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Murks T levels (|) - Test results came back at 300


Sep 10, 2014
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Thanks man. I am getting arimidex along with the test cyp.
No no no!

Tell them you want Aromasin/Exemestane not Arimidex. Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor which means it irreversibly binds to the Aromatase receptor blocking it forever until the body recycles it. This is important.

Arimidex does not and can cause estrogen rebound once it releases from the receptor.

Arimidex can also crash your E levels too low whereas Aromasin does not crash E. This is important because you want your E levels in range but not too low as Estrogen is used in males to repair testosterone receptors and for joint health as well.

Don't bother trying to explain as to why(I have already tried to like 5 different ones, I just glassy eyed stares), the doctors are clueless when it comes to this stuff, just tell them you want Aromasin/Exemestane because it's better. Doctors love prescribing that Arimidex garbage and I haven't figured out why.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Doing cycles with the time in between at a trt dose. So let's say you blast 500mg/week of T for 12 weeks, then after that, you can go down to say, 125mg/week of T which would bring you within normal range. Keep that for say, 6 weeks, then blast 500mg/week for another 12 weeks.

Since you're committing to shutting down your HPTA, it makes more sense to do this since you're shut down anyways.
This is incredible.

I was always in disbelief of the following. There is a dude at the pool who must be doing this. No homo, but the guy is the poster child for the term ‘skipping leg day’. He is my age and it is not humanely possible to be so top heavy, without leg work.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Guys who are taking T, what were your levels before?

I can’t see the point me doing test cycles at 600. However, I would possibly be interested in a cycle to pack on muscle. They say you lose it all but thag doesn’t seem to be the case. Guys I know who did cycles still look bigger nowadays than people who never did. If you do one or two cycles to bulk, do you then have to f with hormones forever?

i met a guy who was massive who did gear and he said he never even bothered with PCT.

is 600 enough to build a fair bit of muscle? If I banged an extra 500 pinning test, would it make a big difference? Or worth trying diannabol? That seems to be one which gets massive results

or at 600 just leave alone as I can build pretty good on that?


Sep 10, 2014
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In the bodybuilding they don't take aromasin, since they will kill those receptors until the body start to create morek and it an take a few months, I've crashed my E level using adex, its not fun at all, but once they come back they don't go high and rebound, it all depends how much you T you're taking.

People who crash their E2 are morons who take pills without getting labs done to see at least how their levels are and comparing that with how they feel, I was a moron I did that. For me in single digits (8 or 9) I feel bad, lethargic, no interest in $ex, sensation is non existent, $sex feels like a chore, can't hold an erection, no morning wood, joints hurt. Similar to High E2
No bro, the receptors regenerate within a few days.

Aromasin is a much better drug than Arimidex or Letrozole for what it is trying to do.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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If ^^this is what you meant, then I'd agree. No point in shutting yourself down permanently to just go on TRT and raise it a couple hundred. The difference would be hardly noticeable.... Though, a cycle will put mass on.

Genetics play a major role here. What makes one lose it, is the tanking of Test levels once you come off, and the body needs time to start natural production again. Guys will say they were spinning their wheels getting big then losing it while cycling on and off. Only to start retaining some of it when they decided to blast and cruise. Because the Test levels don't tank.. On say, 500mg/week, they'd go from somewhere between 2200-4000 down to 800-1000. When one comes off, they'd go from the 2200-4000 down to almost nothing. Depending on genetics, one might retain alot, one might lose alot. More likely the latter. Since most are not genetically gifted.

Either he's genetically gifted (which I wouldn't expect that for yourself), or he's blasting and cruising, or perma blasting.

Humans all have the ability to build muscle, but to what extent? What do you mean by "fair bit"? If it's something that most would consider impressive, then no. If it's something that looks fit, but average, then yes. Though again, genetics play a major role.

You'd go from 600-upwards of 2200-4000(depending on your body's response). Yes, you'd see a difference in performance, recovery, strength, and size. Though again, genetics plays a major role.

You wouldn't want to add dbol into the mix without first knowing how much your body coverts test to estrogen. Genetics play a major role in side effects as well...

One may be able to handle high amounts of estrogen, and not get gyno due to aromatization. Others may not be able to handle high estrogen, and get gyno, though they don't covert test to estrogen at a high rate anyways.... Others may covert at a high rate, and get gyno easily, which means they'd need to keep their test dosage to a level that doesn't cause the high estrogen effects, and introduce another compound that doesn't aromatize to estrogen like dbol does, or take a massive dose of A.I. which would be unhealthier than using a different compound for strength and size.
right so my levels of 600 are enough to look fairly fit and muscular but I won’t get that big bodybuilder look? That’s fine, I don’t really want to look huge. More of a swimmer physique. Am not going though all the BS on hormones for life for the sake of looking massive and ripped

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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In the bodybuilding they don't take aromasin, since they will kill those receptors until the body start to create morek and it an take a few months, I've crashed my E level using adex, its not fun at all, but once they come back they don't go high and rebound, it all depends how much you T you're taking.

People who crash their E2 are morons who take pills without getting labs done to see at least how their levels are and comparing that with how they feel, I was a moron I did that. For me in single digits (8 or 9) I feel bad, lethargic, no interest in $ex, sensation is non existent, $sex feels like a chore, can't hold an erection, no morning wood, joints hurt. Similar to High E2
This libido issue on Dex makes me concerned. I have Cialis right now because, as you can see I have massive T numbers but also high E, so it was the first approach until I went on TRT. I thought I would start taking Dex asap while I was shooting because it may start to chip the E back but I don’t wanna have it go the totally opposite direction. If I take .5mg Dex as prescribed and 320/wk cyp I am not gonna go limp fish am I? o_O

secondly, I wonder if I could have skipped Trt entirely and just gone with Dex?? If I start shooting gear I am gonna look like fvcking Arnold.
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Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I can’t wait to get this figured out. I am through two RX of the C and the cvs is like, dude we can’t keep filling this bottle until March now. It’s a great situation to be in but also incredibly stressful.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Can you expand on this? mg/ml and when you started?
Recently in the last 3.5 weeks, about halfway through that time period I would double down the Cialis dose. I would go into a weekend for example taking 40mg Cialis.

It was like 10x in 1.5 days a couple weeks ago. We are laughing about it at this point. The dosage though was really doing a number on my head. I am glad I learned about the effects of Estradiol. It makes sense now, it’s treatable. Incredibly relieved.


Sep 10, 2014
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This libido issue on Dex makes me concerned. I have Cialis right now because, as you can see I have massive T numbers but also high E, so it was the first approach until I went on TRT. I thought I would start taking Dex asap while I was shooting because it may start to chip the E back but I don’t wanna have it go the totally opposite direction. If I take .5mg Dex as prescribed and 320/wk cyp I am not gonna go limp fish am I? o_O

secondly, I wonder if I could have skipped Trt entirely and just gone with Dex?? If I start shooting gear I am gonna look like fvcking Arnold.
Take Aromasin not Adex.


Sep 10, 2014
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Actually, that's looked at as bro-science now.... There is no evidence of Rebound.
Not according to this article quoting studies done on it.

Even taking that out of the equation Aromasin additionally has a neutral or favorable effect on cholesterol versus Adex which has a negative effect and Aromasin also boosts IGF-1 production by up to 25%.

It's just a far better drug for what it's meant to do and there really isn't much to debate about.


Sep 10, 2014
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Guys who are taking T, what were your levels before?

I can’t see the point me doing test cycles at 600. However, I would possibly be interested in a cycle to pack on muscle. They say you lose it all but thag doesn’t seem to be the case. Guys I know who did cycles still look bigger nowadays than people who never did. If you do one or two cycles to bulk, do you then have to f with hormones forever?

i met a guy who was massive who did gear and he said he never even bothered with PCT.

is 600 enough to build a fair bit of muscle? If I banged an extra 500 pinning test, would it make a big difference? Or worth trying diannabol? That seems to be one which gets massive results

or at 600 just leave alone as I can build pretty good on that?
I was at 150.

FYI, there isn't much difference in muscle mass until you reach supra physiological levels of Test.

The big difference comes in reduction of fat, especially abdominal fat.

Even going from 300 to 600 will show around a 40% reduction in abdominal fat.

If you want a boost to muscle mass you would do well to look at adding a basic SARM like Ostarine which will help with building muscle.

Other than that, you won't see much difference in muscle mass until your T levels get over 1300


Sep 10, 2014
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Or adding anavar, super mild but effective
Yeah anavar is one of my favorites.

Actually used that with Ostarine and TRT and it was one of my best results ever from gear.

Unfortunately I am extremely limited with what I can do. My body doesn't like gear. Had to even stop a basic Test cycle because my heart was racing too much and my blood pressure was way too high even with every possible thing to prevent it and do it safely.

I envy people who have no issues with it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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right so my levels of 600 are enough to look fairly fit and muscular but I won’t get that big bodybuilder look? That’s fine, I don’t really want to look huge. More of a swimmer physique. Am not going though all the BS on hormones for life for the sake of looking massive and ripped
Mine was 453 when I tested and I have no problem staying lean or building muscle…


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I have high blood pressure, even though I've exercised my whole life and played sports funny I know, I got it from my mom and was diagnosed 3 years ago.
I lowered my BP from 135/85 to 115/75 in 2 months just by cutting out meat, added salt, and upping my water intake to a gallon per day. HBP runs in my family. If you help your body flush the salts out it lowers blood pressure.


Sep 10, 2014
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I didn't see studies cited that pertained to the rebound claim. Though, I agree that exemestane is better for most for the other reasons listed. Though some don't respond to exemestane, while they do to Adex. I don't care what the studies say, on underground bodybuilding forums, it's more common knowledge that "rebound" is bro-science. With that said, I'd try aromasin first....
No offense but most of the dude on those forums don't even use AIs and end up with E levels near 100 then wonder why they are an emotional trainwreck

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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The gear is here!

Just took my first shot and first Dex dose.
70mg TCyp,(2x) .5 mg Dex (2x)

Email to Dr. to make sure the labs are accelerated to monitor the E2 (I have super high E2)


Sep 10, 2014
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The gear is here!

Just took my first shot and first Dex dose.
70mg TCyp,(2x) .5 mg Dex (2x)

Email to Dr. to make sure the labs are accelerated to monitor the E2 (I have super high E2)
Dex is crap, but I guess doctors just go along with what everyone else does.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I bought a bottle of Tongkat just for the hell of it and it did not disappoint. The Dex plus tongkat are a fire combo.


Sep 10, 2014
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I'm starting to think you're full of shjt. How can you say arimidex and tongkat are a "fire combo" as if you notice a difference, when you just got the anastrazole yesterday, and it hasn't even had time to take effect. Not to mention, you wouldn't notice the effect anyways....
That placebo effect is real...

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I'm starting to think you're full of shjt. How can you say arimidex and tongkat are a "fire combo" as if you notice a difference, when you just got the anastrazole yesterday, and it hasn't even had time to take effect. Not to mention, you wouldn't notice the effect anyways....
No I’m definitely on gear now. I know that cycles take time to build and I am not even on a cycle, just TRT, so that’s not it.

My understanding is Tongkat is effective quickly which is why I bought it, to get a bit of a jump with the Dex. I took 400 mg.

Dex needs less than 24 hours. I have high T now and the Dex isn’t going to do anything but suppress E2. Possible that it loosened up my free T.

I’ve been on cycles, I know what it feels like to have increased T. My workout was strong, my libido is legit, my attitude is focused, the feeling is definitely not placebo. Whether it’s Dex alone or combo thereof, tbd.

Plenty of Reddit comments about quick response time on Tongkat also.
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