my bootcamp evolution


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
"before you can find yourself, you must first lose yourself in the world"

once i believed that i had all the answers when it came to my life, women, whatever. but as u can guess since im here, my previous belief about my life was so wrong it makes me cringe when i think about it. i thought i was perfect, that the good times would never end. i let my daily life and a girlfriend fill every aspect of my life, i never thought about the future, what i wanted with my short time here.

i dont know how i found my way here, i wasnt looking for a dating website, but this is exactly what i needed. luck, fate, whatever u wanna call it brought me here, and ive been given a chance to really turn my life around. right now i feel lost, im not sure what i want out of my life, i dont even think i know who i am. but like the quote above, at some point we all have to be lost before we can find ourselves. only when we are lost do we question our lives, and only then do we have the choice to change for the better.

im here on a quest of self-discovery and improvement. through my exercises in the dj bootcmap i hope to start changing my life for the better, and at somepoint find myself.

week 1 goal: say hi to 50 strangers


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
week 1 day 1

the hi thing isnt too difficult at the moment, but sometimes it gets kinda awkward. today i only got 7 as i was walking around, i felt self-conscious about saying hey to people who wouldnt make eyecontact with me. honeslty its kinda awkward, especially at first, but i guess the point of this is 2 get use 2 it. 43 to go, so if i average 7 a day i should be ok. towards the end of the week ill try n say hey casually whenever ig et a chance.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Hey I'm gonna go ahead and join you with your bootcamp. We can be bootcamp-buddies. haha that was GAY!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
You know what the hardest part about saying "hi" is at first? It's when you say "hi" to someone and they don't respond. It's almost like a slap in the face. It took me a little while to get over that.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I don't get the point in saying hi to someone unless you're going to follow up with it or they have already made ec or are passing you close by etc.

Better than just saying hi with nothing is to have something to say afterwards, then you act more confident and normal. If they're not looking at you say something to get their attention other than hi. Today I went to a garage and saw the que was really long, there was a woman I liked so I just said "Big que." She turned round to me and smiled, then I said "Do you know why there's such a big que?" "Oh, because everywhere else is shut." "Oh really, did you find that out the hard way?" "Yeah!"

Didn't get any further, but the point is you need to be open to a conversation or say Hi in a certain way that's like the player you want to be, like looking them up and down and saying hi, it's classic cause it works on the dominant one just taking what it wants whilst the submissive one can't control it and usually they like it and think it's funny.


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Boot camp here we come

I am going to join you for your boot camp too.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
the point of the hi thing is to just get us out of our comfort zones, and its usually as were passing people as were walking. id say about at least 90% of the population passes by strangers without looking and saying nething, so week 1 just focuses on that aspect. at first it is kinda wierd, but once u get over the first couple days of doing it u get used to it, which is im sure the point of the bootcamp? im pretty new here, but it goes step by step. if we were to just walk up to people n say hi n nothing else, yes that would be kinda wierd, but its more as were walking by.

and for all u guys saying ur joining, thats fine, just make sure you do something and post! i dont have the link for the bc , i have the .pdf on my comp but if u somehow cant use the search feature lemme know n ill post it up.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score

Yeah Me too. count me in I'm joining your bootcamp.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Okay I left my house today at 1 oclock, ready to say hi to 50 people then start approaching. (i dont know what the 2nd mission of the bootcamp i was just gonna approach)

I got to a mall, and then realized it was Easter. Everything was closed. :(


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
ya, easter isnt the best day to go out, lotta places i went 2 were closed, tho they werent bc related.

only got about 6 hi's today, but just need to average 7 a day i guess. i was having one of "those" days, woke up with back pain, just wanted space, but that kinda attitude wont help at all. normally im pretty friendly, but somethign i hvae to work on is always being at my best, not letting a bad day or nething else drag me down.

hi's to go: 37

oh, and i so choked talking to thus cute brunette at the gym. i read about the 3 second rule, which i need 2 use, because my "15 minute rule" wasnt crackin :rolleyes:
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Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
where is the bootcamp instructions? I can t seem to find it.

I need to do this, even saying hi to strangers is a big deal for me. so I have a long road ahead of me!


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well, Easter Sunday in my area have more than 50 people to say "HI" with and they all wear two piece and shorts with fit shirts on, hot ladies with bikinis. (Yeah at the Beach). so I think I limit to 50 "HI" only. I'll wait for the next attempt Spiegel. Just keep it posted. Thanks.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
sounds like ur lucky, it isnt newhere near warm enough to be going to the beach in a bikini right now where i live.

the link i originally used to dl the bootcamp doesnt seem to be working, if ne1 needs it PM me with ur e-mail n ill send the file

but, just so u can get started, heres the instructions for week 1.

week 1 exercises

Exercise 1

In two separate outings, each lasting one hour in length, you will go about establishing eye contact with strangers.

A fun way to go about doing this is to walk around in a mall or in a park and look people directly in the eyes as they are walking towards you. You will find that most people will not look at you in the eyes, but for those who do look you in the eye, you will want to practice looking in their eyes at least one second longer than they look into yours, this denotes confidence. To create the impression that you are friendly and approachable, you will want to match the eye contact with a genuine smile.

You can practice eye contact on just about anyone you see, male or female, young or old. But since the eventual goal of this Boot Camp is to acquire women, you will want to spend at least some of your time establishing eye contact with attractive girls.

