My Approach Journal


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
I see you're approaching a lot of girls in the 6-8 range. I would encourage you to approach the 9s and 10s. You'd be surprised how little some of them get approached because guys are intimidated by their looks. Aim high. Even if they're unsuccessful; I'd rather get rejected or given the number and flaked on by a 10 than have the same results with a 7. Shake things up , you have nothing to lose.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
you didnt change a lot from the last time I was reading your Journal.
let me give you some advises
1- be funny
2- dont say you hate Uni , because only poeple without sex hate uni
3- let your animal side go out ( but only if you are in safe place like university ) , look at their breasts before you approach them , let them know it is about the sex , women only understand sex language
4- tease them


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
ok misterd and evan, i should aim high and go buck wild in my next approaches... got it

Approach 80
During lunch, I am waiting on line to order pasta. A HB6.5 is standing to my left waiting for her pasta to be made.
Me: Excuse me, do you know where the pasta is?
HB6.5: What?
Me: Do you know where the pasta bar is?
HB6.5: Right here
Me: Doh!
*HB6.5 chuckles but quickly turns away*
Me: What's your name?
HB6.5: Sorry but I already have a boyfriend
Me: Oh ok cool thanks
*burn of rejection lingers on for another few minutes as we wait for our pasta to be done. there are several other people standing around me including the chef who were witness to my failed approach*
Me: Yeah can i get penne with tomato basil sauce? large please. and brocolli and onions... and cheese, croutons, and red pepper flakes. thank you

Approaches: 80
Ph No's: 14

I'm proud of this approach because I did it out of the blue on a work day. It wasn't one of those days when I set a goal of making a string of approaches. I want to be able to make more impromptu approaches like these. I was a bit more nervous during this approach. What makes them harder is that after you're rejected, the burn of rejection tends to linger on longer. You can't make up for one rejection by approaching another couple of HBs during that same day. But my ego is making out okay. I need to stop taking these rejections so seriously. It's not like I haven't experienced my fair share of rejections by now lol.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
No number closes today folks. But if I lived in syracuse maybe I would have number closed in approach 84

Approach 81
HB6 is standing and texting on her phone
Me: excuse me
HB6: yes?
Me: Do you know where -- is?
HB6: this is -- *pointing towards the ground*
Me: Oh! *head smack* What's your name?
HB6: ...--
Me: Nice to meet you I'm -- *HB6 hesitatingly shakes my hand*
HB6: You knew this was -- didn't you?
Me: No i didn't
HB6: Why are you asking for my name then?
Me: I thought you were really nice for telling me that this is -- and i thought i should introduce myself to get to know you better.
HB6: right
Me: So are you from -- city?
HB6: yea i study here
Me: ok whew thank god you're not a tourist. Where do you study?
HB6: Well i actually graduated already. I just graduated and am planning to go to med school next year
Me: Oh nice! congratulations on graduating! where are you going to med school?
HB6: I don't know yet. I'm still applying to med schools
Me: You took your mcats?
HB6: *yes or no i can't remember what she said*
Me: Ok got you. cool. so what are you doing here? are you going to meet up with some friends or something?
HB6: Oh just shopping around
Me: oh Cool *nod head*
HB6: I actually have to meet someone right now
Me: What's your number?
HB6: Sorry i don't give out my number like that
Me: It's okay! I'm gay, and i'm just trying to make new friends
HB6: Right, just like you didn't know that union square existed. sorry i gotta get going
Me: Nice talking to you
HB6: you too

Approach 82
HB5 is texting on her phone. When I walked past her, she had her head tilted down and looked like maybe a 6 or 7
Me: Excuse me
HB5: Yes
Me: Do you know where -- is?
HB5: I'm not sure. I think if you walk down that way and turn left you'll be there *she was being sarcastic*
Me: Ok thanks. What's your name?
HB5: --
Me: Nice to meet you i'm --. What do you do? Do you work here?
HB5: I study here
Me: Let me guess. -- university right?
HB5: Yea
Me: I knew it. Where are you from?
HB5: california
Me: You didn't go home for thanksgiving?
HB5: No
Me: oh that sucks
HB5: Thanksgiving is only 2 days vacation anyways
Me: What? I thought it was a week long
HB5: no, it's only 4 days. but we get the whole month of winter vacation off, which makes up for it
Me: Oh ok. what part of california are you from?
HB5: the bay area
Me: Oh that's near san francisco right?
HB5: yea but i'm from palo alto
Me: that's near san francisco right?
HB5: yea it's the bay area
Me: I know that clorox is there... and... *brain fart*
HB5: sillicon valley is based there
Me: Right yea steve jobs is from there. i actually just finished reading his biography. but you're not into that stuff are you?
HB5: no
Me: What are you studying?
HB5: social work. i'm actually getting my masters in social work at -- university
Me: oh cool. *scratch head* I never knew exactly what social work is. is it like helping people in need?
HB5: Well what i do is sort of like therapy
Me: like psychology?
HB5: yea sort of
Me: So you could be a school counselor right?
HB5: yea i actually work with cancer patients in -- institute
Me: Wait what?
HB5: kids with cancer
Me: Daang. that's... deep
HB5: sorry i gotta get going
Me: What's your number?
HB5: i have a boyfriend already
Me: Oh ok nice meeting you
HB5: you too!

