my bootcamp evolution


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
get out there and keep doing it. ur out of ur comfort zone, which is the whole point of the exercise. theres no real magic tip other then grabbing ur nuts and getting out there again. the only thing i can tell u is stop being paranoid n thinking so much. single isolated females are probably the easiest, u gotta get above and beyond what your comfortable with. always say hi 2 them yes, but step out of your boundaries, stop waiting for those perfect opportunities

bootcamp update:

only got 1 convo today, fell back on majors n careers, but its better then none.


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
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After reading Pugsley's post, I was inspired to go out and just start conversations. No more boot camp for me.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
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I too will be joining in on the boot camp fun. Starting today.

1 hi to a girl so far, very cute girl in my dorm, never seen her before, she smiled. I am going to go out and say hi to people now.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
week 2 day 2

got 2 convos today, and 1 failed attempt on a girl

i was working out n this cute brunette came in (my fav.). i failed the 3 second rule, just as i thought "ok, 3 second rule, dont think n just go" i began to walk over then crashed n burned n jumped on a machine. as i went 2 get a drink she jumped on my machine so i came over n accused her of stealing it from me (jokingly) n went from there. her name was karen, but there was only a lil fluff talk so i gotta work on that.

got 7 convos left, so gotta pick it up.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Got 13 hi's in yesterday, a little behind, but today should make up for it. I notice if a girl makes eye conctact with you, you smile and say hi she is way more likly to respond with hi.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
alright, good 2 see u guys with some posts! keep it up

as for me, ive let the trap of tomorrow and the trap of "i procrastinated to this week i had way too much studying" interfere. ive gotten 2 more convos, but seriously, it took almost no effort. im going outta town for a few days, my friends from sacramento so were gunna go crash at his parents, then go around n have some fun for a couple days. definetely gunna try and meet some chicas, and if i screw up, well its not my town so ill never see them again. i leave tomorrow, so ill post when i get back. make sure u guys keep goin, i better not come back 2 find this post dead!

on the plus side, this hi eyecontact thing is workin way better then ignoring people. a couple girls make eyecontact with me, wave and smile before i have a chance to do nething. one step at a time.

anyway, goals for trip: finish convos and say hi to EVERY chick i walk past (within reason)

try a couple cold approaches, i know ill never see these girls again

so thats it for me for the next few days, until next time guys.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Been overloaded on homework and prjects, but I should finnish by thursday with week 1. I met a girl at the gym, she was having problems with a mahcine and I came over and helped her, but i ****ed up and never even introduced myself. Guess i really need week 2 stuff.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
i return!

alright, im kinda burnt out, so ill post later, just showin im still here. :cheer: i see we have new emoticons, nice. nice to see you guys are still here, dont let a couple bad days throw you off, keep it up!

- ill post 2morrow, right now i gotta get some sleep


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score

I didn't post lately.. who cares duh! Anyway thanks a lot, Just got the success I wanted to. and for those who are following, just spens time with it. its a good practice. You will know that the best Hot babe has is very different. And you'll reactions will be different. The best thig is you got laid! Hey that's what we're all up to... I guess...




Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
alright, time for an overdue update. i got 6 convos with females down and a handful from random people. normally i wouldnt have said nething to these people, so it was great practice for me. i struggle with some of the convos, but hey, at least im tryin! went to a frat party, it was alright. ive never really been in the party/get wasted scene, and i think im done with the getting drunk part of it, but its not a bad place to just hang out. i discovered im a pretty decent ping pong player when im drunk, as long as i stand still. but ya, i waited a while b4 i had too many drinks so i could talk with some girls. i didnt have too much trouble approaching girls, sat down with a group n chatted with em, approached a couple girls. it was good practice, but i definetely need to work on establishing rapport. i got a lot of stares and eyecontact, now i just gotta develop the skills to go with it. the next morning i woke up n this asian girl was walking by, saw me n came back and introduced herself, so i think i made some kind of an impression that night.

all in all it was good practice, girls on campus i barely know are starting to wave n smile at me when i walk by now, im consciously making an effort to say hey to every cute girl i pass by, so its nice to get a lil recognition back. im gunna call week 2 over this weekend so ill post again when im finished.

