Although this story is probably fake, I wouldn't run this past any woman. We all need a fresh reminder of what these woman are capable of.
I once had a plate that wanted to date me "so badly". Even dropped the L-bomb, but I would not budge. I told her I wanted to "wait" to be honest, I didn't really trust her. I also told her this, that I didn't really know her well enough, and she needs some time to build my trust because "I didn't know what she was capable of." (My exact words.) Mind you, this conversation was right after we had sex, and we're laying on my buddies bed at party/kickback. Right after this conversation, I go to have a few more drinks and she goes missing. So is my "friend" at the time. While trying to stay cool and calm, I let my emotions get the best of me. I ask around, I hear that my girl is in the bathroom. Then hear that my friend is in the bathroom from another person. Both in the bathroom huh? Shady. I walk up to the bathroom door, and I can hear the shower running. I try the door, it's locked. So I call both them out on their bullsh!t. And bang the door. They are both rattled. Eventually I busted down the door (which I later replaced) screaming profanities. I don't know what stopped me from beating the fvck out of my friends naked little a$$ but I didn't. I actually ended up storming off driving home all drunk. The girl had no remorse or shame after it all either. What hurt the most was the conversation we had literally RIGHT BEFORE this all happened.
Let me tell you man, woman are ruthless.
Fast forward a few months later, after NC whatsoever. She approaches me to tell me that was one of the biggest mistakes she ever made, blah blah. To which I replied with a "fvck off".
And if that wasn't enough to turn a man cold, I've got about 3 other stories just as bad if not worse. Although, I was always stupid enough to allow myself to get that close.
Don't really have that problem anymore.
I hate to say it, but I'm a jaded mother fvcker.