Approach 83
HB6.5 is sitting and chatting loudly with her friend on the bench at the park eating food that you dip in some sauce, maybe tacos idk
Me: Excuse me
HB6.5: *looks up at me*
Me: Do you know where -- park is?
HB6.5: you're in it
Me: Oh! *smack head* what's your name?
*Hb6.5 turns to her friend and holds stare with her friend for 5 seconds*
Hb6.5: you didn't know this was -- park?
Me: No i didn't. i was lost. i didn't know this was -- park until you told me. i was walking around lost this whole time
Hb6.5: ... *blank stare*
Me: so are you guys students?
HB6.5: No
Me: Are you guys from around here?
Hb6.5: no
Me: You guys are just visiting?
HB6.5: yea
Me: What's your number?
Hb6.5: I'm not gonna give out my number like that.
Me: it's okay i'm gay, and i'm just trying to make new friends
HB6.5: well we're only going to be here for a short while, so there's really no point to being friends with us
Me: Oh ok nice meeting you
HB6.5: you too and good luck with making new friends!
Me: Thank you


Approach 84
HB7 is walking in the opposite direction to me at the park. I walk towards her
Me: Excuse me
HB7: yes?
Me: Do you know where -- is?
HB7: this is -- i think
Me: Oh! *smack head* what's your name?
HB7: *grin* --
Me: So where are you headed? *i take a few steps in the same direction as her and she follows suit very quickly walking towards her original destination*
HB7: barnes and noble. hey do you know where barnes and nobles is? i'm having a difficult time finding it
Me: Yea sure just follow me. *we are walking side by side* So are you buying textbooks for school?
HB7: No
Me: So what are you doing at barnes and noble?
HB7: I'm just going there to read for fun
Me: Oh so you like to read?
HB7: Yea
Me: Did you read hunger games?
HB7: yea i did. you read the whole book?
Me: Yea. it was a great book. did you like the ending?
HB7: Yea actually i did. that's because i'm in the peeta camp, and i have a secret crush on peeta
Me: did you know that the author actually didn't want there to be any romance in the book at first
HB7: really i didn't know that
Me: yea i heard the author didn't want there to be any romance in the book at first, but she put it in because the publisher wanted there to be romance because that's what sells
HB7: yea i get you
Me: where are you from?
HB7: i'm actually from california but i go to school in syracuse. i'm visiting for thanksgiving
Me: wait you go to school in syracuse? so what are you doing here? just visiting? *had a brain fart, since she mentioned 3 different places*
HB7: yea i'm just visiting for the weekend for thanksgiving
Me: your parents live here?
HB7: no my uncle does, and i'm just visiting my uncle. i'm going to eat dinner with him
Me: oh okay cool. you said youre from california?
HB7: yea
Me: Whyy? why'd you come here? the weather at california is so great
Hb7: the thing is i grew up in california for my entire life, and i want explore other areas, so i went to school in the northeast for a change
Me: i got you. so do you see yourself living on the east coast or west coast in long run?
HB7: I really like it here in -- city, so i hope i can stay here in -- city in the long run
Me: That's a good choice. living here in --. what's your number?
HB7: *grin* the thing is i'm only here visiting for the weekend
Me: It's ok i'm gay! and i just want to make new friends
HB7: haha but i'm only here for the weekend visiting. what's the point?
Me: oh okay. it was nice meeting you
HB7: you too.
Me: Barnes and nobles is over there *point ahead in general direction*
HB7: Thanks

forever alone... and tourists suck

Approaches: 84
Ph No's: 14

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
This is not good. You still have 0 dates? :l

If I may dare to make an observation: You are telling us all this conversation that is happening with no description of her body language. Something I've learned is that: a woman will send you multiple signs if she is interested or not. If you and a girl are talking, there are many ways to tell if she is feeling you.

Maybe you are talking to this girl and she is maintaining eye contact with you, she is squarely facing you, she brushes her hair out of the way and smiles when you say something funny/cute, she is not afraid to stand in your personal space, she is comfortable with touching you (handshake or arm touch), and she is using her words in a way to keep you interested.

Or maybe she is looking away/trying to turn away as if in a hurry, her body is facing somewhere else, her arms are folded, she gives you a timid look (that "You are a stranger" look), she tries to speed up the conversation, she keeps her distance, she says she has to go/is in a hurry, she is hesitant to handshake you or pulls away from kino.

Learn these signals and act accordingly. At this point, it looks like a woman could sh!t talk you and call you bad names, yet you would STILL ask for her number. Separate the interested from the uninterested.

Another thing
You are being too passive, you are making the approaches, but not making honestly aggressive approaches. This can make you look weird, stupid, and/or desperate. "Hey, I walked into this park knowing the name of it, yet not rationalizing that this may be the park I'm looking for." I hate to sound mean but, this puts you in a negative light before you even try to "game" her.

