OK, I'll be serious.
This is a psychological issue - so those guys on here who gave you advice to prance around in sexy pumpkin skirt outfits while twirling a baton to get his sexual attention are not correct in their assessment.
What is the psychology behind this - the thing that you are looking for? His psyche behind his disinterest in you and more into his pictures? It is about fantasy!
He has you already - you are the real - so there is no more wonderment in that which is so readily seen! This is Victoria's Secret!'s secret! This is why the bible uses the term "Know" when describing a man who has known for the first time, his wife in her ENTIRETY - in the nude, where she is entirely exposed and made known to her husband so that he may take her virginity - and thus 'know" her like no other man has! before or since, That term is not used when describing a man taking a hor - because she is open to everyone who tickles her fancy - also, you can never really know a hor - because although they have shown you their nudity - they still hide their true selves - they put on a facade, so that you will approve of them, even though they do things that are not approvalable! This is exactly what the so-called Anti-Slut Defense is!!
ASD is actually an offensive tool and not a defensive one. Why? Because women know that for them to gain your approval - they first must act/seem like they are not what and who they truly are - a lie! So they pretend to seem innocent when they are guilty, so this is an offensive weapon to gain your approval, to accept them for who they are not! They are not the innocent creatures that you think they are!
So this ASD psyche, that all hors have, is one of a lie - because they know that they are going to have sex with you eventually - but they make it seem as though they are not, BUT, if certain criteria are met, like "love", which is really lust in disguise - another lie, or a criteria such as "on the second date", then you have someone manipulating you, making you believe that you are special, and the lie that she is also!. So this is an offensive action - appeasing to the male psyche, at the sacrifice of losing her femininty! . So ASD is an offensive weapon, on her part, not defensive ! So you, the man, are not doing the attacking - she is! It's a psyche game - a mind game!
Women know that, at their DNA root, they are not psychologically designed and thus suited to sleep with a man who is not her husband, and she knows that inherently, the male disapproves of a woman who has sex out of marriage, thus the ASD - or rather ASOffensive! This is why every guy asks themselves, "I wonder how many men were in her snatch?" - and some are bothered by the hor's revelations! This admission of our concern over the number of men who boinked her - BOINK - or whether she is a virgin. - tells us of our and her psyche!
She knows that deep down, in her feminine psyche, that our masculine psyches are designed for a loyal mate - and a woman who is loyal to her virginity, is loyal to her husband.- this is why men hate betrayal - and sometimes kill the betrayer over his rage over her infidelity! But a hor can never be trusted, because she "loves" every body and no one, at the same time, including herself!
Because she made the sex act a merely physical connection and not a spiritual one - her emotional longing for love and company is never quenched - thus her desire to cuddle - she is seeking affirmation that you are spiritually bonded to her as well - albeit after the deed has been done! And we know that the cart before the horse ends in a fallen state - the spiritual connection should come first and not be preempted by physical lusts! And we really never "Know" her, even if she is nude and showing us her all, since we know not of her feminine spirit! If a woman gives herself to another who is not her husband!! She robbed us of her femininity, but we did not rob her of our masculinity,
And her psyche is designed for Chasity - once away from chastity/virginity, her spiritual nature declines, because her physical lusts has overridden her spiritual nature - which is her femininity. This is the root of the unhappiness of many woman today - they are unhappy of who they are or their state in life, because it was by their own sexual desires/lusts, given so freely, that has cheapened the sex act, and thus lowered herself in the process, and lessened her value to her husband. So a woman flouting her sexuality too much to her husband, may repel him, because he is then reminded of her "cheapened" state ( a apparent physical but not spiritual being, lacking femininity, a hor) and thus visualizes a real or imagined infidelity!
So there is really never TRUE trust amongst individuals who had pre-marital sex, because they know that when a physical sex act is not accompanied by a congruent spiritual lifetime commitment, then there could be someone else that they see as attractive physically and would leave their spouse and follow his/her physical lusts into the arms of another - as it was this same physical lust that brought themselves together!
This is why women fear that their husband may go after a younger woman - a younger version of her! Since a wife, before marriage, allowed her husband and others to "Know" her physical without her spiritual self present, she lessened her power in marriage, because although she used her sexuality to get him, her husband has less loyalty to her since she has had other men - which affects the male and female psyche as described above - and thus he sees her as less than loyal-worthy, and already passe - so he MAY seek other arousal - the "NEW" arouses men!!
Some women allow their husbands to cheat, so long as he doesn't "fall in love" with any of them! Because she knows that a spiritual (love) connection overrides the physical lusts, and thus he will favor the other over her. So if a woman wants a higher probability of keeping a man's loyalty, then before you become a physical lustful union with others, become first a spiritual companion in marriage first - BE a virgin!
Oh yeah, your husband...I digressed and gave you the answer, at the same time.. the dynamic of the male and female psyche - and the fantasy that men seek , "newness" - virginity! To KNOW something, and someone, for the first time is a thrill - a thrill to our male psyche! Some men get their newness thrill from another hor - manipulated by her flesh - as his wife once did!
Were you a virgin before marriage? Pre-marital sex?