i'd like to have sex with a hb10 but its very unlikely that i would want a relationship with her because i'm assuming that it would be hard work holding onto her.

Every time i approach a girl now she looks away or she mutters something, abviously not interested. And i'm a decent looking guy. It does bother me that alot of girls don't want to talk everytime i approached in the past, now when i go out i don't approach as much and instead keep my distance from women. I do this because i know what the outcome will be, girls pretending to be polite or making excuses for not wanting to talk to you. Its like been in work, before going into a bar you gotta clock in and pay attention to how you approach her.what the ****! Women seem to have all the power these days.

I was out the other night and watched a young man (well dressed) approach an attractive looking blonde, he looked nervous, but make an good effort to chat to her. She completely blanked him out and turned her attention to her friends. I could feel his pain. I have been witnessing this alot when i go out and taught long and hard about it, it is completely normal to approach a strange person in social setting so why are women been so ****ing rude and ignorant when all we want is to make conversation? Everytime i go out with my mates now i feel intimidated to even make eye contact with a girl. its crazy. I feel that there is something seriously wrong with me that women just don't want to give me the time of day.

I know that i am not in this alone, there are alot of guys who are in the same both, some who admit to have social anxiety with women and others whom have social anxiety with women but don't want to admit it.

I am not the type of person who likes to put women down, i don't have that intention but i will say how i feel and that is angry and envious that i am getting nowhere with women and other guys seem to be doing quite well. I'm not on this forum to stir **** but to honestly admit that i am **** with women socially and i need help in this department of my life. I know your thinking this guy needs has some serious issues but in reality, i have an interesting career, i work out daily and have a body that most guys would kill to have, i'm quite good looking, i have good relationships with my buddy's and i would do almost anything for them if they needed help.

When i walk into a bar with my mates i am ignored by every girl and when i approach i with my mates they don't bother looking in my direction even when i am actually opening my mouth, telling a joke or giving a compliment. I feel like i am nothing and they are everything and sometimes i feel suical because if i can't get female attention i'm doomed forever!

I wil admit that this goes way back to my childhood, my mother never gave me any love and i don't recall her every telling me that she loved me or kissing my cheak. I spent my entire chidhood alone and afraid to interact with other kids out of fear of been judge and looked down on, which is what my mother did when i was a kid - she looked down on me and made fun, screamed, roared and smacked the **** out of me. Ok enough said, now you all know why i don't get much positive attention from females, it is because my mother beat the fear of god into me which in turn created so much anxiety with women and people in general. I do have friends don't get me wrong but still have an unbareable fear of walking up to a complete stranger in public or going for the odd job interview.

I have been to a therapy before and have poured my hear and soul out but still issue with women still seem to arise. I want love, attention and companionship. Its not much to ask for and i can give as much as i get in return.




initiatorhater06 said:
well duh!!!, it's way easier for girls, those that disagree that girls do not have it easier, or just harder, need a reality check. All girls have to do is welcome or reject our advances, thats all.
There are women who have a harder time dating than a lot of men. If you are an ugly woman than you'll be lucky if more than one guy shows interest in you.

Hot women will have it easier, but then they have to weed through a lot of men to find the one that they feel is right for them. So, I doubt many women have it easy in the game, they have it easier, sure, but then "there can be no success without struggle".

I'm pleased to be a man, at least we don't have to bleed from our weeners. ;)


dark angel said:
I haven't been on a date in a long time now, i have kissed a few girls but its been a few months since i got laid. Aside from that, it appears that women have more choice which guy they want to want to date or have sex with. Women seem to have all the power, even the unattractive women get hit on all the time and they to can be difficult to attract.

I know guys who constantly get blown out from the hot girls and don't have a lot of choice so they go after the fat or average looking girls. I'm not that type of guy, i know what type of girls i like. Of course i'd like to have sex with a hb10 but its very unlikely that i would want a relationship with her because i'm assuming that it would be hard work holding onto her.