Try this: Don't make yourself look stupid, just point something out of her or say something funny. Both is better. I saw a girl in the cafe one day and I scanned her to check if she had anything on her that I can point out. She was wearing 3 rings on her hand, so I said to her "Wow, you've been married 3 times? Playa playa!" while pointing at her hand. She laughed, but more importantly, I got the positive head start. Another example: This girl had a really big purse, so I walked up to her and said "Woah, is that a purse or a body bag?" and I had this scared look on my face. She laughed and put me in that positive light. Humor won't get you laid, but it will definitely get you in. Question openers are good... if you can link it with something witty or funny.

Also don't be afraid to touch 'em. It's the best way to tell if she is interested or not. Just don't go too far, these anti-rape laws are really flimsy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA

I want to first and foremost give you sincere props for fighting the good fight; it sucks now but you are light years ahead of 95% of the people on this forum. In a short time you will be doing laps in *****. You have the 2 things that it requires to be successfully with women; thick skin and no fear of rejection. With those 2 things you will go very very far. A lot of guys here can learn from your persistence. I wish we could sticky all approach forums like this. This is where the real **** is right here.

Now with that said, please don’t think I’m making fun of you or picking on you because I’m not but this has to be said, someone has to steer you in the right direction.

Look.. you don’t have any game. Lol. That’s fine. That’s what we are here for. You bring the will, we will show you the way.

I mean, first, you use the same tired opener every time. Imagine you are generic hot hb 8. Do you not think she knows the second you are sitting in line that you come up to her and ask her where the X is she doesn’t know you are spiting game? Not only that, she can imply already you aren’t very good at it, and more times than not, at this very moment has decided she isn’t’ gonna give you any play. At this point, what you have basically done is that you have because of your lack of game, you have painted yourself into a corner that, the only way she is going to give you any play is if she is really desperate or she thinks you are hot. I don’t know how you look but I imagine you aren’t Jude Law or anything.

I mean.. you aren’t being interesting. Cold approaching is all about having an angle. Who the **** cares about Jeremy lin lol? **** im’ a guy and I don’t give 2 ****s about jermey lin sorry ass mother****er lol.

The best opener of my life was by complete accident. I had just gotten into one of the.. ****.. the biggest knock down/ drag out fight my wife and I have had.. we weren’t married t the time.. but she pissed me the **** off and I needed to go blow some steam so I went to the bar and I started drinking and after a few drinks I just turned to the woman next to me and I said look let me get your opinion on some **** lol. and I just started talking and then her friend started listening and **** not 3-4 minutes later we had a ****ing debate going at the bar table. I didn’t know any of them. I wasn’t even trying to talk to them I was just drunk lol. it took like 20 minutes for me to realize.. damn.. these girls like me lol. at least I knew 2 of the 4 did and they were pretty cute. And funny enough the more I started talking about her (my GF/wife) , **** I even pulled out pictures of her and my son, I wasn’t trying to pull any of them and they ate the **** up . I mean all the way up. “oh you are so sweet” “I would kill to have a man like you”. One of them gave me her number, without even asking, in case I needed to talk lol. I could have ****ed her brains out lol.

I’ve always been pretty good with openers but that tom e, once I sobered up really opened my eyes on how an opener is supposed to work.

Think if you are in a boxing match with someone. She’s ready she’s fought all these different dudes before she “(think she knows what is coming). And she already has her defenses up. But she doesn’t know you are a southpaw and you come from a different angle, you pop her in the jaw and now she doesn’t know what to do, she’s off guard.

A plate I spun, actually approached me one day in Barnes and Nobel and sat down and said “I just got done reading the book you are reading (the god delusion) what do you think about it?”. Bam. Caught me off guard. Within 5 minutes we were drinking lattes together and playing footsie.

A few days ago I had a girl come up to me after a meeting and ask me where I got my (white with blue emblem) polo shirt from lol. yeah I saw that coming a mile away. Not that it would have mattered but still. That’s a ****ty opener.

Your man issue, at least the issue I want you to work on now, is your opener. You can do 500 approaches and it won’t matter if you are using bland generic openers. Come up with something I can’t tell you what to do. the bolder the better. Bold is a southpaw hit. You see a girl reading a book that you have read (this is where it pays to actually pick up **** not game related) you can comment on it. I saw a girl reading slaughterhouse 5 one day and I told her I thought the book was overrated and she was reading it just to look smart. Def. caught her attention. Got her number too after a good debate.

And ****, even if you can’t be creative, be direct and honest. And you hdad this right for a minute but you aren’t being direct enough. Look the girl in the eye and tell her that you think she is georgous. Make her blush. A woman can’t turn you down if you can make her blush. But then after you go with the bold, you back down and start talking about other **** **** that. Keep the pressure on. You could have closed a couple of girls on that other page had you kept the pressure on.

This is how you do it..

