Fair enough. While lighter skin does tends to correlate with better treatment in some cases, that isn't the point. You complexion, or look, indicates to others that you're of a minority group. You agree to this by your account of what you've said about yourself. By what you had said, you also would agree that ethnic women look up to white men, or non-ethnics, in general. By your premises, therefore, ethnic women won't look up to you. So in this scope, we do share a overlapping problem to varying degrees.I have a beautiful light olive complexion, I shouldn't be experiencing any of the problems you are though dude - in all fairness
my sister who looks identical to me was worshiped by men of all races
edit: I'm not going for white girls, I like ethnic women - Spanish, Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian ,etc...
Remember, italians in the past have been discriminated in the US and many are of a similar complexion to yours, I presume. And while it's not as bad as the past, Spanish guys have their problems too when being weighed against white guys, in general (It really depends on location). As for your sister example, I wouldn't agree to its comparison considering that male-female dynamics are different. An example being men of all races chasing after asian women, but not too many women, including asian women, go for the asian guys in the US. So your sister being of a certain group or complexion doesnt necessarily validate the "marketing value" of your position, which I presumed you to be implying.
Going ahead, your downluck probably has something to do with a multitude of other factors. Many white guys fail online too. And while you claim to be similar to the cop in personality, you simply aren't the same. No one's the same. Different women with different backgrounds discover different men with different personalities at different times under different moods in different circumstances. Do you even know if the chick he'd connected to discovered your profile for the similarity claim to be remotely relevant?
Man, my advice would just be to go out lol. OLD is an ineffective dating solution in my opinion for the majority of guys. Even if you're good looking, there are many more gl guys online that likely dwarf your looks.
EDIT: You said OLD was something you tried several years ago. So you're probably not on it anymore. I'm guessing your friend hook-up was recent?.. yea
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