Most obvious come-on that was missed


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
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Although I am less clueless I am still just a little bit dense at times.
I was working security at a local music fest. I knew everyone there. The gig was over and a woman I had been chatting to and teasing a little came over. I had been teasing her about her lip gloss. She is standing really close, and she asks me if I am going to the after party. My first thought was still "that's kind of her to ask me." She then made some comment about how she uses nipple cream on her lips instead of lipbalm because it made them so soft for kissing. I ask her how it made her nipples. She didn't recoil in horror so finally the dim little light bulb comes on. I give her a cheeky smile and some very sly kino and apologize and tell her "another time."
Before anyone tells me I am a dumbas, I had my 15yr old son on my other side and my crazy ex-wife about 50ft away, glaring at me. It is a small community I live in. I know I will see her around.


New Member
Jun 1, 2016
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Hey guys, found these forums through the Rational Male and have been browsing for the past few months. Finally decided to register after reading through this topic to share my own failures.

1. Freshman year when I was a clueless AFC, first week of school this short chick HB 5/10 ish maybe a 6 on a good day (not mad that I missed this one honestly, she wasn't very good looking) starts talking to me in PE, staring attentively all the while. Tells me to sit by her at lunch, asks for my phone at lunch and gets my number herself. Texts me a ton with her starting virtually every conversation; about a week or two later her friend asks us why we aren't dating yet. I kinda laughed it off and shot down the idea, indirectly saying that I wasn't interested. She stopped texting me shortly after that. I'm not really mad that I missed this one though, like I said she wasn't hot (she did have a giant rack though), also I later found out that she was pretty slutty and liked to chase after new guys.

2. Freshman year again, this chick got my number from a friend and started texting me, I pretty much friendzoned her and blew her off I had zero interest she got the message we did stay friends throughout high school though.

3. Freshman & Sophomore year, HB 7/10 was always trying to talk to me, and was always saying we would get married (I always figured she was joking since she had a bf). One time she felt of my abs during class and was acting all impressed even though I was super thin and really didn't have large abs. She probably came on to me a lot more times in those two years, like I said I always thought she was just messing around and joking with me, but now that I look back on it I realize I missed out, she ended up moving away at the end of my sophomore year.

4. Sophomore year, HB 6/10 started trying to finger me in the bumhole during class, (we all had to stand at the beginning of class to watch these videos every day that our teacher made us watch) I would always move forward and try to get away from her (lol) after about a week of "tolerating" this I finally turned around and kind of slapped her hand when she tried to do it one day. I can't say I'm mad about this one though, I didn't find her attractive and she had a well known reputation as a slut in our school and had been through a couple guys there even though she was relatively new.

5. Sophomore year again, I had been sitting at a lunch table with this HB 7.5/10 for the past week or two and decided to move tables (it was mostly girls and I felt really out of place, I was still a clueless AFC/Beta phaggot mind you). After I moved she seemed disappointed, and was asking me why I moved tables, she would also stare at me quite a bit (at least that's what some other people had told me). Later in junior year we were the only two in a class together she would always stand really close to me and take pictures of me. I had started stepping up my game a bit during that time (at least I thought) I was still an AFC though. Asked her to homecoming that year and she rejected me, I guess I had blew my chances by then.

6. This one happened just last week, was on a bus coming home from a school graduation party, when this HB 8.5/10 (whom I had went to prom with and had oneitis for, nothing happened between us though and she always seemed a bit aloof) said something about loving me to her friend, her friend repeated it back to me... I don't think I said a word back :( (I'm still not sure if she was serious or not, she's never really showed any sign of interest, and always acted like she's too good for me) I couldn't think of anything to say back to that until about 20 mins later when we were all off the bus and I was driving home, though I had been up for the last 24 hours and was half asleep on the bus so I guess I have an excuse at least...


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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I guess they perceive it as rejection and women hate/fear getting rejected a lot more than us. If you just do nothing in response to her come-on, she thinks you got it, but you rejected her. How should she tell the difference between not interested and missing her come-on, especially if it was so obvious?
The other side of the coin is that she loses respect for you because you didn't have the balls to make a move. I'm certain this has happened to me. Unfortunately I was fully aware of her come-on, just too much of a ***** to act.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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College: Had a girl from a neighboring sorority who lived in an apartment that asked me to walk her home from the bar that night. We sit on her couch and she starts giving me a backrub, and joking about when her roommate had a guy there the other night and she saw him naked. In true AFC fashion I did not want to take advantage of this Layup, and I excused myself and went home. Totally missed that green light, since I thought taking it slow was going to get me in a relationship...which was my mindset at the time.

Another college experience: A strawberry blonde I'd gotten acquainted with through a friend invited me over to cook me a steak "if I would bring a bottle of wine". Had a great dinner, finished the wine then bid her goodnight and walked home... UGH!!!!

Here lately been getting some texts from a female friend I've known for 7 years.