oh, and im making a vow right now, i will not get trapped with one girl until i finish this bootcamp. i coudl easily just get a couple numbers, find a girl i like and start dating her only, but that wouldnt help me in the long run at all. i average about 1-2 gf's a year, and thats without doing any sort of approaching. just the gaps between them are pretty big, so im not gunna wait around anymore. ideally id like to find a decent girl, but i think i deserve a couple years of bachlerhood dj style :cool:

gotta start pickin up the lifting and other areas im trying to improve in my life, the trap of tomorrow is big problem for me (aka procrastination)

if ne1 is still keepin up the bc, dont let nething get in your way. even with finals, or w/e, you can spare 45-60 min a day for this. its all about the time management guys, take control of your lives, not just with women, everything. strive to be MEN, not just to snag a gf and be content, life is too short for that. either way tho, these are my beliefs, not forcing them on you, just saying if you want things to change, you have to change yourself. keep doing what your doing and you'll keep getting what you've been getting, thats all im trying to say.

til next time...


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score

You seem to be doing well on your boot camp. Based on your posts, I would guess you 've just completed week 3 and about to kick start week 4.

Good luck to you.

I've personally started week 1 as of 04/14/2005. I easily got the eye contacts to 50, but the hi's were another story. I need to find ten more strangers to say hi before 04/21/2005. The Hi part is definitely kicking my ass.

I have to agree with what you said earlier that this bootcamp makes you go out of the comfort zone. By the way, I did a number close on Sunday in the gym after chatting with girl and I must say it felt great just throw the question.
I know I jumped the gun a little but the convo went well so I didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste.

Anyway this bootcamp feel like like a full time job and its just week one!!!


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
thx Alanxxl, ill try my best. do you have your own thread? i searched quickly but didnt find a bc title, but then im bad at finding things like that. your free to post in here if you want, ill try n offer any guidance i can, but its 90% grabbing ur nuts n goin out there. and if you have any ?'s in general, feel free to PM me anytime.

with that said, i pretty much failed today. finals are comin up for me (not TOO soon, but i need to start studying). i got a 50% scholarship so i gotta maintain a 3.3 to keep it, so ya, grades are kinda important to me. so most of my day went to studying, but i wasted a couple hours which i should have used more wisely. im trying a new time management thing just for days like this, i pretty much plan everything out, but i forgot ot check my schedule today so that went to hell. i did manage to get 1 convo, but the chick seemed kinda shy. i was walking to one of my classes n i saw this brunette (my fav) walking towards me. made eye-contact, smiled, said hey, asked what her name was then she did the same (normally isnt good when they dont ask back). so basic fluff talk after that, but this is definetely an area if improvement for me. im struggling with building rapport, with some girls i cant get above fluff talk. ill try some new things, n any tips would be appreciated. some girls i have more chem. with, but a dj wouldnt have faulty conversational skills. anyway, the fluff talk kinda died, we both smiled n resumed courses. im still finishing up week 3, gotta practice some more b4 i can # close successfully.

girl convos: 6

things to work on: improve convos, get above fluff talk, establish rapport and kino a little, then # close

and with weight training i dunno what the hell i did but my body is shot right now, gunna rest up for a couple days. trying this new routine ot gain mass, im pretty lean with a high metabolism so i schedule 6 meals a day, eating as much as possible with protein and carbs off the charts. havent seen anything other then an increase in my metabolism (go figure), now i just get hungrier between meals :rolleyes: . but ill keep it up and stick to heavy weights, current weight right now is around 170, shootin for about 10-15 pounds b4 the next school year.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
week 3 update

been kinda slow on the bootcamp front, i forgot my grandpa was getting surgery so the drive back home has killed my time for the past couple days. (im attending a private university like 45 min on the freeway for a couple years so it wasnt a HUGE trip). i managed to grab one convo in, fell back on majors and careers, i actually had to call the convo. off because i had to start heading back home. i completely spaced and i probably should have # closed but my mind wasnt on the BC, just on getting back.

girl convos: 7

weight training is going a little better, ive noticed a lack of energy and lack of gaining weight so ive increased the amount of food im eating, and man did that help. ive gained 4 pounds since my last weight check a few weeks ago, which is about where i wanna be. gained 1 pound of fat, but if 75% of the weight i gain (15-20 lbs) is muscle then that fat will be easy to lose when im done bulking.