Exercise 2

A confident person has no problem saying Hi to a stranger, and since the first part of this Boot Camp is geared toward building confidence, the goal of this exercise is to go around and say Hi or Hello to a total of 50 strangers during this week. Again, you can say Hi to any person you see, but since eventually your goal will be to get girls, you will want to practice saying Hi to attractive girls. Also, when greeting strangers, practice doing so with a smile and have fun.

And to save time, feel free to combine exercises 1 and 2 together, so that you can go about greeting your 50 strangers during your eye contact outings (e.g. Establish eye contact, smile, and say Hi when you are within speaking range).

After completing this exercise (no later than April 28 - one week from today), post your results on the response thread (link at the top of the lesson). Share with the rest of us anything interesting that happened, and what emotions you may have felt (excitement, nervousness, joy, etc.), as well as what you thought of this first lesson.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
week 1 day 3

only got 5 today. tried being more social with the people that i have class with but dont really know, but i wont count them because their not total strangers. its not as bad as it was at first, some people were actually very friendly, askin me hows it goin, got a quick dialogue goin a few times. unless im with my friends or w/e i normally drown out the world with my ipod when im walking around campus, so this is definetely a good change for me. choked again, another cuttie at the gym, she kept making eyecontact with me but i could only smile n kept lifting. painful... which is why im here

still got 32 hi's left, but im pretty confident i can knock em out this weekend in a day if i wanted to, shootin for 10 tomorrow then the rest friday. im gunna keep ipod use to a minimum, if im gunna be more outgoing and making an effort to meet new people, i cant be listening to music all the time.

starting to hit the gyms more now, i like the self-improvement aspect of djism. sammo's got some great posts if ne1s interested n does a search. its painfully obvious which muscles i dont use much, im in pretty decent shape, get comments once in a hwile but only when im shirtless. im pretty lean (6'1 168 pounds, 6.7% bf) so i could use another 10 pounds of meat to fill in my clothes. dont want much more then that, it can happen naturally but i dont need 2 look like a model to get women, just gotta work on my dj stuff. seriously tho, if ne1s wanting to turn their lives around, self-improvement is the key (along with the don juan principals of course). most of us are only half alive, never living up to our full mental or physical potentials. so use that search button guys.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
try mostly in parks and play grounds, mall, schools and pedestrian lanes. I got 12 "Hello" to 12 pretty ladies walking. Some reply with nod, and some reply with smile. Your excercise is definitly working. i'll wait for you in the second week. Good luck men.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Wow on a funny note, you guys should try taking a job at the mall.

I've never gone through this boot camp thing but I guess the mall job was my boot camp.

Like everytime I go to work, my boss who hates me, always put me as greeter. Man did that sucked for like the first few months. Basically I had to greet the hunderds of customers that come and go in the store. At first my approach was weak and people weren't very receptive. I would say hi and attempt to them about promotions and they would just walk pass and say nothing.

However it all really changed me as I kept on being greater. I swear I can approach anybody and not feel a bit uncomfortable because I've done so many cold approaches. Also I've learn how to get the best responses through trial and error. Holding eye contact, actually listening to the customers, and mirroring how the talking all makes the job 10x easier and more enjoyable. Now approaching anyone, especially hot babes doesn't mean a thing.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
ya, i kinda get that at my job, but thats one of my comfort zones, so its a little different for me when im not working. when some1 comes in, its just automatic to greet them n get a lil convo going, but i still have a long way to go so its good practice, ive been making more of an effort to talk to strangers since ive started this.

made the mistake of bringing my friend to the mall with me, i thought id knock some hi's out but i only got 7, which means i have to haul some @ss tomorrow to meet the weekly goal. it was a mistake to bring a friend, but i dont get a chance to hang out much, school n work keeps me pretty busy so i felt i didnt waste too much time. kept up the eye-contact thing with the cuties at the mall, bought a few things to look sharp in, sampled a few colognes n asked for a couple females opinion. great way to break the ice, but towards the end of the night i was pretty covered in scents, but at least they were good ones

i liked dolce n gabanna (spelling?) n this new limited edition tommy crap, but they didnt have samples for them, so not sure what cologne to go with. colognes smell different once their on you for a while, last time i tried changing it smelled great for 10 min then it was really musky, which was wierd since it started out kinda citrus-ie. right now i use aqua di gio, it smells good, especially once its been on me, just every1 and their dog wears it, so ill save up some extra cash n pick a good one. (and yes ive checked the articles here, search button is my best friend)

havent been getting much sleep lately, definetely impacting my body language and how i act, but ive been having more fun then i normally do, im normally not quiet unless im with a buncha strangers, but i went out with my friend n a few guys i didnt know n it was a blast. this stuff is definetely helping, im actually enjoying meeting new people, its better then pretending their not there or being quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
As for as colognes go, you should pick the scent you like best. I have a few colognes that are use for certain nights. You should have a wooden sent one, citirus, and all purpose.

The wooden smell is for formal events, citirus for fun nights, and all purpose so that you can just put it on if you don't know what kinda of event it is.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Vera Wang for Men cologne. It's a more sophisticated smell and is very light. Us guy barely smell it, but girls pick it up. What makes the cologne so noticeble is that it's light but last you a long time. Unlike most cologne where you KNOW it's a cologne, this one is just enough to make the girl question if you actually have cologne on or you just somehow smell that good. Similar to pheromones.
I'm going to buy that next, but it's a bit pricier for the volume you get.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
alright, got most of the hi's done, n its something im gunna continue doing. sometimes when i just make eyecontact people will say hi first, n especially the girls smile n say hi SOMETIMES, others they just look at u n look away. week 2 focuses on initiating convos with strangers, so this begins 2mororw.