my gf answers the phone at 2am from some other guy


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Long story short Ive been with my gf for about a year now. Shes somewhat of a full blown AW but shes cool as sh*t most of the time and we have a decent relationship, I live with her right now which is pretty crazy atleast for me. Yea shes had her share of guys and is very flirty but anyways theres one thing that bugs me sometimes.
I have seen her cell phone logs cause Ive used for calls and while I was on it I notice that she picked up some phone calls from a dude or two a couple of days ago. She didnt call them they called her but she answered it. now obviously she cant do sh*t with them cause I live with her but still Is it right to tell her not to pick up the phone when they call? Maybe she likes the attention cause remember she is an AW. But I think about it I would probably pick up the phone too just to keep my options open just in case even though Im pretty much happy in the LTR right now. I dont like the fact that she does it though. Should I say something or just keep my mouth shut. For those of you who say ditch her how many of you would pick up the phone drunk at 2 am if a girl called you? Theres got to be another solution besides nexting her.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Every hot girl has a "Break In Case of Emergency Co ck."

And every true lady's man, playa, DJ, and PUA should have some "Break In Case of Emergency Pvssy."

That's just the way life is. Only AFCs, losers, and cheese****s put all their eggs in one basket before (and even during) marriage.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Out There
lol its funny you brought it up, i was having sex with this chick and her ex bf called she didnt answer it but, we never fuked again lol. i think you should not make a note of that just let it slide, even if you say something you think she will stop from doing what she has planned, if she has planned something. anyway just my two cents.



Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Some tips...

gt2345: The insecurity in you reeks dude! If you tell her not to answer the phone, you will make her feel like she is in a "cage", trapped, unable to breathe, in a sence.... this is beyond being insecure man, whats wrong with you? So what if some other guys are calling her? You are the best man she will ever have, right? You make her happy, right? She loves YOU, right? She has been with you for a year, and you LIVE with her, obviously she isn’t going to be cheating on you, so whats there to get insecure about? You are there WITH her all the time, you are spending time with her, YOU are making love to her, YOU are taking her out and enjoying yourself and each others company, she calls YOU, not them!

You are lucky that your girl is like that and not worse... I have experienced this kinda sh!t with a girl i loved, but worse.... she went to movies and dinner with other guys (while me and her were together, yes!), she texted other guys on a daily basis (not that I have a prob with that), she called other guys on a daily basis (not that I have a prob with that), but I knew that I was the one that made her happy, thats why she was with ME.

You need to realise, that if you start making a big deal of things like her answering other guys calls, it will create even BIGGER problems in your relationship, which is what will lead to u even breaking up with her.... rather show her that you are confident, be ok with her answering calls from other guys.... I mean... she is even letting u look at her messages and call registers etc, this means that she has nothing to hide from you!

Something you also need to know about some attractive women… they naturally become AW’s, and to get OUT of that habit takes a LOT of time (depending on the girl as an individual) and sometimes they will even flirt with other guys and not even realise it, and again, if u see this happening, DO NOT “blow up” on her, point it out to her in a nice calm manner, until she eventually stops.

over all.... don’t be so insecure, it reflects, and its not a good thing, let her be, she is allowed to have other male friends, as u are allowed to have other female friends.... remember, she is with you now because she WANTS to be with you.



Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Lol... Aequitas.... just wrong dude ;)

How many "committed" wives, living with their husbands, cheat?

You wanna cheat, you'll do it.

That gets that argument out of the way.

His girl shouldn't be answering the phone from a dude at 2am, period. Or from anyone, for that matter.

You're in a committed relationship living with your other half, you don't let damn phone calls interrupt your valuable sleep with them

It's just as easy for her to reject the call before getting cosy with her man.

She should have her phone off, or on silent.

People that wanna call at night can use the house phone.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by TheRelic
Lol... Aequitas.... just wrong dude ;)

How many "committed" wives, living with their husbands, cheat?

You wanna cheat, you'll do it.

That gets that argument out of the way.

His girl shouldn't be answering the phone from a dude at 2am, period. Or from anyone, for that matter.

