My G/f is Going to the Club w/ Her G/fs


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
My g/f is going to the club with her girlfriends. She told me she is gonna dance with other guys. Is grinding considered cheating? I mean.. what if a guy rub's his c*ck all over her @$$?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
well if some guy does that then he does that, there is nothing you can do, there is no way you can stop her form cheating, because if she wants to she will cheat on you, but hopefully she wont.

di not tell her you do not want her dance with other guys unless this happens on a regular basis as this will make you seem jelous and insecure but i do not think she should be doing it, so if she wants to do it again tell her not to dance with other guys

hope iv been a help


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
this is a tough one to field..i guess the first question is what do you ultimately feel that you want from this it LTR type stuff or is it FB type stuff?

If its LTR stuff - I dont see it. She's either testing you to see if that sort of thing would make you jealous or insecure...or..she is flat out disrespecting you by informing you. All these guys here can say what they want about how its ok that their girl dances and rubs her ass against some guy and that they'd be OK with that..hahaha..yea right..

in either NO SIGNS of jealousy or insecurity. If she's really into you then its just another test women do to pull a n*t check and see if you are the jealous or insecure type.

Don't give her the satisfaction. Tell her that you didn't know that type of thing was accepted in this relationship. Tell her that you didnt do that in your past relationships..but if she says its ok..then hell..tell her that you'll be planning a night out with the boys VERY SOON. Give her the sense that it WAS her idea and that if YOU end up bumpin/grindin with some big booty girl at the clubs...she was ok with it. Poke fun, get under her skin...say something like "I hope your homegirl Angie isn't at the club when me and my boys go out"...

Reverse her test...if she doesnt respond with something insecure or jealous..then, it maybe a good sign that you should keep your options open in the NEAR future..


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
I see.. just what I wanted to know.

What'll happen if she finds me jealous or insecure?


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tiga
My g/f is going to the club with her girlfriends. She told me she is gonna dance with other guys.
If she is 'telling' you this before hand, it's a test of some sort, or she wants to get a reaction out of you.

My response would have been something like,
'cool, try to throw in a few girls also, that would be hot', then change the subject to something else.

Show her your secure and in control of your emotions and nothing she does will ever disturb that.


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
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There is only one reason a woman would say this to you,
She is trying to get a rise out of you, she is trying to manipulate you.

This is pretty standard, whenever a chick mentions other guys, turn the entire thing into a huge ****ing joke. Plant the idea that these guys are pathetic losers.

"Thats so ****ed up! your going to get them all turned on and then not ever put out? You are going to leave those poor guys with blue balls? Poor guys, going home alone , jerking off to the sears catalog, you should at least give them something"

"Make sure you get free drinks too! tell them , no drink , no dance.. Check this out I saw this 'you are rejected' number on the web, you should give that out... My god, you are so evil, playing them for drinks then giving out rejection hotline numbers"
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
1. Maybe this is why you call yourself Tiga instead of Tiger. Your girlfriend runs the relationship.

2. Your getting off to a wrong start in life kid, by letting your bytch run you like this. And she even had the nerve to tell you that she was going to dance with other guys?....ohhh hell naww!!!

3. I can already see the end of your relationship right around the corncer. Your too much of a pvssy to handle this one kid. She is looking for a bad boy who will tell her what to do.

4. It's too late for you to try to change cause that will only start trouble. It's over and done.

5. Also you seem like your nutting up over this shyt. Don't. Start looking for a few back up ho's....cause your going to need it...believe me. When your woman wants another man to touch her as in's no longer about YOU. It's about HER.

6. The bytch may also be trying a dumb assed manipulation game if she wasn't serious....but let's go on the assumption that she is serious about her intent:

You must of bored her so much in your fledging relationship that she now needs to go out with her girls to find some fun.

Go back and read the bible on this site. And start a boot camp for yourself immediately. This will take your focus off her.

She will notice your lack of interest and come running back if it's not too late. But it should be for you. She punked your ass out man. She took your balls and stepped on them. What kind of woman goes out to a club and dances with other men, than her own? Think about it.

What kind of punk gets on the internet and whines about it like a bytch? Sorry kid, I'm callin it as I see don't hate just grow some nuts and start becoming a real man.

A real man's women wouldn't even think about some weak assed shyt like ths.

A real man's women would be trying hard to hold on to his ass...not dogging him out.

A real man's woman would never come up in his face with some shyt like what you just had.

A real man's woman wouldn't even think about another man touching her...cause she is totally enthralled and satisfied.



Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
For your sake my man I hope your girl is just testing you, because if she is serious then I advise you to next her immediately!
I went to a club a couple of month's ago I'm 24 the majority of people who frequent this club are in 18-19 year old range, but anyway, I get intoroduced to this young blond little hottie who is just standing around looking bored so I ask her why she is standing around lookinng bored and she tells me she is there with her boyfriend and his looser friends and that she is bores out of her mind. So without asking for permission I take her hand we head off to the dancefloor where she proceeded to grind on me untill I was hard with her boyfriend watching. I'm usually not the type to after females that are already taken but this chick then tells me she wants to go home with me. I tell her that's not a possibility and that she should go back to her man, she tells me to forget about him and we end going off to my car in the parking lot where she gives me a BJ and then gets out and returns to her boyfriend back inside.
Let this be lesson to you!


