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Mr. Ballz 20 Cold Approach Journal

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Approach 18
Wednesday, January 23

Yesterday, made a simple approach with a hb7 who pulled off a hb8 from the distance. she seemed in true passionate thought or possibly frightful anger as she leaned against the wall waiting for the bus.

Mr: you either looking very upset or focused.
7: (lol) ya I get a real serious face when I start thinking
Mr: you should work on that (joking voice)
7: (ecstatically smiling now) Well I am a little stressed being late for class
Mr: (told her how I had to run back to my house to grab my forgotten bag)
Mr: so whats your major (did not want to go into a fluff convo and need to work on getting deeper, perhaps, 'well you seem like an adventurous person')
7: blah blah
Mr: blah! blah blah

Spoke for a little then a friend caught me and chatted me up.

Easy simple approach.

2 more!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
2 more cold approaches to go.....great job...

I like your situational openers

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Appreciate it guys, Loacker I feel ya bud and everyone saying go for the number is absolutely right. There is a difference between chatting with a girl and DJing a girl. Many guys are to scared for both. I am doing great on getting over the anxiety (insanely good it seems) so just chatting to the girls was enough for a while, but the more time passes the more I cant help but want to take things further while conversing (getting in deeper convos creating emotions, getting a number, and something that has been lacking: kino during cold approaches).

So 2 days ago I went to this sweet party with insane amount of people topped with a live band. I get there with my 3 other roomies when the bands on break (after waiting 45 minutes for one to decide which tie to wear, as I walk in with sweatpants on). I Immediately approach a 2 set with one on the phone. We connect and she's blonde. All is good, then it becomes a 3 set and Im joking with all of them having them laugh. They decide they are going inside because its cold and I agree and go in to look for my roomies. I approach 4-5 other sets within the 45 minutes of being there (had to come back early). Had everyone in a good mood and always jumped in with energy. If im the party how could they not want to chat with me? Thats why I hate slow parties, its hard to jump in as fluidly and with energy. This one already had an awesome vibe just to tag onto. Didnt get any numbers, though the only number I really wanted was the first chick (which I really was feeling) but it didnt cross my mind to grab the number until after walking away. whoa is me.

Approach 19
Monday, January 28

Got lunch and walked into the cafeteria seeing one girl by herself. I sit by the table incredibly close to her.
Mr: Guess we're lunch neighbors
7.5: ha, ya I guess so...couldnt find any people to sit with this time (IOI she continued conversing)
Mr: ya, I got out early after bombing my test in physiology so my friends arent out yet.
7.5 that sucks blah blah blha

long chat about her being great public speaker ((top 25 picked in something and was awarded by being in a commercial for TBS)) also about her being in drama. I strongly relate because I love public speaking and did drama as well. She eventually stated she had no more anxiety to be infront of people. I said Im getting there too, but every now and then to test my abilities I go infront of a movie theatre on an opening night of a movie and get everyones attention to say a (fake) happy bday or another message about a friend in the audience. (true)

Mr: blah blah
7.5: blah! blahblah
Mr: well Im going to run but you seem fun, give me your number and we'll chill
7.5: (number)

good times. 1 MORE!

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Side note: girls number from 2 days ago wont stop texting me, and driving me nuts :woo: , I guess not the worst problem to have.

Approach 20
Wednesday, January 30

I see a girl (easily a 9) walking in front of me with giant shades and earphones on. Instantly my antisocial rant pops in my head, but she seems in a rush and I somewhat wasn’t vibing how I wanted to yet (excuses excuses).
I run into my friend and joke around about how we haven’t had a movie night and about the movie I made and such. Just laughing and having a great time, then I head to class and who do I see sitting by her lonesome self 10 minutes early, shades girl (now without shades, but still with earbuds).
I sit down next to her

Mr: how antisocial
Shades girl: what?
Mr: I can understand music on the bus or working out, but in class even. I know he’s boring but that’s pushing it.
Shades girl: ha, ya well Im checking out my bros new music.
Mr: blah blah
Shades girl: blah blah dorms are boring blah
(after more fluff I jump in with a personal note)
Mr: You seem adventurous (in a statement)
Shades girl: lol, umm ya I guess I am
Mr: probably the way you present yourself, and you play soccer, not scared to run around, what do you do?
Shades girl: well, umm, I dunno
Mr: maybe I was wrong
Shades girl: lol blah blah
Shades girl….blah blah blah (IOI reinitiates convo multiple times)

The blahs continue until I state I don’t have a book yet and she does and since we have a test on monday, obviously we should study together. Get her number. Before class ends she says when she may be studying and I tell her Ill give her a call if Im at the dorms, or just ring me up when she studies and possibly thinks of me. Then she stated she doesn’t have my number (IOI).

Side approach: went to lunch and couldn’t find a friend so sat next to this 6, opened with I hate sitting alone, so I thought I’d join you. Had a nice long chat about this and that, traveling, teaching and so on. Good stuff.