Every time i approach a girl now she looks away or she mutters something, abviously not interested. And i'm a decent looking guy. It does bother me that alot of girls don't want to talk everytime i approached in the past, now when i go out i don't approach as much and instead keep my distance from women. I do this because i know what the outcome will be, girls pretending to be polite or making excuses for not wanting to talk to you. Its like been in work, before going into a bar you gotta clock in and pay attention to how you approach her.what the ****! Women seem to have all the power these days.

I was out the other night and watched a young man (well dressed) approach an attractive looking blonde, he looked nervous, but make an good effort to chat to her. She completely blanked him out and turned her attention to her friends. I could feel his pain. I have been witnessing this alot when i go out and taught long and hard about it, it is completely normal to approach a strange person in social setting so why are women been so ****ing rude and ignorant when all we want is to make conversation? Everytime i go out with my mates now i feel intimidated to even make eye contact with a girl. its crazy. I feel that there is something seriously wrong with me that women just don't want to give me the time of day.

I know that i am not in this alone, there are alot of guys who are in the same both, some who admit to have social anxiety with women and others whom have social anxiety with women but don't want to admit it.

I am not the type of person who likes to put women down, i don't have that intention but i will say how i feel and that is angry and envious that i am getting nowhere with women and other guys seem to be doing quite well. I'm not on this forum to stir **** but to honestly admit that i am **** with women socially and i need help in this department of my life. I know your thinking this guy needs has some serious issues but in reality, i have an interesting career, i work out daily and have a body that most guys would kill to have, i'm quite good looking, i have good relationships with my buddy's and i would do almost anything for them if they needed help.

When i walk into a bar with my mates i am ignored by every girl and when i approach i with my mates they don't bother looking in my direction even when i am actually opening my mouth, telling a joke or giving a compliment. I feel like i am nothing and they are everything and sometimes i feel suical because if i can't get female attention i'm doomed forever!

I wil admit that this goes way back to my childhood, my mother never gave me any love and i don't recall her every telling me that she loved me or kissing my cheak. I spent my entire chidhood alone and afraid to interact with other kids out of fear of been judge and looked down on, which is what my mother did when i was a kid - she looked down on me and made fun, screamed, roared and smacked the **** out of me. Ok enough said, now you all know why i don't get much positive attention from females, it is because my mother beat the fear of god into me which in turn created so much anxiety with women and people in general. I do have friends don't get me wrong but still have an unbareable fear of walking up to a complete stranger in public or going for the odd job interview.

I have been to a therapy before and have poured my hear and soul out but still issue with women still seem to arise. I want love, attention and companionship. Its not much to ask for and i can give as much as i get in return.


Every sentence you typed in this book can be answered by reading this: Book of Pook.pdf

The reason you are having problems in the dating game is because your attitude is wrong and your mentality weak.

dark angel

New Member
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
woodsboro said:
Angel.... I tried to Pm you but you've turned it off
i don't think i turned it off, i have never pm'd anyone on this forum yet. how do i turn it on?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
so you really think that ugly women have it harder than ugly men do? I hear that often, I think it's debatable


dark angel said:
Oh no not another one of those mental masturbation ebooks that obviously don't work is it?
Why don't you find out for yourself?

Let's face it, you need all the advice you can get because you aren't having it your own way in the dating game.

I'm not saying take the book literally, but maybe it will give you some pointers to think about, maybe it will give you a new perspective.

I know it did that for me and it helped me get out of the rut, but it's your decision whether or not you'll read it. I think it will offer you some much needed help though.


woodsboro said:
it's not debatable if you understand women
What's there to understand? Women are women and men are men, we couldn't be anymore different.

Ugly women and men will have it hard in the dating world, but I think uglier women will have a tougher time than an ugly man in the dating world. Men can get away with not being the most handsome man about town, but women while being visual creatures are nowhere near as visual as men.

I have seen plenty of scrubby looking men with decent looking women, but I've never seen an ugly woman in the arms of a handsome man.

I'm no looker, sure I'm not ugly, I'm a plain looking fella, but even I have it easier in the dating game than a plain looking woman.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Two trolls, one thread. Mods should just lock this one down. I wouldn't be surprised if "Dark Angel" was just another one of initiatorhater's handles.