You: hey you are gorgeous
Her: thank you
You: if you don’t mind me asking what’s your name so I don’t call you hot girl all night long

Her: I’m Jane
You: hi jane I’m X nice to meet you. As soon as I saw you I couldn’t stop looking at you. I want to take you out, give me your number.
Her: I can’t do that
You: yes you can you just pull out a piece of paper and write it down, be sure do give me your area code as well
Her: I mean I can’t I just.. I don’t know you
You: Well captain obvious lol that’s why we go out. if you knew me there would be no need to go out on a date now would it lol? so give me the number and I will call you later to set something up.
Her: I can’t.. I
You: do you think I’m cute?
Her: lol What?
You : Did I stutter? Do you think I’m cute?
Her:… you’re cute
You: Why thank you. Do I stink or something lol? (don’t stink lol.. in fact a good kino moment here is if you have on some cologne and tell her to smell your cologne, get up close to your neck or your wrist)
Her: lol no
You: are you allergic to having fun and trying new exciting things?
Her:.. no
You: well Jane I regret to inform you that you have no excuse to not give me your number. Write it down, I’ll call you later. ‘

(9 out of 10 times she’s done.. if not you are going to get a real legit reason why.. but for the sake of demonstration let’s say she has a legit reason)

Her: I have a boyfriend.
You: (this is how I handle the situation).. Honestly I don’t care lol. I take what I want and right now all I want to do is to take you to and have a good time, nothing more.
Her: WELL THAT’S wrong I can’t cheat on my BF

You: who said anything about cheating, I don’t’ know you that well I just said I want to take you out some time, can you not have male friends? If you have a guy who is that jealous who won’t let you have male friends you need to seriously reevaluate your relationship don’t you think?

(soft sell) . look you don’t know me I am an extremely busy person.. I have some free time tomorrow night, I want to go out and get out the house maybe go get some ice cream (I have a thing for ice cream so a lot of my dates revolve around it), maybe tell some jokes. Are you really objecting to free ice cream lol? Seriously? Free ice cream from a cute guy who doesn’t stink lol! and you know what, I’ll give you a special offer for a limited time only… if you give me your number here in the next 2 minutes I will give you one additional scoop of ice cream, at no additional cost for you.. you know what **** it i will throw in a cone too. now you can't say no to the cone... (she’ll laugh)…

She will be done at this point. not only will she be done, you've actually not only got the number, you've intrigued her. you're interesting. she's gonna WANT to see what you are about. she doesn't necessarily LIKE you yet, but she's interested to see what you are about.

Lol I feel like Vin Diesel in Boiler room lol when he gets on the phone with the client. Anyway the above is how it’s done. When I say I can talk to anyone anytime, I can talk to anyone any time and I can think extremely fast on my feet.

However keep in mind.. the above.. took YEARS to hone. Not days, not weeks, not months. Not a year. From the time I was 20 until the time I was 25 and met my now wife. Talking to 5-10 girls a week. Collecting 100 rejections, etc. that’s how you get to the above.

A quick note I want to point out from the above. Just about every girl you meet is gonna tell you no at least once. You have to learn how to tactfully move past it. My ****ing WIFE told me no, it was a very soft no but still. “I don’t know you like that, what if you are a stalker lol” and I told her “well considering I’m sitting here talking to you right now face to face I’ the ****test stalker alive wouldn’t you think”. She thought that was funny and told me she has seen me around… asked me what I had in mind and I told her well since you want to protect against my stalker tendencies we can do something public, let’s go to the beach. Game on.

Anyway that’s your homework project. Make 20 approaches, but make them as bold / unique as possible. Then come back and let us know how it worked and we can go from there.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
BB, that was pretty fvcking inspirational :up:

However, it could be made inspirational AND easier to read if you used words like fvck and sh!t instead of **** and **** !!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Your playing the questions game. Don't ask questions, make observations.

you: You look like a gemini

you: you look like the kind of person who loves to dance

you: you seem like a well traveled person

invariably they will respond with why's and how did you know. Worse case you get a flat no.

There is something off about your delivery. I can tell just by the reactions you are getting. You are probably just nervous. You need to relax some which is definitely easier said than done.

Von Huge

Don Juan
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Massive props for approaching that many girls, takes balls to do what you're doing. Conversation topics are still boring as batsh!t though. Lets be honest if you were a girl approaching me talking like that, I could never be interested in you in 1000000 years unless you looked like Megan Fox. I'm assuming you have a personality, so once you've done the hard part which is opening them, sound less like a boss and just loosen up. Make them want to see you again. At the moment you're getting better, but if I were them I sure as hell wouldn't wanna go on a date with someone who doesn't add something to my life and just interviews me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
check out this field report log.

You can see how J0n started out, weak and quickly adapted and improved his game.

Probably one of the most exciting FR journals out there. I can see your log becoming similar to his.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
hey guys. thanks for the feedback. i now realize that my conversations are boring and i have no game. i'm still chasing this all-elusive skill called "game". every time i try something that i think is game, it ends up being not game but lame instead. this is bringing me back to afc mode. grrr!! i'm really trying or trying to try

Approach 85
at some happy hour event, hb6.5 is sitting on couch with girlfriends. i sit down next to her
me: excuse me, do you know how much a polar bear weighs?
Hb: no
me: enough to break the ice.
*hb gives confused look for a few seconds.*
me: my name is --. nice to meet you. *extend hand for handshake* what's your name?
hb: --
me: you're from -- university right?
hb: yea
me: i knew it!
hb: how'd you know?
me: everyone at this event is from -- university
hb: really? i met a ton of ppl from other schools.
me: yea but the vast majority of ppl here from -- university. she's from --. so is he, he he *point in all random directions* are you a [profession]?
hb: you can call it that
me: i knew it!
hb: how do you know i'm a [profession]?
me: everyone here is either [profession], [profession], or [profession]. everyone