FINISHED!!! I feel as though I have accomplished and learnt a great deal. Sometimes the difficulty to approach was insane, and continuously is, but I grew after each conquest and even though I’m not where I envisioned myself being, I still feel closer to that goal. I almost gave up a few times, and thought the whole 'cold approach' was not for me, but I realized this is beyond just approaching, this is about confidence and feeling alive. This would have been insanely easier with another friend with me to vibe off of and boost energy, but I did all of them by myself so to have to truly have the confidence to push. I used some great techniques in the process:

*Humming a tune (thanks to Walden) – helps distract the mind and relieve built up tension when becoming to serious

*Vibing – creating confidence from someone else. Many times I accomplished this by talking to friends or other strangers and joking around having a good time, then moving onto a target. Maybe a phone conversation, even feeling off the target creates a good vibe. Anything to get out of a drone like state.

*Snowballing - I see it like vibing, but as where I can approach one girl, who I dont care much about, and run the energy created onto something else, than keep building it up.

*Not overthinking or getting too focused. Its just a game. I didn’t always just go out to approach, sometimes it was to buy something or during a running session. That way if I didn’t approach I didn’t feel as though I wasted my time.

It feels as though most anxiety has left me (I barely feel nervous before I speak), yet I still cannot approach at times due to not feeling a great vibe to push convos the way I’d like. (possibly its my old bad habits crawling up, or possibly being scared of the outcome ((even without anxiety)) I want to find a faster way to feel a high energy vibe so I can approach more frequently, though this may be an excuse to some degree for not just going for it.

Phat – Good question. I love it most of the time, but it is a constant in my thoughts and takes up a great deal of attention I could focus elsewhere. I do not think I can go back to my ex like I have been debating. I want to, but my urge for variety is so strong currently, and I want to go back on my terms, as in I know what else is out there and she is better.

Ive decided to do another 10 approaches. I feel I have come this far (and quite a change indeed) why not go a little further. No need to stop now. BUT I don’t want to feel as though my life revolves around the attention of girls. I like this, but it will not be my life's work lol.
10 more approaches it is.

Same goals:
*HB 7 up
*2 minute conversations
*Girl I never met

*AND number closed

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Well Ive been relaxing for a little, but last night I went to my friends stand up show and to get in for free I had to promise to do my own bit on stage. So I saved 7 bucks. I barely felt nervous before going on stage. It amazes me when I think how I would have felt 2 months ago if I had this exact situation.

Approached 2 girls at the show who were in the process talking to this 40 year old guy (cant quite call it a cold approach because we are all at the show). So I talk to the guy first then ask the girls how old they are (17 seniors) kept chatting about fluff (college and such) until the guy walked away. Eventually I asked them who the old guy was, and how I thought he was hitting on them. Then one of the girls gets upset and informs me he was the leader of some church group that came that night.....:nervous: , I blow it off saying 'wow, no idea, couldnt have known that blah blah' then one tells me the time an old man hit on them while they were driving which I use to further diffuse any hostility lol. get deeper with the one I liked and joked around plenty. Got both numbers and both telling me we better play tennis/party/ whatever and not to forget to call.

Great night and I love this feeling of lack of anxiety.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Keep up the good work bro........which girl was the one who wouldn't stop texting you?

You have any dates set up?
Let us know how the study session goes.
Last edited:

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
I've noticed something while i was approaching girls at my school.

If i truly believe that I am better looking than them, then I have all the confidence in the world, and I can say whatever and give off that manly vibe. And they become automatically attracted no matter what I say.

But if i believe that a girl is better looking than me or is more popular socially, I'll be planning sh1t in my mind and thinking about what to say and ultimately have my words come out like a written speech.

So I've figured that I need to keep on doing this until i get so many girls after me that I truly believe that I have more value than any girl and that I am better looking than them(may or may not be true).

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Appreciate the comments guys.

I went on the study session. She has a boyfriend across the country. I convinced one of my friends whose a girl to befriend her and convince her to break up with the guy, but thats a stretch lol.

Went to a party last night and got insanely hammered. I never ever drink to much at parties. I like to communicate and the best way to remove that talent is by drinking. But the party was dull. I opened a few girls but nothing interesting came out of there mouths and there werent many girls so i created a drinking game for my 2 friends called SURVIVOR: last one drinking wins.

We had 11 shots of whiskey in 30 minutes. The dull party became a blast real fast. And then simple things became incredibly challenging tasks such as walking and using my phone. Im done drinking for a while.

Mr. Ballz

Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
So ive been relaxing long enough. Time to get into gear.

I approached a 7.5 yesterday in a cafe. she was sitting and her friend was getting coffee. We conversed and I joked around, and eventually I realized shes a little nutty. She was talking in a way when you are witty, minus the witty part. Really strange. Well I bailed after 5 or so minutes, I dont need any more screwballs.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Mr. Ballz said:
So ive been relaxing long enough. Time to get into gear.

I approached a 7.5 yesterday in a cafe. she was sitting and her friend was getting coffee. We conversed and I joked around, and eventually I realized shes a little nutty. She was talking in a way when you are witty, minus the witty part. Really strange. Well I bailed after 5 or so minutes, I dont need any more screwballs.