Well many of you don't know that when i'm on the computer or using the internet and logging this website that i'm not at home.I'm currently locked up and held in the Harris County Boys YouthBootCamp Detention Center for boys ages 12-17 its like a bootcamp and a jail combind only that they let you use the computer any day or any time in your room which I'm typing at.I'm on level 10 which is the highest and gives people on that level soo many oppunitys to do free stuff .So I will be released in a couple days or weeks I have exactly 3 weeks left until freedom! Yeah and as soon as I get out I have couple plans
1.Holla at girls and getting alot of puzzy
2.Party all day
3.No more causing trouble like breaking the law
4.Give people here more advice when I get home
5.Get a job
6.Go work out at the gym
7.Hang wit my homeboys and homegirls
8.Enjoy freedom
9.Getting along with my mom
10.Work on my school education and planning for education
Well that's all I can think off right now I will edit ifi I think of more,aight this isn't a waste of thread it's ment to inspire people and enjoy freedom.Because when your locked you will learn that freedom is the best thing you can ever have,ofcourse not better then puzzy,lol.But anyways I hope inspire people and once again ignore my horrible grammar/spelling/typing skills their keyboard sucks.
1.Holla at girls and getting alot of puzzy
2.Party all day
3.No more causing trouble like breaking the law
4.Give people here more advice when I get home
5.Get a job
6.Go work out at the gym
7.Hang wit my homeboys and homegirls
8.Enjoy freedom
9.Getting along with my mom
10.Work on my school education and planning for education
Well that's all I can think off right now I will edit ifi I think of more,aight this isn't a waste of thread it's ment to inspire people and enjoy freedom.Because when your locked you will learn that freedom is the best thing you can ever have,ofcourse not better then puzzy,lol.But anyways I hope inspire people and once again ignore my horrible grammar/spelling/typing skills their keyboard sucks.