The last time I got free sex (3 years ago), I didn't make the move. The 2nd to last time I got free sex (9 years ago), I also didn't make the move.Answer (which should be obvious): Because she is the woman and you are the man. Quit expecting your neighbor to act desperate and throw herself at you or act masculine & take on the male role (not feminine - be grateful she isn't trying to act like the man here.)
But what remains is this:
You Tarzan. Her Jane. Be the man and lead.
I agree with @Rainrain @BackInTheGame78 and the Dutchman on this thread.
Why bother asking the question if you are just going to make excuses and blame the spectrum? And yes I GET that the spectrum affects your social calibration (or lack thereof), but if you hide behind that your whole life, you'll be a lonely dude.
It's not awkward unless you make it awkward. Do you freak out if you offer your mom a cup of tea and she says "No Thank You?"
No? This is NO different. Time to learn that.
My other instances of free sex (I've had 9 free partners total) were facilitated by hookup websites.
The strategy of "meet a woman the traditional way (a woman you already know in person), make a move on her, get laid" has never worked for me. What reason do I have to believe that strategy will miraculously start working for me during my 30s, if I couldn't even get that strategy to work when I had my 21 year old looks?
This isn't me being a defeatist; merely a realist. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results.
Some might say a woman making the move is masculine. I beg to differ. A woman making the move sounds like heaven to me. Besides, aren't we supposed to toss stereotypical gender roles aside in 2024?
Plus, with the massive age gap, one could make the argument that the older one should take the lead.
And of course there's a big difference between my mom turning down a cup of tea vs my neighbor turning down a date. Even though my neighbor is old enough to be my mom, she's not my mom. My neighbor is some MILF whose pants I want to get into.