[insert boring conversation topics here]

hb: my friends and i going over to buy drinks.
me: what's your phone number? *i put my phone in her hands*
hb: great phone! *it's a cheap $10 go phone i got from wal-mart a few years ago*
me: thanks!
*hb inputs digits into phone*
me: have a great night!
hb: you too

fast forward a few days later, i text to her "hey --. this is guy who asked you how much a penguin weighs. how you been?"
no response

Approach 86
aaagent and i hung out at the mall. after we finished eating lunch, i stand up and walk to the table next to ours, where 2 hb7's were eating and conversing. this is probably one of the worst situations to approach hb's in.
me: excuse me. do you know how much a polar bear weighs?
hb7: no
me: enough to break the ice
hb7: oh heh
me: what's your name?
hb7: -- *takes a bite from her tacos as if resuming her lunch*
me: is that subway you're eating?
hb7: no tacos.
me: oh cool. i like tacos too.
hb7: ok
me: where you from?
hb7: -- city
me: oh you grew up in -- city?
hb7: yea
me: cool.
hb7: you?
me: central [state]
hb7: ok...
me: what's your phone number?
hb7: oh! umm sorry no i can't give out
me: no worries. nice meeting you!
hb7: you too!
*hb's resume conversation like nothing happened*

Approach 87
aaagent, my good friend, invited me to hang out at his friend's sister's birthday party at some club. aaagent actually opened this set and reeled me in to the conversation, even though i wasn't in the mood. i was being afc at the club. i was just standing next to these hbs whom aaagent was talking to and staring into empty space. eventually, the hb6 i was standing next to opened me. she was probably near her 30s
hb6: where you from?
me: --. where are you from?
hb6: what do you mean? originally? or now?
me: originally
hb6: poland
me: oh cool! i like poland spring water! *hold up imaginary bottle up into the air*
*hb6 and her ugly friend laugh*
hb6: yes! poland spring water!
me: where are you from?
hb6: -- town
me: --? that's really far!
hb6: no it's not
hb6's friend: may 40-50 min drive. it's nothing
me: what are you doing here?
hb6: i'm visiting my friend
me: oh ok. what do you do for a living?
hb6: i'm a therapist
me: *i reach over and rub her left shoulder* you give massages?
hb6: no i deal more with people who have injuries
me: oh cool! my right knee is really sore *rub my right knee*
hb6: what?
me: my right knee. *rub my knee more* it's really sore
hb6: oh! haha
me: no seriously. it's really sore. what should i do?
hb6: ice!
me: ice?
hb6: yes
me: oh okay thanks! ... i like to lift weights *i do some imaginary squats and curls*
hb6: ??
hb6's friend: he means he likes to go the gym
hb6: oh haha! high five! *i high five her*
me: what's your phone number?
hb6: *surprised* oh sorry i'm married!
me: i'm married too!
hb6: haha high five! *i high five her*
me: i left my ring on the car
hb6: yea i don't like to wear my ring either. i only wear on certain occasions
me: it's uncomfortable!
hb6: exactly

Approach 88
aaagent and i walk over to another set of hb's closer to my age. i walk up to them and...
me: hi!
hb's: hey
me: my name's --. what's yours? *extend hand*
hb's: --
me: nice to meet you. so what do you for a living? *i ask the hb6 to my right while aaagent is being a true team player and talking to the ugly girl on my left*
hb6: i don't work yet. i go to school
me: oh cool. where?
hb6: [some school i never heard of]
me: cool. what are you studying?
hb6: criminal justice
me: ok... *nod head*
hb6: i want to do forensics
me: law and order! i love that show
hb6: law and order? yea
me: great show
hb's friend: what did he say?
hb6: law and order
hb's friend: law and order? i love that show!
me: me too! that's what i said! *aaagent leaves to get more drinks*
hb6: are you going with him?
me: no
hb6: why not?
me: i'm talking to you guys ...hey do you know who killed tupac?
hb6: who tupac?
me: yea who killed him? *shake my fists in anger*
hb6: i don't know
me: i really want to know who killed him. he was my favorite rapper. grr! but you'll figure it out right? *point finger at her*
hb6: yep
me: it's your job!
hb6: right
me: what's your phone number?
hb6: ok it's -- *took me by surprise that she was willing to give out her digits after how disinterested she seemed in our conversation*
me: here put it in *hand phone to her*
hb6: i dialed it so you have it saved
me: got it. what's your name again?
hb6: --
me: ok --. i'm going to call you and ask you out on a date! ok? *i said assertively, while pointing my finger down toward the floor for emphasis*
hb6: ok

