MrConfidences thread

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Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Their writing styles, and attitude are similiar. Kind of supsected. I must admit, Dreamx is pretty funny. The way he operates writing style cracks me up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Don't give him respect.

He didn't give you none, so have a higher respect level for yourself.


Aug 22, 2006
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TheNewGuy said:
You are like the 95 pound freshman that tries a workout routine for two weeks, looks in the mirror, notices after two weeks he doesn't look like INSERT TOUGH GUY OF THE WEEK and then comes to the almighty conclusion that the routine is trashed.

Know why you are coming to us for help? Because we know more than you. You know we know more, we know we know more. To say that what we told you is wrong, is to say that we do not know more than you. So if we don't know more than you, why are you asking us for advice? Leave... again.

Moderators/Allen, if you really want him to never come back again: do a whois on his IP and tell his ISP that he has been spamming the forums for the past 5 months, banned 3 times and still comes back. That type of action violates every AUP and is guaranteed to get his account turned off.
I'm not here to workout man, I'm here to become social, and I'm here to get laid; after I accomplish those things I don't give a f*ck whether or not you assh*les give me advice. Haha, 95 pound freshman? Is that what you are? Because that's certainly not me, I'm a 180 pound, JUNIOR FYI(Don't believe me? Who cares. You're the one lying to yourself, I don't need to prove anything to myself). And also, FYI, I run on the treadmill 4 days a week, for 30 minutes, a lot more than your lazy ass does, probably. Maybe if you stopped pulling stuff out of your ass(That 95 pound freshman bullsh*t), I might actually listen to you.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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MrConfidence said:
I'm not here to workout man, I'm here to become social, and I'm here to get laid; after I accomplish those things I don't give a f*ck whether or not you assh*les give me advice. Haha, 95 pound freshman? Is that what you are? Because that's certainly not me, I'm a 180 pound, JUNIOR FYI(Don't believe me? Who cares. You're the one lying to yourself, I don't need to prove anything to myself). And also, FYI, I run on the treadmill 4 days a week, for 30 minutes, a lot more than your lazy ass does, probably. Maybe if you stopped pulling stuff out of your ass(That 95 pound freshman bullsh*t), I might actually listen to you. So what if you do ban me? Hardly any loss to me, since I hardly ever come here in the first place. Infact, I'd be glad if you guys banned me, I don't need this kind of crap when I'm trying to become a better person.

No. I used to be that guy. Notice the past tense. Also please take note of this article.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
TheNewGuy said:
No. I used to be that guy. Notice the past tense. Also please take note of this article.
Ah, I must missed that when I read your post. Man, do I feel stupid now. Deepest apologies, I honestly thought you were talking about me, and even if you were, I had no reason to be so offended. If anything, you're not the assh*les, I am.

Local Celebrity

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
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Ah, you don't apologize man. Not to men, not to women.

My post was more for motivation to go out and make friends man. Don't twist it on me. Here's what I think man, now think about this one. Think about a time you approached a girl, and everything went well. The feelings amazing, isn't it? You feel on top of the world, your confidence is soaring after that, you can approach anybody you want, and you KNOW that it will go well.

Try it one time, you'll see what I mean.


Local Celebrity

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
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You can't let this guy disrespect you. Your worried about getting in trouble? Girls like bad boys man, think about it. This is what you do, next time he does/says anything to you, you say to him "Try that shyt again, and i'm gonna embarass you infront of everybody here." Say it like you mean it, because you will.

He tries some shyt, you know what to do.

Never let yourself be disrespected. If he would've thrown a bottle at me, I would've picked it up, walked over to him, and shoved it up his ass as far as I could, until I saw sprite leaking out of his ears.




Aug 22, 2006
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Wow, ignore this post, I meant to put it in a different topic.