You're in a committed relationship living with your other half, you don't let damn phone calls interrupt your valuable sleep with them

It's just as easy for her to reject the call before getting cosy with her man.

She should have her phone off, or on silent.

People that wanna call at night can use the house phone.
while what you say is true.... she does not seem like the kinda girl that is hiding anything from him... she lets him look at her phone, her messages, her call register, etc... if she was really up to something, she would make sure that those other guys wouldn’t call her when she was with her bf, and she would be a hell of a lot more secretive about these other guys, dont u think?

I dont know.... but I dont think that this girl intends to cheat;) But yet again, I’m only human (even though some people dont believe that), and I could be wrong, but I really dont think I am in this case.



Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Agreed! But if I was lying in bed with my girl, and got a call at 2 am, i'd probably throw the phone out the window!


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
then the answer is simple....

Originally posted by TheRelic
Agreed! But if I was lying in bed with my girl, and got a call at 2 am, i'd probably throw the phone out the window!
lol... well yeah.... the part of answering the phone that late and waking your partner up is wrong *nod* ... but then the simple solution to that would be to just ask your gf to switch her phone to silent or switch it off when u go to sleep;)



Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
i agree of being ok with your girl having guy friends, what i woulnt allow is the disrespect that occurs when she awnsers the phone at 2 in the morning when she lives with me, if you want to allow this or are ok with your girl doing this its your problem.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Don't complain when you decide to accept (you admit) "a full blown AW" into your house to live with you. What I would like to know how did the arrangment came about?? I bet she hinted she would like to move with you without paying much money and you thought that she can pay it back with love and sex. Classic AW.

She is not your wife so why is she living with you?? See if she was your wife and some strange guy calls her at 2 in the morning, you would know something is up. Guys do not call women at 2am in the morning to chit chat. Guys want to know if they can come over and fvck her!. This is an unacceptable behaviour, a behaviour that wouldn't have concerned you if she wasn't living with you.

Ask yourself this question: Would you have known that guys were calling her at 2am in the morning if she wasn't living with you? would you trust her enough to tell you without snooping to check her phone records? I doubt it.

If you are living under the same roof and she lets other strange guys invade your territory, then there is no way you can trust her. Remember they are not only wh0ring for attention.

Now obviously she cant do sh*t with them cause I live with her
Are you that gulliable?? she can be going to the mall or on her way from work/college and have a quicky in some guys apartment or car. Its not to difficult.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Stop only looking at the bad side of things....

DJDamage: you are talking about the 'worst case scenario", which this case might NOT be... maybe that guy was just a friend and was really drunk and phoned half his phone book? (i have seen, and done that myself), maybe is IS loyal? maybe she cant help it that some guys think that she is hot and phone her at 2am? .. if she really wanted to get it on with other guys, then why would she make things harder on herself and LIVE with her bf? why would she not tell the other guys not to phone her while her bf was around? why didn’t she erase her messages from her phone? why didn’t she clear her call register? ... stop thinking ONLY negatively, it wont get u far, ur post seems rather paranoid to me.... but alas, u MAY be right? but i doubt that this girl is really that stupid as to make things so obvious to her bf and make things harder for her to cheat (she chose to live with her bf) if she really wanted to cheat.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ~ªêQµïT?~
DJDamage: you are talking about the 'worst case scenario", which this case might NOT be... maybe that guy was just a friend and was really drunk and phoned half his phone book? (i have seen, and done that myself), maybe is IS loyal?

It could be a possibility.

Originally posted by ~ªêQµïT?~
maybe she cant help it that some guys think that she is hot and phone her at 2am?

Well in this case, she should turn the cell phone off. She is in bed with her boyfriend and answering phone calls with other guys? talk about mood killers.

Originally posted by ~ªêQµïT?~
.. if she really wanted to get it on with other guys, then why would she make things harder on herself and LIVE with her bf? why would she not tell the other guys not to phone her while her bf was around?