i guess alcohol helps my game a bit

Approach 89
still at the club, i number closed a hb much older than i. probably the oldest hb i've number closed. not going into the details of this approach. she was just sitting next to me, doing nothing. i opened her by asking "having a great time?" which got her laughing and our conversation going. eventually, i number closed her. probably not going to text or call her.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Approach 90
hb9 and hb5 are sitting next to me having a REALLY great time together. i saw them hugging and chatting like long lost friends. i swear to god hb9 looked like BEYONCE with BIGGER BOOBS. you probably couldn't tell the difference if you saw her yourself. let's call her beyonce from now on. heck i wouldn't be surprised if i was in a hidden camera show and she really was beyonce. i tap beyonce sitting to my right on the shoulder
me: hey are you guys lesbian?
beyonce: no
me: ok
*beyonce whispers what just happened to her friend; then they exchange giggles. then hb5 walks over to me to explain the situation*
hb5: blah blah my friend blah blah which is why blah blah blah
me: so you're bisexual!
hb5: no i'm trisexual
me: huh? *scratch my head with confused look on my face*
hb5: hahahaha! *whispers to beyonce what we said and they laugh together*
hb5: want to take a shot with me?
me: umm... okay sure
*hb5 asks bartender for some shots*
me: wait who's paying??
hb5: you are!
me: what! no! *shake head*
hb5: here you pay this round. i'll pay the next round
me: ok
*we down our shots*
hb5: want to dance with us?
me: sure
*hb5 grabs my hand towards dance floor with beyonce following right behind. then we are dancing.*
me: i support trisexual marriage *fist in air*
hb5 and beyonce: trisexual marriage woo!
we continue dancing. they're grinding up on each other and then look to me. i give a thumbs up and nod my head in approval. later i say to beyonce...
me: hey i thought you were married to jay-z?
beyonce: i'm cheating on him
me: ooh naughty naughty! *wave finger at her*
hb5: put up the rock! *we put up our hands in rock formation like jay-z does in his music videos to rep rocafella*
me: i'm so happy for kimye and their baby.
beyonce: yea!
*we continue dancing, while my hands are still up high in the air with the rocafella sign*
hb5: do you know how to fist pump? come on!
*i do the real jersey shore fist pump starting with tapping the floor and then going up higher and higher*
hbs: woo! there you go!
beyonce: i'm from dominican republic. where are you from?
me: africa!
beyonce: africa?
me: yea
hb5 is latina, and after she takes off her jacket...
me: J lo!!
hb5: yea! j lo and beyonce! we're bootylicious! *hbs rub their butts together*
hb5: who are you?
me: um... *scratch head*
hb5: gangnam style!
me: yea! *i do the gangnam style dance* woop woop! *hbs join me*
fast forward some time later... hb5 buys shots and we down them and go back to the dance floor. later on, i buy 2 rounds of shots for just me and hb5.
hb5: you forgot her! *i forgot to buy beyonce shots*
me: oh woops! *i put my hands on my forehead in dismay sarcastically*
beyonce is shaking her head in disapproval and waving her finger at me. i pick up the $2 change on the counter and instead of paying tip, i hand them to beyonce. she takes the 2 dollars from me, plays around with the 2 dollars, stuffs them in her boobs jokingly, then takes them out, and puts them in her pockets. this whole time i'm just nodding my head up and down. that image will be hard to forget. we go back on the dance floor and dance the whole night. beyonce is flirting with me a lot. she is giving tons of eye contact and shaking her tush and waving her finger up and down. i wave my finger up and down too. honestly, i'm thinking to myself "did i rip into a new time and space continuum? i'm dancing with beyonce!!" later on...
hb5: let's get another round of shots
me: ok who's paying?
hb5: you!
me: what?
hb5: you're buying shots for both me and her
me: noo...
hb5: last round i promise
me: ok fine...
*while waiting for the bartender, i change my mind and turn around. i take out my wallet and show the girls i don't have enough cash. maybe like $14, which is enough for only one person. i shake my head*
me: i don't have any money! see?
*hb5 takes wallet and contributes $3 of her own to it*
hb5: ok here! she'll *beyonce* will just have water
me: alright fine
*after we down our shots, we go back to dance floor. i grab hb5 by hips and try to dance behind her. after all, she just made me spend $30 on her. but beyonce stops me and starts dancing on me instead as if to avoid confrontation. it was worth it hehe. i can now cross off "grind with beyonce on dance floor" on my bucketlist. i'll admit, at times other dudes would try dancing with beyonce from behind like ****** *** ******s. during those times, hb5 would come to dance with me so i wouldn't be left empty handed. at end of night, i ask hb5 for number*
me: i'm going to call you! and i'm going to ask you out on a date! *finger pointing down towards floor*
hb5: aww!! *hugs me*
come to think of it now, i shouldve asked beyonce for her number. at the time, i was afraid i was going to lose the chemistry i had with the two hbs if i asked for beyonce's number. grrrrr... to be honest, i think they were out just to have a good time and get some free drinks from me. plus, they are probably 4-5 yrs older than me. still i hate myself for not asking for beyonce's digits. beyonce did give out her digits away to some other creepers while we were dancing. forget it. in conclusion, i got jipped of $30 bucks, but i also had a great time dancing with beyonce and hb5. probably not going to call or text hb5 despite what i said to her