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
tiga, read Playa's post carefully. you're toast. especially since she TOLD you she was going to do this and you just shut your mouth and took it like a good little puppy. now you're here. why? you don't have any other prospects.

the only thing that i would add, would be this:


for your own good. grow some b@lls. be a MAN. most likely she was CHALLENGING you by telling you this. YOU FAILED! YOU ARE A PVSSY!!! SHE WILL CHEAT ON YOU WITH A REAL MAN!

go up to her, FACE TO FACE, and say the following:

"we will not be seeing each other anymore. best of luck to you. bye"

no reason, no crying, no drama, no bs. just dump her.

walk away and never look back. VERY FEW men can do this. the men that can are the men that have MANY options with the ladies and therefore don't get themselves into these situations in the first place.

i almost guarantee that she's ALREADY been giving you similar BS and you've been failing all along without ever even knowing it.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
oregon, US
I agree with player supreme. If a girl tells you she's going to go dance with other guys, that is disrespectful in and of itself. I would laugh at her, and be like, "are you kidding me?... Ok, go right ahead and do that" (made a decision in my mind that this girl isn't for an LTR)

If a girl just wants a night out with her girlfriends, and she is into you, she'll go out of her way to let you know that her intentions are innocent. Her blatantly telling you that she is going to dance with other guys is a sign that the relationship is weak. Find yourself some new girl(s) and at least give yourself some space from this one.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ice_Berg_1
For your sake my man I hope your girl is just testing you, because if she is serious then I advise you to next her immediately!
this doesn't make any sense? he already failed her test(s).


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
well if some guy does that then he does that, there is nothing you can do, there is no way you can stop her form cheating, because if she wants to she will cheat on you, but hopefully she wont.

di not tell her you do not want her dance with other guys unless this happens on a regular basis as this will make you seem jelous and insecure but i do not think she should be doing it, so if she wants to do it again tell her not to dance with other guys

hope iv been a help
check_mate, you are getting on my nerves, but that's another issue.

clearly you do not know what's doing on here. this relationship is OVER! it's just a formality at this point. it will take her anywhere from one day to a couple of months to dump him officially.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
It's obvious that she's testing you. Just be secure enough to know that she won't cheat on ya. As far as another guy rubbing his d--k against her---------------OH well THAT"S HOW GUYS ARE. But if she lets him than thats another case. If I was you I'd pay less attention to her tests and go out with my boys. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE... Trust me, she'll come running back. If not you never had her in the first place. Just move on.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
I say you show up to the club where she is at, don't let her see you until you know where she is on the dance floor, grab some HB pull her over there and start bumping and grinding right in front of her. Oh, she doesn't like that, :eek: . Then tell her you had more fun dancing with other girls besides her, that she is to nice, to predictable, and that it would be best if the two of you were just friends. Then go FTOW.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
this relationship is OVER! it's just a formality at this point. it will take her anywhere from one day to a couple of months to dump him officially.
have you noticed you are the only person that thinks it is totaly over, so do not start picking at what i say, infact all i ever see you do is picking at what other people say.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
have you noticed you are the only person that thinks it is totaly over, so do not start picking at what i say, infact all i ever see you do is picking at what other people say.
I think its over for them, unless he can stand her after this blatant disrespect, and if he does, she will continually treat him in this manner until it reaches a breaking point, regardless, he should just spooge in her face.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Out There
dude forget all of that shyt find out which club shes going to. then have a frined of yours go with you to the same club same night. but go without your gf knowing. first observe see how she acts around people, guys. is shes getting lil kinky on the dance floor then go find your self a hottie to dance with and make sure she shes you. you know just do yur thang. if she comes up and says what da fuk yor doing there. tell her same mdafacking thing she is. lol. dont just go hoping shes testing you or dump not knowing the real truth. keep your cool.



Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
1. Maybe this is why you call yourself Tiga instead of Tiger. Your girlfriend runs the relationship.

2. Your getting off to a wrong start in life kid, by letting your bytch run you like this. And she even had the nerve to tell you that she was going to dance with other guys?....ohhh hell naww!!!

3. I can already see the end of your relationship right around the corncer. Your too much of a pvssy to handle this one kid. She is looking for a bad boy who will tell her what to do.

4. It's too late for you to try to change cause that will only start trouble. It's over and done.

5. Also you seem like your nutting up over this shyt. Don't. Start looking for a few back up ho's....cause your going to need it...believe me. When your woman wants another man to touch her as in's no longer about YOU. It's about HER.

6. The bytch may also be trying a dumb assed manipulation game if she wasn't serious....but let's go on the assumption that she is serious about her intent:

You must of bored her so much in your fledging relationship that she now needs to go out with her girls to find some fun.

Go back and read the bible on this site. And start a boot camp for yourself immediately. This will take your focus off her.

She will notice your lack of interest and come running back if it's not too late. But it should be for you. She punked your ass out man. She took your balls and stepped on them. What kind of woman goes out to a club and dances with other men, than her own? Think about it.

What kind of punk gets on the internet and whines about it like a bytch? Sorry kid, I'm callin it as I see don't hate just grow some nuts and start becoming a real man.

A real man's women wouldn't even think about some weak assed shyt like ths.

A real man's women would be trying hard to hold on to his ass...not dogging him out.

A real man's woman would never come up in his face with some shyt like what you just had.

A real man's woman wouldn't even think about another man touching her...cause she is totally enthralled and satisfied.

Now that's telling it straight.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
have you noticed you are the only person that thinks it is totaly over, so do not start picking at what i say, infact all i ever see you do is picking at what other people say.
uh, no, i haven't noticed that. you're 16 YEARS OLD. i have underwear that's older than you! you've probably never had a girlfriend, but you're giving us experienced guys advice and comments in the Mature forum! that is very annoying.

plus, you can't spell.

back to this issue: the writing is already on the wall for this guy. he's already a chump. when a chick does this, as he has outlined, she ALREADY thinks he's a chump. you cannot see this, because you do not have any experience in this and therefore no frame of reference. i, on the other hand, have 20 years under my belt. Player_Supreme has more. both of us said straight up, it's over. therefore...


99% chance he won't. and that's his problem.