Aug 22, 2006
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You know what I just realized? I'm still in the same place I was my freshman year, hell, I'm worse off than I was my freshman year, at least I had the balls to go up to girls, and initiate conversation then. The girls who use to be sophomores, when I was a freshman, are now seniors, and if I don't **** them this year, I never will. You know, my freshman year, I told myself I was going to make a lot of progress my sophomore year, but what happened? I made no progress at all. So yeah, if there's any year that I have to make a change, and make more friends in school, it's this, because senior year is going to be to late. Sure, if I go up to a hot girl she might reject, HOWEVER, she might also be attracted to me, and if I never approach her, I'll never know. Tommorow I'm going to start making a change, if I see a hot girl during school, I'm going to talk to her, so what if she rejects me? Hey, I still got my bass guitar, and I'm still a cool guy. If it ends in awkward silence because the conversation gets boring, then I'll know how to make the conversation more interesting next time.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I'm going to go over all the advice to you guys have given me, and I'm going to go through the DJ Bible, and I'm going to grab my balls, approach people, and not care what happens.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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Local Celebrity said:
Ah, you don't apologize man. Not to men, not to women.
Steve Covey said:
It takes a great deal of character strength to apologize quickly out of one's heart rather than out of pity. A person must possess himself and have a deep sense of security in fundamental principles and values in order to genuinely apologize.

Viper... Mr. Confidence... Mike, you gained my respect by doing that. Boys who are too cowardly to admit to themselves that they are not the all knowing do not apologize, Men who are are willing to realize their mistakes and attempt to fix them do.

Looks like your on your way.


Aug 22, 2006
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Well, here's the story. At lunch today, a group of girls, one who I knew from before(Which was basically the only girl I talked to), decided to sit at my table(Where I usually sit alone), when I told that it was my table, they told me that I could just sit with them, and so I accepted. So basically I eat, and I start having a conversation with one the girls I knew before named Rebecca(Who I've talked to previously). The conversation went well, but I couldn't tell if she was really interested(might've just felt sorry for me), or not, anyway, after about 30 seconds of silence(Since I couldn't think of anything else to say), I got bored, told her that I had to go somewhere, and said goodbye to her. This conversation has taught me, that if I could only figure out a way to open towards girls, then I could approach them with little pressure. Took some of the advice you guys gave me last time, instead of making it like an interrogation, I actually put some input into the conversation. For instance, when I asked her if she did any sports, she said something along the lines "Yes, I do golf", instead of just saying "Cool", I said something along the lines of "Cool, I do wrestling", and the conversation expanded from there. Could've been better I admit, but this is probably the best convo I've ever had with a girl yet. One thing I could've done better was instead of ignoring the other 3 girls at the table, I should've tried to include them into the conversation. But when it comes to talking to groups of women, I'm even worse. So I'll end this with a question, how do you go about talking to women in groups? Is it the same as talking to a single girl, or are there different rules?


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
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Good work, MC! We've both progressing inch by inch, which is good!

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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this made me laugh, "are there different rules?"...

IF there were "rules" it'd just be: talk, and don't be boring.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
Viper my man now mr.c, your starting to change man holy sh.t. Slowly but steadly man you'll be there nice. This is how u get respect from the members here. As to your question, talking to girls in groups imo is a lot easier because your not talking every second and in a group the convo wont run dry and there won't be any awkward scilence. Keep moving foward:up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
that's better.


Aug 22, 2006
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Thanks for supporting me guys. Although is there a way to get her talking without going through a bunch of topics? I started the conversation with "Hey, how's it going with you?", and didn't really get anywhere until I asked how her weekend was(Which was kind of weird, considering it was Monday). I also got to work on smiling, and eye contact, which I did neither of in this conversation.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Thanks for supporting me guys. Although is there a way to get her talking without going through a bunch of topics? I started the conversation with "Hey, how's it going with you?", and didn't really get anywhere until I asked how her weekend was(Which was kind of weird, considering it was Monday). I also got to work on smiling, and eye contact, which I did neither of in this conversation.
That's it. Much better.

Just work on those things that you mentioned. You're on your way. ****ing A.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
That's it. Much better.

Just work on those things that you mentioned. You're on your way. ****ing A.
Yeah, I've also got to thank those girls, because if it wasn't for them wanting to sit at my table that day, I probably wouldn't have talked to her at all. Band practice is tonight at 6:30, and I'm going a little before that, and see if I can use what I've learned to approach some chicks in band. Now I know what confidence feels like man, where you just DO IT, don't think about, you just have this gut feeling. If I could just stop doubting myself, I know I could approach any girl, and I could also stop caring about what others think of me. I don't even need to pull one of those slick observational openers, I just need to say something along the lines of "Hey, how's it going?", and follow up with a topic. I'm going to dodge using the whole "How was school for you thing" because most girls will just give you a short answer. I might even just use a situational opener, and tell her I like her shirt, or something.
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