MySpace pick-up-lines/intoductions/conversation starters?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Ace of Flames said:
Sigh... guess I'll give a real answer, though my first response was true.

What I've found out is, almost no matter what you say, the girl will be on the defensive. Any number of online predators could be the one sending her these compliments. Sometimes they just won't reply at all. I don't blame them.

So, how to score on Myspace then? Let them come to you. If a girl on Myspace sends you a compliment, its totally different. You KNOW she's interested, and suddenly you are in control. You can easily reply back with something witty and turn it into a messenger sn, email address, or number.

But then again, how often will a HB7-10 NOT have a bf, BE on Myspace, and SEND you an actual compliment? Yeaaa, don't hold your breath for that one.

That's why I say, just use Myspace as an extra avenue for girls. Just make it and leave it. Check on it every now and then, and keep it updated, but never make it your main way to get girls.
Its happened to me before. One girl even sent me a message that just siad, "ur rele hot", so I said sometin C+f back and it continued on, but I'm just posting to let you know it happens.

Also, alot of times if a girl firend request me but doesn't leave a comment (assuming i don't know her personally), Ill leave something like, "You friend requested me but didn't even leave me a comment? You must not have too much game :p", or " You know trying to pick me up on myspace is really low. Besides you could be some fat old guy :p", "You know all this ime we've been friends and you haven't left me acomment, I'm really hurt".

Just have fun with it, don't take it too seriously, I just do it to keep up the practice while I'm away from home and just to have fun.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Man you guys are giving myspace and other sites like this too much thought, get off the damn pc and go sarging at the local mall or some sh!t, 10 bucks says the hot chicks that are giving you the "your really hot comments" are getting nailed by some random prick she met at the mall or some sh!t.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
typical said:
Man you guys are giving myspace and other sites like this too much thought, get off the damn pc and go sarging at the local mall or some sh!t, 10 bucks says the hot chicks that are giving you the "your really hot comments" are getting nailed by some random prick she met at the mall or some sh!t.
Just have fun with it, don't take it too seriously, I just do it to keep up the practice while I'm away from home and just to have fun.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know how many girls usually read their messages, so I just leave them a comment with some BS first to see if they give one back. Then if they actually say something then I will try with the messages, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
how do you find them hot girls on the myspace search thing, Ive only tried searching for the ones that had "modeling" as an interest but the ones that think theyre models either are not or are snobbish. Going thru friends of friends of friend of friends works too but its boring. Oh and Ive tried sayign some random C+F stuff but they didnt work (possibly because the C+F wasnt actually C+F)


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
Myspace is easy to work with. Like it was mentioned, you've already got a ton to work with. Send a message about her favorite band asking if she dug their latest album. Or you can even mention that the other girl in one of her pics looks familiar and ask her name. Of course you don't know her friend, but she dosen't know that.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
GaryUranga said:
how do you find them hot girls on the myspace search thing, Ive only tried searching for the ones that had "modeling" as an interest but the ones that think theyre models either are not or are snobbish. Going thru friends of friends of friend of friends works too but its boring. Oh and Ive tried sayign some random C+F stuff but they didnt work (possibly because the C+F wasnt actually C+F)
You need to use the 'Browse' function instead of the 'Search' function. Type in a ZIP code and the specs you want, and you can just look at a list of girls in that area. Also make sure you check the box that says "only find users with photos," it will make things a lot faster.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
are you serious? get out of the house and go have fun, oh and while your doing that, talk to girls to


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Don't leave comments in the section where everyone leaves comments. That's just sad.


Comment on something in their profile. A comment on a band they like, or some hobby actually normally sounds AFC, but all you are looking for initially is for them to respond to you.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Ricky said:
Don't leave comments in the section where everyone leaves comments. That's just sad.


Comment on something in their profile. A comment on a band they like, or some hobby actually normally sounds AFC, but all you are looking for initially is for them to respond to you.
So how exactly do you comment on something in their profile without leaving a comment?


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
This is the approach I take. Send them a message with either a question that ANYONE can answer. Ask them their opinion on something funny and outrageous. Be very sarcastic, ****y, but be sure to insert plenty of smily faces and laughs to ensure that they get the idea that you are joking, not acting like a ****head.

Sometimes prefacing these with a neg hit can be good if the chick is hot enough. IE: "I'm doing a poll of girls with eating disorders. At first I thought you had one, but I could be wrong, it's worth the shot though."

... or an extremely vague, somewhat aggressive question that will pique their curiousity. This will give you an IMMEDIATE aura of mystery.

"Did you really think you'd get away with it?"
"I can't believe you really think you could do me like that."
"What'd you say?"
"Wow... that's insane!"
"Great, not another one of these."

