my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
I was having a DM discussion with another member where I mentioned how my struggles with the ladies go beyond mere social awkwardness/ASD. Come to think of it, I suppose the topic warrants its own thread.

In addition to my ASD/social awkwardness, there are many other factors working against me (which I generally like to hide from a woman):
  • The fact I don't drive.
  • The fact I partially rely on parents financially.
  • The fact I have hardly any social life.
  • The fact I hold extreme political beliefs (Since we aren't supposed to talk politics on this forum, I won't get into my exact beliefs. The point is: Extreme political beliefs in either direction can hurt your chances with the ladies. Extreme beliefs are called extreme for a reason. Most of the population doesn't hold extreme beliefs).
  • The fact I have mental illnesses galore.
With everything I hide from a woman, it reaches the point where I'm basically preventing a woman from getting to know the true me.

Hardly any woman would go for a man with everything I mentioned that's working against me, right?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
  • The fact I don't drive.
Go get a license...if 16-year-olds can do it, I'm sure you can too.

  • The fact I partially rely on parents financially.
I'm in a similar boat. I live with them but they don't subsidize my life; I still have a job and pay for my things. If you're unable to do that, get a job.

  • The fact I have hardly any social life.
Then go outside, dude. I have several friends at my local gym just because I go so regularly. I see the same people every time and get to know them just by proximity and asking to work in on exercises. This has the added benefit of making you more attractive by being in better shape.

  • The fact I hold extreme political beliefs (Since we aren't supposed to talk politics on this forum, I won't get into my exact beliefs. The point is: Extreme political beliefs in either direction can hurt your chances with the ladies. Extreme beliefs are called extreme for a r
Have you tried NOT doing that? Seriously, how hard is it to not make your political beliefs your identity? I consider myself conservative. But that doesn't mean I won't date or sleep with women who have more liberal ideologies. If THEY have a problem with MY political leanings, that's their issue, not mine.

  • The fact I have mental illnesses galore.
Then maybe you shouldn't date, dude. Nobody is entitled to somebody else's attraction. If you have problems that are bad enough that they get in the way of relationships you should probably work on them.

Hardly any woman would go for a man with everything I mentioned that's working against me, right?
You're fishing for validation that somebody with as many shortcomings as you mention is still worthy of dating. Reframe your question as if you were selling somebody a car:

"This car barely runs, breaks down often, doesn't get many miles to the gallon, is butt ugly, and you'll spend more time fixing it than you will be driving it. Will you be paying by cash or card?"

Do you see how stupid that sounds?

Women are not going to be flocking to you, based on how you describe yourself. What matters now is deciding whether you're ok with that fact, or whether you're going to make some changes.