Approach 91
fast forward 2 days later. i walk on to the platform of the train station on my way to work. to my right, i spot hb7 that actually looks around my age waiting for the train. i walk up next to her...
me: excuse me
*hb7 takes earphones off*
me: do you know much a polar bear weighs?
hb7: no
me: enough to break the ice! What's your name? *extend hand*
hb7: --
me: nice to meet you --. i'm --. where are you from?
hb7: --
me: oh this town -- we're in now?
hb7: yea
me: cool. so you're on your way to work or something probably right?
hb7: yea no i'm actually going to apply for college
me: oh ok cool. wait you're going to take the train now to apply to college somewhere?
hb7: i mean i'm taking classes for credit
me: oh ok. where do you go to school?
hb7: in -- county
me: the train goes to -- county?
hb7: yea
me: oh yea that's right. -- city, which is in -- county
hb7: yea
me: have you thought about living in -- city instead? it's closer to your school
hb7: well my house is in -- town here
me: did you grow up here in -- town?
hb7: no i grew up in ecuador
me: oh nice. when did you move here to the states?
hb7: when i was 4
me: whew that's a relief. you're not that much of a fob. fresh off the boat
hb7: haha
me: -- here is a nice quiet town. i've lived here for about 1-2 years. there are a ton of asians here, but they're all fresh off the boat asians, which i don't like.
hb7: haha
me: what's your phone number?
hb7: i don't know if i should give out my phone number like that
me: it's up to you *shrug*
hb7: ok it's --
me: wait you said --
hb7: no --
me: got it. talk to you later! *wave and eject*

I was REALLY proud of my approach here. NOT because of how the conversation went, but because it was an approach i did during a normal part of my day. It wasn't a day when I purposely set out to approach HBs like I usually do. It was a normal day when I was on my way to work, and I saw a HB i liked and went ahead and approached her. After all, the ULTIMATE goal is to approach ANY HB YOU LIKE in ANY SITUATION you're in. If you like what you see, go for it. That is the ideal state I want to be in. Often times, when I'm out looking for HBs to approach, I have a hard time finding any and end up wasting my time. But on any normal given day when approaching HBs isn't on my agenda, that's when I see the most attractive HBs worth approaching.

Approaches: 91
Ph No's: 19

I will probably not text HBs from Approach 90 and 91. I will text hbs from approaches 89 and 91. stay tuned.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
*update* hb from approach 89 gave me a fake number. i will text hb from approach 91 tomorrow



Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Women are generally friendlier and more open during night game as they are going out to have fun and sometimes expect guys to approach them. They will be more receptive to your approaches. I would suggest not doing ice breakers during night game unless you're trying to be cute/funny and you know they'll like it.

When girls ask you to buy them drinks first, they're generally the ones you should move on from because they'll do this to you all night (and milk you. It's happened to alot of us). If you want to flip the switch, ask them to buy you a round first and you'll reciprocate.

From what i've noticed, your conversations seem like your trying to get them interested in you, throwing them question after question hoping you'll strike something in common that will make you both click. The purpose of talking to them is to see if YOU will like them. So just spend a few minutes getting to know them.

How are you doing?
What are you doing here?
Any plans today/this weekend?
why did you study that? Oh wow, that's pretty cool.

by talking to them, you're also building rapport. This makes them more comfortable talking to you since they feel like they know more about you and vice versa. It increases your chances of success when you follow-up later. I don't always go in for the number kill, i'll sometimes talk to them and get to know them first.

basically you're learning about them to see if she's cool enough to get asked out. If she's interested in you, she'll reciprocate asking you questions as well and then boom, now you have chemistry. If they don't ask, then you don't tell anything about yourself, otherwise you're basically forcing them to learn about you and nobody likes to be forced. girls like to feel like they earned all this information about you which makes them feel special since you don't give it out to just anybody.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
You may find as I have, the best approaches *do* happen as you go about your day at work, taking care of other business, errands, etc. Your mind may be off approaches and you are just being sociable.

Good to see you stopped using any untruths in your approach, like, you're married, or gay.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
here is how my text conversation with hb7 from approach 91 went just now:

Me: Hi -- from ecuador. This is --, talk asian gentleman you met at the train station. How are classes?
HB7: Ohh hey
HB7: I haven't started, but I was able to get the classes I wanted for next semester :g
Me: Nice! You're such an bright young lady. You make me proud. We should hang out sometime to celebrate!
Me: You free thurs around 7 to 8? I'm want to go rock climbing with you at this place in [city]
HB7: Rock climbing! That's.. Lol i've never been rock climbing .. And I don't if I'm allowed to .. I'm still living with my parents and they direct my life .. -.-
HB7: .. So it's difficult for me to so anything
Me: Hey --. If you're not interested in spending time with me, it's ok! No hard feelings! All i ask is for honesty. Now are your parent's really the problem?
HB7: .. If you've know formal you would that my parents are a problem .. No lie .. Uncrossed fingers .. I'm only 19 and I'm still a baby in my parents eyes ..
HB7: Believe what you want .. I know that what in say is te truth ..
Me: What about this saturday in the afternoon?
HB7: You seem pretty nice but I rather not complicate your days with not being able to go out .. It's the truth ..
Me: Alright then, --. It was nice meeting you and I wish you the best!
HB7: Same and yeah I wish the same

forever alone...