"Kids with their dad in LA, Just me and the dog and a margarita."

Had her ask me if I wanted to "learn how to fit a woman for a bra" as they were closing up shop.

Helped her run an errand and move a chest freezer. She offered to show me the house and the last room was the bedroom where she asked if I was seeing anyone.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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In high school, while alone with a girl during a break, she pulled up her skirt a bit to show me "where it itched" on her thigh after she had shaven. I told her the brand of shaving cream I used.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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I'm glad I've finally got my chance to post in here for the first time ever lol, been reading this thing for years.

background: I found a city funded program that gives job skills/training to youths (17-24) that are not in school and unemployed, in addition they also find you internships to give you experience and put something nice on your resume, on the way to one of the internship interviews it was me and 3 other people (we all knew each other from being in the program for the last few weeks), 1 of which was my friend, 1 of which was a pretty girl and the last of which was a stoner who was a pretty cool dude.

come-ons: I joked to the girl that if we ran into any of my friends along the way she should pretend to be my girlfriend to impress them, she completely ran with it and brought up being my pretend girlfriend practically every 5 minutes (in various funny contexts) for the rest of the day. at the time I thought she was joking around but in retrospect there was probably some significance to her implicitly agreeing to tell people she's my girlfriend lol.

towards the end, way after the interview when we were all going home on a train she said to me, "if we go to this internship we're going to be best friends for the next few months", at the time I focused on her use of the term "friends" and the "if we go to this internship" parts, the former being the dreaded word and the latter making me think that she'd only want to be friends with me if we were going to work together... in retrospect that seems utterly stupid of me because I realized that she said that to me specifically, and not the other two people who were clearly there and had an equally good chance of being with us there.

I probably still have a shot with this girl(this story happened like two weeks ago and the program is far from over) though so this story may have a happy ending!


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
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I've had some f*cking awful ones.


First date with my University's swimming team her dorm. Really tall blonde girl with really long, gorgeous legs. First date I'd been on for years (TBH my first serious date ever) and I was so nervous I was practically terrified. Visibly sweaty, it was AWFUL.

Anyway I'd spent the whole date sat on her bed chatting with her. It was going well despite my nerves. We got up at one point and I taught her how to dance, it was quite intimate and she seemed to enjoy it. She got out a small bottle of wine and we shared it. Then she asked what comedy shows I like - we both liked Peep Show.

Peep Show is renowned for it's dark comedy and almost everything is filmed from the first person. This includes sex scenes. Well, she proceeded to get YouTube up and just quietly put on pretty much all the sex scenes in the show, one after another.

At no point did I ever think "Maybe she's hinting she'd like to have sex right now, considering this dorm is totally empty and I'm LITERALLY SAT ON HER F*CKING BED."

After 10 minutes of watching half-funny sex scenes in mild confusion, I gave her a platonic hug good bye and left. No second date, unsurprisingly. Epic facepalm.


#2: Party. Girl invites me there, chats all night with me. Finishes with "Hey Smooth, if you want to stay over just pick a bed and you can crash. My room's on the right over there." "Ohhhh don't you worry about a thing, I can drive home!"


#3: Party a month later. Different girl invites me over. Ends the night with "You have a long journey home, you don't have to go if you want? You can stay over." "Nah! It's only forty minutes. See ya!"


#4: Different party. I'm a bit drunk. At this girl's place. Her flat mate gives me her number, leans in close to me. "My name's ****. My second name is Sexton". She grins "It's kind of a weird name isn't it? You can just add me on there as SEX if you want, it's easier."

"Err, right, well thanks for your number." *leaves politely, no text response the next day*

Okay I'm going to stop there for now as the cringe is too strong ;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2018
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Honestly, this thread has some real belters. I cant stop laughing. For fvck’s sake! Some of these misses actually make want to weep with frustration!


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2019
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I feel like I need to throw my hat into this ring.
Few years ago I work as an IT Tech in an office and a cute girl there, (she previously invited me to a party were I didn't make a move on her) asks if I can help her with her laptop at her house. I went to her house and found out that the laptop was just out of power. Then she ask me to look at her computer in her room and also made the comment about her having X-rays of her while she was naked. I optimized her desktop, and soon bid her farewell thinking that was an easy job. Its almost as if there was not anything wrong.

Later that day I was staring down the barrel of a 45.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2018
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I feel like I need to throw my hat into this ring.
Few years ago I work as an IT Tech in an office and a cute girl there, (she previously invited me to a party were I didn't make a move on her) asks if I can help her with her laptop at her house. I went to her house and found out that the laptop was just out of power. Then she ask me to look at her computer in her room and also made the comment about her having X-rays of her while she was naked. I optimized her desktop, and soon bid her farewell thinking that was an easy job. Its almost as if there was not anything wrong.

Later that day I was staring down the barrel of a 45.