The great thing about Myspace is it gives you time to reply to their reply. Questions like these will most likely have a very short answer, but you have established conversation. The chance of them pulling out after they've invested a reply drops. Usually your reply after this will be something C+F.

You can also send them a playful neg hit about something in their profile. Usually dissing some oddball taste of theirs (music, movies, etc) that they have listed will work. They are most likely used to their friends giving them **** about it, so they won't take too much offense.

NEVER just ask something plain or boring. INSULT THEM, OFFEND THEM, AND/OR PIQUE THEIR CURIOSITY. I've discovered that even HB5's get LOTS of messages from guys out of the blue and anything remotely boring will get thrown in the trash can. I have even gotten complimented on my approach, that they thought it was cool that I was DIFFERENT. This was when I made fun of a girls taste in music!

"U like Nirvana? I like them to."

... WILL NOT GET YOU LAID OR A GIRLFRIEND. You sound about as cool as a Christmas Tree with that line.

If girls do not respond, don't freak out. Just send a message to the next girl.

To the haters: Myspace is great for us guys with some time to kill during work. Why WASTE extra time at bars and clubs (where you'll find nasty, flaky girls for the most part) when you can pick up solid girls that you can pre-screen and build raport with at your leisure? I don't have to prove my super alpha male status by going to bars and AMOGing everyone on SS into doing what I do. I meet girls that I run into while I'm out LIVING MY LIFE and while I have some free time at work on Myspace. I'm way too busy with my real friends and my passions to build my life around getting hoes. To me, that's the most DJ thing of all.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'll have to see how well that works for me. I've talked to a few girls on MySpace and a few in person. The ones I've been seeing at the bars are pretty nasty, but I've been seeing some pretty nasty ones on MySpace too. And with kids. So until I find out where the HBs are in town I won't have too many options besides those.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
MySpace is problematic. Although it has it's lighter sides, likes AFC's working their "game" on middle-aged men in disguise.

Ugh, bad mental picture.

Anyway, you're MySpace game isn't going to help you 10 years down the track. It will more likely land you in jail for crimes that disgust the average human.

Get out to parties and get drunk. Approach that hot chick you see having a coffee on a sunny afternoon. Hone those real life skills! Don't sit in front of a computer screen counting the pimples on your face and the messages in your inbox.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
But then again, how often will a HB7-10 NOT have a bf, BE on Myspace, and SEND you an actual compliment? Yeaaa, don't hold your breath for that one.

Very often.

Radiance said:
Picking up girls on myspace doesn't work very well from my experience.

It gives the girl too much opportunity to ignore the conversation.

You have all the opportunity in the world not to be yet another boring guy who says "hey cutie. like your profile. what are you doing this weekend? well have a good nite. hit me up."

If they stop talking to you you're either boring or not good looking. Or both. I'm going to go with probably boring because I've seen firsthand the messages that good looking girls get day in and day out. The guys are boring as hell, they kiss ass, they say "cutie" repeatedly. They don't really SAY anything. They have no pizazz. They type LOL after things that THEY say that they think are funny. Do they laugh hilariously as their own lame jokes in person too?

"hey cutie wats ur sn?" (that one works alot more than u think)

if u find somethin on their page to tease them about, then mention it in the subject so she reads ur message

i got myspace down to a science
Science? What for picking up 16 year olds? Or just low quality women with kids and work as receptionists?
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Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
i got myspace down to a science cuz practically every girl i MEET from myspace, i end up fvcking.......dont beat around the bush and try to be "different", but give her the same ur beautiful wats ur sn line and if she responds, talk to her............send it to 100 girls, and 20 will reply with their sn's, as long as ur good looking

too easy


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
i got myspace down to a science cuz practically every girl i MEET from myspace, i end up fvcking.......dont beat around the bush and try to be "different", but give her the same ur beautiful wats ur sn line and if she responds, talk to her............send it to 100 girls, and 20 will reply with their sn's, as long as ur good looking
I don't think I want to meet women that want to have sex with barely literate men. But yea if you want to just avalanche girls with ho hum garbage and get the lowest 20 of the 100 responding, sounds great... oh yea until you equate that we're not all good looking.

Try to be different? You just BE different. There's no act. If the woman i'm talking to isn't interested in me and i her from the start, what's the point in getting her out? So i can waste an entire night on some girl that doesn't appreciate that I deviate at least slightly from every other joe around when i could have just taken 3 minutes to write something other than "sup ur pretty nyuck nyuck." Just to say i fcuked another girl? No thanks I want a woman that scorns the norm and demands more. Pre-screening.

I also don't msg girls who show gratuitous cleavage shots or ones with them in bikinis trying to garner attention.

Anyway good luck with the 19 year olds.