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
thechosenone2190 said:
here is how my text conversation with hb7 from approach 91 went just now:

Me: Hi -- from ecuador. This is --, talk asian gentleman you met at the train station. How are classes?
HB7: Ohh hey
HB7: I haven't started, but I was able to get the classes I wanted for next semester :g
Me: Nice! You're such an bright young lady. You make me proud. We should hang out sometime to celebrate!
Me: You free thurs around 7 to 8? I'm want to go rock climbing with you at this place in [city]
HB7: Rock climbing! That's.. Lol i've never been rock climbing .. And I don't if I'm allowed to .. I'm still living with my parents and they direct my life .. -.-
HB7: .. So it's difficult for me to so anything
Me: Hey --. If you're not interested in spending time with me, it's ok! No hard feelings! All i ask is for honesty. Now are your parent's really the problem?
HB7: .. If you've know formal you would that my parents are a problem .. No lie .. Uncrossed fingers .. I'm only 19 and I'm still a baby in my parents eyes ..
HB7: Believe what you want .. I know that what in say is te truth ..
Me: What about this saturday in the afternoon?
HB7: You seem pretty nice but I rather not complicate your days with not being able to go out .. It's the truth ..
Me: Alright then, --. It was nice meeting you and I wish you the best!
HB7: Same and yeah I wish the same

forever alone...
you seem to be growing into your skin a bit more when it comes to approaches. its funny becaues i so wanted to use the same approach you did like asking where something is but already be next to the palce i'm 'looking for' or at it.

but i would have spun it differently.

i would have kinda laughed. like i lost my train of thought and didn't mean to ask that. and then used the shy guy approach.

"you know where the -- park is?"
"uhh your standing in it.."
*chuckle* "wow.. umm yeah i'm terrible at this i just want to be forward with you, i was over there and was thinking to myself i gotta say hi to this girl but i needed a reason, i guess that was the only thing i could think of"
"haha thanks.."
"no i mean thank you.. i - wow.. you are gorgeous. does this sorta thing happen to you a lot?"
"haha does what happen to me?"
"guys coming up to you sorta like me wanting to get to know you"
"hah no not really"
"ok.. i was just wondering how much competition i have. ok well umm you know what i came over here to say hi. i just- i'm gonna go now."

*start walking away, then turn around and kino her arm by lightly grabbing it gauge the reception i get from it. does she pull back a little, lean in, smile, etc.. ANY NEGATIVE REACTION softly eject after introducing yourself and saying nice to meet you that's why i don't introduce myself right away*

"uh actually i was wondering if you would wanna get coffee maybe tomorrow at like 3"
"well i'm kinda busy.."
"well why don't i take your number i'd love to get to know you a little better you seem like you got a fun personality"
'you don't even know me though"
"well i mean we all gotta start somewhere, its all to often people have forgot how to communicate these days"

and then just roll with it. but at least its generating some kind of sexual tension. and the transitions are smooth. then again i worked in sales pretty much my whole life as well as customer service so talking to people especially strangers is my specialty.

and like others have said try approaching the 9's and 10's they hardly get hit on. the 6's the 5's and even the 7's get hit on constantly.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the suggestions, feedback, and support guys. it is much appreciated

Approach 92
at the gym, i see a hb6.5 working out on the leg press machine, which is right next to the squat rack i'm working in.
me: excuse me. can i ask you why you're wearing a hat inside? *grin*
hb6.5: i just like to wear it
me: oh ok. what's your name?
hb6.5: --
me: nice to meet you i'm --. i see you're working your legs out on the machine. have you thought about trying squats?

*i go on a rant about why i think she should do compound exercises like squats and bench press instead of wasting time on a machine, which produces a very unnatural movement for our muscle groups. she tells me her goals, which is to get rid of some fat around her thighs and arms. this conversation was smooth sailing and effortless for me. we kept talking on and on about what you guys refer to as boring conversation topics, like what we do for a living and where we live. she's looking to move to someplace near my area, which is closer to work for her. i'd like to move into her area, which is closer to my workplace. she did seem kind of nerdy and talked a lot. if you think this is a reflection of the kind of person i am, which is nerdy, because she and i hit it off so well, **** YOU. within the first few minutes of our conversation, i asked for her number. she said sure. i asked if she had her cell phone on her because i left mines in my locker. she let me borrow her cell phone so i could dial my phone on hers so i had her number. our conversation went on way longer after i got her number already. i kind of wanted the conversation to end sooner so i could go back to doing squats (btw i squat low bar 200lbs atg style below parallel in case you're wondering)*

i think this is a how a successful approach is ideally supposed to be like, which is effortless. the biggest hurdle for me was gathering the courage to make the approach at the very beginning, so i'm pretty proud of myself for making this approach, which was so spontaneous. like i've repeated before, i don't usually make approaches on the fly. usually, i go out with an agenda to make a certain number of approaches on a certain day, but this day wasn't like that. i just saw a hb i thought was attractive and went for it during my workout at the gym. i think that's the most important skill to develop in anyone's game, the ability to approach HBs no matter where you are or what state you're in. if you like what you see, go for it. to everyone who says my game is improving, i honestly DOUBT that. i think it's more about finding hbs who you hit it off well with. to do so, you just have to eliminate all fear of rejection and approach more hbs.

Approaches: 92
Phone Numbers: 20


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
thechosenone2190 said:
i just saw a hb i thought was attractive and went for it during my workout at the gym. i think that's the most important skill to develop in anyone's game, the ability to approach HBs no matter where you are or what state you're in. if you like what you see, go for it.

Good sh!t bro. Now keep your game tight, follow up with this one, and let us know how it goes.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
