My Review of Speer's FREE Bootcamp Seminar


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Did you guys have reliable results after all these years?
You can figure it out and be a self made man. Like all the other successful men.

Or you can follow some kind of dated, rigid instruction manual. Tell me in a couple years how that works out for you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
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P.S. I'm not saying Kung Fu sucks. Our minds are limited and there is always a possibility on anything. Howver, I believe people need to follow what is more reliable. For instance, we know jumping of the cliff is harmful because reliable evidence shows that gravity exists. (Gravity has been tested and proven. Something that Kung Fu lacks.) Something that also lacks. I'm not saying Savoy's people proved their methods are as reliable as gravity because human beings are different and unique. However, we can still distinguish between what works and what doesn't by tons of experiments. I am working on the love system three months, and IT WORKS. Three Months> Five Years of DJ BIBLE.

Like I said, I will try Speer Method.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Howver, I believe people need to follow what is more reliable. For instance, we know jumping of the cliff is harmful because reliable evidence shows that gravity exists. (Gravity has been tested and proven. Something that Kung Fu lacks.) Something that also lacks. I'm not saying Savoy's people proved their methods are as reliable as gravity because human beings are different and unique. However, we can still distinguish between what works and what doesn't by tons of experiments.
I understand that you want a system that can be applied. Like Kung Fu. There are main techniques and complementary techniques to cover them.

Only problem is that Kung Fu is pretty weak. The best systems are no system. Look into something called Krav Maga. Its a brutal and extremely effective Israelli Martial art, its constantly being updated and refined. They do only what works. Improvisation as well as borrowing techniques from everybody. Kung Fu, Jiu Jitsu, dirty street fighting moves... etc. All losely packaged together into something entirely more brutal but constantly changing.

Now another problem is that Kung Fu is not for everybody. Even if the system IS super effective you have to have the body do do it. Some people are just not ft for Kung Fu but would be fit for a similar martial art that works on their strengths. For example, Jiu Jitsu because its more ground fighting. But to follow a rigid system like that and expect it to work all the time is another problem.

Wish you the best, but we both know this will be a repeat performance because you choose not to evaluate things and think for yourself. You want something pre-digested and contained inside a binder and while there are many available, none of them will really work for you because they are cookie cutter solutions.

But I guess some people like to be lead along by the hand. Not everyone can be a leader after all. If it was like that, the world would be chaos as everyone focuses on their own self-interests. Problem is, you're still following the wrong leader.

Speer Method

May 20, 2009
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Speer's Penthouse
"The Best System is no System" ?!??!???!??

That is the most ridicules statement I have ever heard in my life. That is like saying a doctor doesnt need a procedure for surgery. LMAO

Oh god, some of the people on this forum are awesome while others never stop to amaze me in the level of their stupidity.

Krav Maga AWESOME!!! Israeli Defense force martial arts (Follows a direct SYSTEM BTW LMAO) Karv which means Fight, Maga which means contact..although since Hebrew is backwards it would acctually mean Contact Fighting. Karv Maga is one of the most deadliest urban defense tactics out. Since I am from Israel I know quite alot about this but guess what Krav Maga has been around forever although it just started becoming popular in the US within the last few years. First it was used by the Mosad then the israeli defence force (which means ALL israelis that go to israeli army know karv Maga. Which is everyone in israel since army is mandatory)

Sorry about rambling...

I am endorsed by LoveSystems although my methods are quite different. The best thing is to find what works best for you. Dont listen to anyone other then yourself. Most of the people on here get no results, are not recognized in the seduction and dating community and try to make a name for themselves with fixed retarded opinions.

This unfortunately leaves no room for growth. So they will always be stuck where they are at. Posting on this forum and b7tching about how little results they get or even worst lieing about how great of results they are getting.

Then ofcurse you got the flamers who are just bored with their lives and feel like they can make a name for themselves by dissing other people who are trying to help. Those people should join the Ross Jeffries of this world, make a cult and kill themselves. It would serve everyone well.

Anyway thats my two cents,

Stay tuned for more Speer's Edge Tactics, and be on the look out for my interview on

peace out


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Speer Method said:
"The Best System is no System" ?!??!???!??

That is the most ridicules statement I have ever heard in my life. That is like saying a doctor doesnt need a procedure for surgery. LMAO
Talking and socializing is not a procedure.

Oh god, some of the people on this forum are awesome while others never stop to amaze me in the level of their stupidity.

I am endorsed by LoveSystems although my methods are quite different. The best thing is to find what works best for you. Dont listen to anyone other then yourself. Most of the people on here get no results, are not recognized in the seduction and dating community and try to make a name for themselves with fixed retarded opinions.
Flamebait. And you're doing the same thing you're preaching against. Ragging on the other systems like RSD trying to make a name for yourself. See this ROOKIE OF THE YEAR, you're going to follow a hypocrite.

Those people should join the Ross Jeffries of this world, make a cult and kill themselves. It would serve everyone well.
Wow. Now THAT is flaming. You might be good at something after all.

Stay tuned for more Speer's Edge Tactics, and be on the look out for my interview on
nobody cares.