Damn bro! I can totally identify with this scenario but heck its painful to read lol. Damn!


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Damn some of these are something else.

Allow me to revive this thread.

1. Circa 2010. Super hot HB9 bartender working at a place called Winghouse (like a Hooters). I've chatted her up a couple of times and she had mentioned she has a boyfriend. One evening I show up with a guy friend on our motorcycles and she's there but not working. I hear her tell her coworker bartender "Oh **** he's here!" and she runs off somewhere. Minutes later I see her again and I approach. We're chatting and I can tell she's already had a few. Fast forward and she wants to go ride with me. My friend lived really close by and I tell her to come to my friends place to chill. She agrees. Before we leave her coworker tells me to make sure to take care of her. When we get there I noticed she was falling asleep on the couch almost instantly. My friend tells me to take her to his room to take care of business but I didn't, fearing she might consider it being raped. We both stay the night, no sex, no nothing. The next morning she tells me she has to go and we had a little makeout session but she refused to give me her number. Said her phone was disconnected. Told me to go see her at work. Never saw her again.

2. 2017. Girl I had been chasing and giving me the runaround and actually gave me the LJBF shpeal invites me over to her place one night for drinks. I accept. As I'm over there having some beers while watching a bunch of nothing on the TV, she pokes me on my side and I jumped a little. She thought it was hilarious and starts trying to tickle me. From the couch we fall to the floor and I just stand up, apologized for dropping her. We finished the beers and I went home.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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I had a neighbour knock my door in a dressing gown, she told me she was naked underneath, apologized and then asked to borrow something mundane

Always happens when you least expect. Kicked myself for weeks


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Nothing crazy, but back in 98' in college (pre cell phones) I had this very attractive girl (petite dirty blonde, green eyes, dressed classy, Mom was model) who sat next to me in German class for almost two years

Alot of seats on the desks would have these thin metal crates underneath for books, but she would many times turn her body towards me and rest her feet in the crate under my seat (Positive body language-women will point with their body in the direction of what they found attractive). She would do this quite a bit.

One summer she called me at my parents just to say "hello".

Another time we met up to study for a test and she was with her female friend and as the friend was departing she gave this girl a sly grin "Have fuunnn"

Last incident; I met her and her friend at bar. At this point she had a bf who was older (He was 27 and she was 21). She wanted to dance with me and I said "No, you have a boyfriend."

This all happened over a two year span.

I sensed she liked me, but I was shy and thought, "Why would this girl choose me, she can have any guy she wants."



Jan 20, 2020
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I coworker invited me to her new place
I drink coffee, wonder if this would be ok to escalate and then going away

She probably thinks I gay till this day
No fcks given

Note: I happy i not did it


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2020
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I had one during my highschool days...

A nice HB8 asian chick who was familiar with me, came and said "(the name of a dude) doesn't want to kiss me" while she was smiling and touching me.
And me, being a top AFC at 17 answered: "that's not my problem". She never spoke to me again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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Then there was the female bartender I chatted up early on a weeknight. I was travelling for work and had a hotel walking distance from the bar but like a 15 minute walk.
I think we started talking about Burning Man or something. She finished her shift then came and sat next to me at the bar and bought me a drink. She proceeded to ***** about her boyfriend or husband, I forget which. Then she asked me to walk her to her car. I wished her a good night, when I should have asked her for a ride back to my hotel. "DOH!"

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Once I was cycling across Greece and I stopped in a small town to ask the way a travel agents. Inside, there was a really hot Greek girl and she asked me a bunch of questions and offered me a drink. We were talking and I mentioned I was going to Athens. She said "I'm going there next week so maybe we'll see each other there". I just replied "yes, maybe" and thought to myself that was highly unlikely because it's a big city.

Later, as I got a few km down the road I kicked myself because I realised she probably meant that we could meet up in Athens, but because she didn't say it directly I didn't catch on. Women are really good at dropping subtle hints, but the problem is that half of the time they're far too subtle.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Originally posted by Lost:
why do women never want to talk to you again if you initially miss a come-on?

I guess they perceive it as rejection and women hate/fear getting rejected a lot more than us. If you just do nothing in response to her come-on, she thinks you got it, but you rejected her. How should she tell the difference between not interested and missing her come-on, especially if it was so obvious?
I don't think it's that. I think what happens is that women get horny in certain situations (unlike men, that are horny all the time) and want to be satisfied at that particular moment. If you don't give it to them, they remember you as a guy that let them down and associate negative emotions with you. It's almost always a mistake not to make a move when you get the chance because if you miss it you rarely get the same chance again.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2017
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I met a girl at a bluegrass festival in my early twenties and had no clue that she was into me. I walked her to her tent and she was telling me how roomy it was with just her in it. When we got there she got in and told me to check it out. I leaned in and said something like "Wow, nice. Good night" and started to stand up. She reached out, grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me in. I learned to look at things differently after that.