good stuff, this bc thing is pretty cool. im definetely feeling and liking the changes. im flirting more, being more social, looking and feeling better, now i just gotta grow some bawls and get some #'s next week :D

and a side note, i definetely see why so many people drop out at this stage in the bc. its easy to let the daily mundane life take over, be it finals, school, relatives getting cut up, accidents, colds whatever. well, Walden had some kinda surgery or stiches or somethin and still went out. sittin on our bums wont get us anywhere but a date with the ol rightie (or leftie for you left handed people). i gotta up the effort, im still hiding behind my comfort zone so goals for the rest of the bc is to take major leaps away from it.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score

I decided to make my own thread, but thanks anyway.

As for for the gym, remember to take it easy and do not try to pump too hard as accident can happen and set you back big time.

I started working out again after a long break due to a surgery that I had last October. When it comes to working out, I think nutrition is just as important as how much you work out.

Have fun.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
ran into some1 i knew back in hs, so i asked if she wanted to grab some dinner so we could catch up. unfortunetely she goes to college pretty far away, but it was good practice. shes goin to london her 1st semester next year, which just opened up a can of convo topics, since i love to travel, and well, women tend to love europe so ya. a group of abercrombie girls came in (aka girls with 4 inch skirts) and i made eye-contact n smiled at them but i didnt go over, i was eating dinner with a cute lil college girl so eh, no bc for today. fortunetely i DID attend this event for marketing and business, like how to double your sales, income and all that. its interesting how freakishly close sales are to getting women. its all a numbers game, and the main speaker (sarah victory i think) was an awesome motivational speaker. its like she had the principles of djism all mastered n applied them to business, but that does make sense. a dj is successful in all aspects of his life, so naturally whatever traits that would require would be present in a meeting like this.

the most memorable thing i got out of thsi was when she was car-jacked by a teenager, who made her drive him to some city like an hour away. after she got over the initial shock and fear and realized he didnt have a gun, she started talking to him, and as u can imagine, car-jacking a motivational speaker... it was good stuff. she asked him what his dreams were, whats standing in his way, what are teh steps to getting there. basically there were about 7-8 things he would have to do over a few years to get what he wanted, and it all started with a phone call.

this hit me pretty hard because well, im a teenager like this kid. though im not in a bad situation like he was, a couple years ago i didnt have an aim in life, no dreams or aspirations. now, anyway, this kid called her company a couple years later and said he made the phone call, did the things he had to do one step at a time, and he was where he wanted to be (something to do with designing cars). he also said he found the meaning of life, which was to do something your afraid to do every day. though this might not be universally accepted, its a pretty good goal, no?

got 2 convos left before i wrap up week 3, so ill post when im finished.

*and finals are gunna kick my @SS!!!

goodbye 16k/year scholarship :cry:


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
alright, week 3 is over, got all my convos but with finals creeping up on me it doesnt feel like much of a victory. i did 1 close today, she was either shy or wasnt interested, so dont know what will come from this. other then that not much to post on.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
I got stuck-up on Week 2 Huh!

But i'll try to cope up. Busy schedules lol.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
week 4 update

alright, did another number close today. its been hard fighting the urge to just put this on hold with finals coming up, but i had a good opportunity so i went for it. i was coming out of the library and i ran into a girl whos faced i recognized, didnt know whoshe was but she was cute so i started talking to her. a few min later, i actually had to go but she wouldnt stop talking (ironic, when i actually have to go somewhere she opens up) so i kinda had to cut her short, said i had to go but she should let me give her a call sometime, then i asked for her number. her response was "i need to think about it..." i didnt feel like waiting around, so i told her it was alright n went to where i had to go. maybe next time i should say something like "sorry, i gotta get going, how bout we continue this conversation over coffee?" or something like that. still need to improve pretty much everything, but staying up late is kinda killing my energy.

anyone else out there having a hard time with their schoolwork interfering with their daily lives? i feel like im missing out on a lot of fun, most of my friends dont have the workload i do, so they get a lot more free time. im trying to crunch all my pre-requisites into 2 years so it isnt the easiest thing to do, especially when i have to keep a 3.3 gpa.