She lives with her boyfriend because she might be using him. She figures " hey I have a roof over my head for almost free (we assume) and a guy that takes care of me and loves me no matter what and he lets me go out with my single guy friends and discrettly I fvck them on the side, goly I have the best of both worlds"

Originally posted by ~ªêQµïT?~
why didn’t she erase her messages from her phone? why didn’t she clear her call register? ...
Some women tend to be lazy. Some women just don't care. Some women if being accused will throw the " How dare you spy on me, you don't trust me!!?? = No sex for a week" They know how to manipulate their way around.

stop thinking ONLY negatively, it wont get u far, ur post seems rather paranoid to me.... but alas, u MAY be right? but i doubt that this girl is really that stupid as to make things so obvious to her bf and make things harder for her to cheat (she chose to live with her bf) if she really wanted to cheat.
I am listing the worst case scenrio because some posters (you) only enlist the best case scenerio. Somewhere in between lies the truth and the guy wants an advice from different perspectives. You are still young, maybe you have never been involved with many manipulative lying cheaters before and cannot detect the signs. I have and therefore I am suspecious when a woman does things to better serve her needs rather then the relationship needs. AW with lots of guys friends spells trouble especially when she lives with you under the same roof (which is a mistake in my book). AW's are STUPID because they do whatever pleases them and due to being very self absorbs they never see the consequences of their actions. Empathy almost does not exist for them. But I can be wrong and he and the AW's will have a happy family together some day!


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Well, the original poster accepts the fact that his girlfriend is an AW. I think that explains some things, don't you? He knows the fact that she is bad as she is. And since he lives with her during a 1? year relationship, we can assume he isn't the best of DJs, but still realizes the fact that she is an AW. I think DJDamage might be on to something here.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
ok... i see what u are saying, but there is no need to jump to conclusioins...

DJDamage: I am not saying that all what u suspect is not true or possible, I am just trying to say that there is no need to make a HUGE deal of this phone call thing, because IF she ISNT unloyal to him, then he made a big deal, which will probably lead to a fight, for what? over (possibly) nothing... and will only show that he is insecure....

I think that at THIS point, he should just ask her nicely to not answer any phone calls at 2am, and to please turn her phone off or switch it to silent when they sleep.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Re: ok... i see what u are saying, but there is no need to jump to conclusioins...

Originally posted by ~ªêQµïT?~
DJDamage: I am not saying that all what u suspect is not true or possible, I am just trying to say that there is no need to make a HUGE deal of this phone call thing, because IF she ISNT unloyal to him, then he made a big deal, which will probably lead to a fight, for what? over (possibly) nothing... and will only show that he is insecure....

I think that at THIS point, he should just ask her nicely to not answer any phone calls at 2am, and to please turn her phone off or switch it to silent when they sleep.

It doesn't matter what he does. Living with an AW under the same roof will surly bring in more problems that he will have to solve in the near future.

Do not live with your gf! only live with a woman you are engaged to or married to.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by gt2345
Long story short Ive been with my gf for about a year now. Shes somewhat of a full blown AW but shes cool as sh*t most of the time and we have a decent relationship, I live with her right now which is pretty crazy atleast for me. Yea shes had her share of guys and is very flirty but anyways theres one thing that bugs me sometimes.
gt2345, are you in an exclusive relationship with her? If the subject of an exclusive relationship has not come up before, then you probably aren't in one, despite the fact that you live with her (preferably, you want your GF to bring up the subject of an exclusive relationship). The bottom line is, if you are in an exclusive relationship, your GF shouldn't be seeing other men one on one. You can't stop her from taking phone calls from all her guy friends, but taking a phone call at 2:00 AM from a guy friend is quite unusual and somewhat disturbing.

If you aren't in an exclusive relationship, she has every right to see other guys and take phone calls from them.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
how about becoming a man and making some rules around the house .. if she does not like it kick her out !


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Re: Some tips...

Originally posted by ~ªêQµïTª$~
gt2345: The insecurity in you reeks dude! If you tell her not to answer the phone, you will make her feel like she is in a "cage", trapped, unable to breathe, in a sence.... this is beyond being insecure man.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Louisiana, soon Montreal
Personally I wouldn't live with any woman I didn't plan to marry, like another poster said. That being said...

If you confront her about it you will seem insecure, which you are by the tone of your post.

As long as her sub-communication is still good with you, great sex, not beta-tizing you, still respectful in general, I would not sweat it at all.