My GF uses a DJ trick against me!


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Even after reading that long-ass post you wrote, I still think you should get rid of her, for your own best interests. You don't need a kid in your life right now, especially one that isn't even yours.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Dole said:
After a few hours we ended up on the couch, her laying on me. She's like what would you do if I told you that I loved you? Blah blah I told her I am not ready to hear that and that I think that she already love's me because she has brought it up before but in different context and she laughed. Then she went on by stating the following: "You know how I know that I care about you? When ever I go to bed I think about you and when ever I wake up your on my mind"... There was other emotional stuff she said but I don't wanna type it up, this behavior on the couch is typical of her and hasn't changed from day one so I don't think she was bullsh1ting me.
Also I should note that she told me that I should bring it up right away when she is doing something wrong or it's bothering and not wait a few day's and then bring it up!
Man this women is good, she's such a natural that she's got you sucked in so far. Good luck, your seriously going to need it at this pace.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Dole said:
I am sorry guys but I didn't fill you in with all the details I am sure you would change your opinions if I did.
Like I said, I listened to my gut feeling and I decided to take charm's advice and take that approach so I did. I sent her a text message saying:
me: we need to talk.
her: About?
her: Calls me 5 minutes later wanting to know what I want to talk to her about, I kept telling her I won't tell her and that we need to talk to person and she refused to do so, in the end she gave up and agreed that we talk in person.
she texts me 5 minutes later
her: If you don't wanna be with me anymore I would prefer if u just told me now. Honestly
me: Its to be discussed face to face that's the best way
her: Uh no. U can tell me now instead of havin me stressed at work
2 minutes later texts me again
her: It's cruel of u to make me sit here and wonder for the next 3 hours. Dont you think?
I was busy talking to one of my friends on the house phone so I didn't reply to her texts
20 minutes later she calls me again
She's tells me that she is going to leave my birthday gift's infront of her house and that we have nothing to talk about, I told her yes we do and she's like no I am telling you that we have nothing to talk about. I told her thats fine so be it and that I don't need her gifts and she can go return them and I hang up on her. She calls me back saying that she's sorry and she really wants to know what this is about, so I told her it has to do with her telling me that we are done and it needs to be discussed.
When we met up she got into my car. She was all quiet and not in the b1tchy mood like she usually is when we are arguing, i guess she knew this was serious. So the story goes with me confronting her about the comment's of ending our relationship, that they are not necessary unless she really means it and that they need to stop, she said that she wont make such remarks again. Then I also brought up the text message's and told her that I want to know who they are from, she told me that they are from her baby's father and that she already told me this from the first day ( then it rang a bell in my head that she actually did ). Then she went on further saying that she needs to save he's text message's because he is a compulsive liar and she needs to confront him when necessary ( she needs proof so she saves these text messages, also she already told me this a few times in our relationship that he's a good liar ). As for taking the phone to the shower she said she always does that.
After a few hours we ended up on the couch, her laying on me. She's like what would you do if I told you that I loved you? Blah blah I told her I am not ready to hear that and that I think that she already love's me because she has brought it up before but in different context and she laughed. Then she went on by stating the following: "You know how I know that I care about you? When ever I go to bed I think about you and when ever I wake up your on my mind"... There was other emotional stuff she said but I don't wanna type it up, this behavior on the couch is typical of her and hasn't changed from day one so I don't think she was bullsh1ting me.
Also I should note that she told me that I should bring it up right away when she is doing something wrong or it's bothering and not wait a few day's and then bring it up!
My opinion has not changed one bit.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
I got fvcking served hardcore. Thank god its 2 months and not 2 years.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
so what happened? you finally looked in the mirror and realized you have a leach around your neck?

and how could you ever get so serious with a girl you ve only known for 1 month?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
comic_relief said:
Whoever cares the most has the most to lose

Hence modern relationships have become a competition to see who can care the least the soonest and cheat or breakup first so as to come out the winner of the game...LOL humans amuse me..:eek: