My blood work (aside from Testosterone) came back great and my estradiol levels are on the low end so no worries there either.If you go on TRT yes, it's a lifetime decision. Your body will eventually stop producing T and it may not ever restart if you try to come off of it.
The biggest thing you need to ensure is to get your Hematocrit levels checked regularly. One of the main side effects in some people(including me) is something called polythecemia, or overproduction of red blood cells. If this happens, you need to donate blood or your blood will turn into sludge and you may end up having a stroke or heart attack due to blood clots/blood thickness. I tend to donate every 8-12 weeks so I don't need to worry about it. As someone who was deathly afraid of needles and used to pass out simply getting blood work done as a kid, I never thought I would do that, but I do...
The other is to ensure your estradiol levels stay in the proper range. Excessive E levels are not good and can cause blood clots and other issues, including making you an emotional mess. I am also a high aromatizer so I ensure to take 25mg of Aromasin/Exemestane every 3 days or so to keep my levels stable.
This is why all these lawsuits have come out with TRT is because people don't do these two things and have adverse events. They are preventable with understanding of the risks associated with it and the precautions taken by the individual.