drixsa said:
Should trust be lost by thoughts that are never acted upon?
The short answer is - we cannot determine a thought if it was never acted upon - otherwise how would we know what they are thinking?
I'm talking about women here, their psyche, as designed...
That is the question! Not acting on certain thoughts, that will be detrimental to your state, shows strength of will, perseverance, endurance, integrity, patience, principles! This is what a virgin brings to the marriage - LOYALTY!
Loyalty requires all of the aforementioned attributes!
As I stated in my previous post - a woman who gets sexed by another who is not her husband, is more likely, than a virgin, to leave her husband, to seek another physical connection, Because her past tells us that she is capable of only having a physical bond without the spiritual bond in marriage! Woman were not designed for a physical relationship only - they are emotional beings and need the spiritual connection also - thus the propensity for cuddling, and the asking of the question, "Do you love me?".
So then we know know that she, the non-virgin, is capable of having a mere lustful physical bond only, and thus the trust, in marriage can never be 100% - because there is a potential -. her thought, that her eye may wander towards the physical - as it has done so in the past. So she turned the "thought" into action in the past, and thus has the potential to do so again, and go outside of her feminine nature by not requiring a spiritual bond before sex. Men don't necessarily require a spiritual mind connection to have sex, although we prefer it!
Women "who 'give" themselves to others" who are not their husband, have a much higher probability of being unfaithful to their husbands, versus those who hold onto their virginity. Here is why...
Sex should be a GIVING act - sex out of marriage is an act of TAKING - each are fulfilling themselves and not giving to each other. Marriage is a spiritual bond and the sex act is the physical bond - both bonds exist and are required for fulfillment! When there is just the physical bond (lust) and the spiritual (mind) bond is not present, then it is no longer a giving act, but an act of possession, "I want you!". Sex then becomes a selfish act, selfish, because you cannot give to yourself! Giving requires a party of two - because it requires you to share a part of you. Sharing the "physical" self outside of a spiritual bond is NOT sharing, it is taking - selfish. - because we give our minds, and thus hearts, when we unite in marriage - we give our spouse our minds - which is spiritual and our bodies, which is physical - now that the two bonds are congruent then you reach fulfillment! This is why many b/f g/f "relationships" fail - the physical connection was made before, or without, the spiritual connection.
So if a woman has a wandering eye, then this tells you that she is opening herself to another. .Remember, prolonged eye contact from a woman is a sign of interest. Men are visual beings, by design, because we initiate contact, and our eyes determine who we contact. But women are not designed to be receptive only to what their eyes see - there are other factors that they consider in a man. So a wandering eye is expected from a man (even though his wife doesn't like this), but it is not expected from the female, unless she is open to others - because she is acting out of her nature, and the man is acting WITHIN his nature - so who then deviated? And a deviation is a lie - unfaithful to truth!
All actions require a thought, except a reflex - so a thought precedes, or rather, originates the action - so, although the act is not attempted or completed, there is potential there! When women "open" themselves" to others, through her eye contact - she is inviting other men to approach her - and then it is only a matter of time before the thought becomes the act.
Actually the thought, displayed via eye contact, is an act - since women, being submissive naturally, initiate with their eyes!
You cannot be a giver AND a taker, unless there is a spiritual bond! Hors are takers, not givers!
The Unnatural Order Of Things!