::Sigh:: *Deep Breath* Its painful to think about it but here it goes...
When i was 17, I was in night school and this chick (HB 8 and VERY upscale) kept checking me out in class. There were no seats left so i go sit down in the back of the room by her. shes giving me looks... eventually i get her number and we see each other 2 days a week. One day i see her in the hallway, she says to me "Lets leave and cut the rest of the day" i say "huh?" She says "We can go to my house and chill" and i SAY!

"Nah, i cant. I gotta go to class, i cant fail". It Gets ALOT WORSE.........................
Same Girl mentioned above, one night she calls me and im broken up because i was having problems with my then ex g/f. we talk for a few and i tell her im sad and stuff and new years was coming up. so then it happens, she says "Aww dont be sad, you have to cheer up for new years", i replied with "Yeah i know, im just feeling down" then she goes "you know what?, ill cheer you up this new years. Come over and we can watch tv, have some drinks and then I'll **** you real good" .....................i replied "Haha your crazy, i duno maybe" I NEVER did anything OMGS i wanna cry just thinking back!!
Let me Breath......*deep breath* Okay i'll continue
Another night, SAME girl mentioned above, She calls me at 2am just to see "whats up", anyway i was in my room on AOL and she starts telling me to come by and she will "stroke my c0ck onto her mouth all night" i laugh and she giggles, THEN! she starts telling me how she and her step sister, (HB7) Fuk each other sometimes on the low and invites me to hang out with them at night. I DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eventually she stopped calling me and that was it.
Next Girl,
I was 21, I had met these two cute latina chicks, they were best friends so we all hung out one night, and one thing led to another and eventually i had both of them sitting on each of my lap. I touched one of the girls tits by mistake and said "oh sorry" she says "its okay, you can leave it there",.....I move my hand anyway. then one night i was talking to the OTHER girl (Her friend) Online and i was insisting we hang out, i told her to take a cab to my area and we will hang out a bit. She agrees to take a cab to hang out with me at 1am in the morning. She shows up and we say hey and stuff then we start walkin and talkin and we end up seeing a couple fuking by a bench... she goes "wow he has her legs up like that" and i say "yeah thats crazy" she then SAYS to me.... Get ready for this one......... She says "you like my panties?" and i say "I cant see, pull your shorts down a little lower", she does and she goes "You like them? then smell and taste like watermellon" and I SAY!!!!!........"Really? hmmm.. that cool" By the end of the night, she had her arms folded and let out a very distant vibe. Ugh i wanna throw up now....

:cuss: :cuss: !!!!
ANOTHER girl i had met, I was 22 this time. Oh boy was she the cutest little thing. She had a nice tight body, awesome attitude and was very cute. (Solid HB 8.5) Well.............. We were talking online one night... she lives close to me, and im joking with her and stuff...so i say "hey what you doin? You wanna hang out for a little while" to my suprise she agrees!, It was about 1:30 in the morning and i sign off to get dressed to go over and pick her up in front of her house. I get there and she comes out looking OMG so hot with a TIGHT white shirt on, her tits poppin out, and tight short shorts. SO,... we end up talking... walkin.... Actually to the same spot i took the latin chick i mentioned above, ....anyway... we sit down by a bench and we're relaxing... Im making her laugh and all... she had that little shy attitude and was WAITING for me to make a move....... She then tells me "I like a guys that knows how to kiss" and i say ..Nothing... an hour goes by and she seems to start getting annoyed... Im Wondering whats going on... we then start walking back to her house at 3am.... and she has her arms folded... I DID NOTHING FOR 2 FUKIN HOURS!!!!!! WHAt a LOSER! with a CAPITAL! L!! I cry when i think about that night. she ended up being a model and ended up with some deuche bag. ::SIgh::
Okay.... please dont laugh...
Local food store. I was 23 this time... (HB9) flirting with me HEAVILY everytime i saw her. One day i see her outside and go up to her "Hey Whats your name?" She smiles and says "My Name is Karoline" And i say "Thats cool" and walk away. lol i should get slapped.
Last Year, This one REALLY! REALLY gets to me..... (HB 10), she's Hot in every sense of the word!, Blond hair, Green eyes, AWESOME! body and a Grade A personality. She worked at a local food store as well,... she flirted with me alot and i tried no to think much of it.... One day i was waiting on line to order and these old men were hitting on her, then eventually left and i tell her "Eww them old guys makin passes at you"... she giggles and smiles and i proceed the convo................. DOnt LAUGH..
Me: Whats up?
HB10: NM, just re stocking the shelves
Me: Workin hard? you look tired
HB10: (smiles) Yea...i dont wanna work here anymore, tryin to do an online college thing.
Me: Oh so u just gonna study at home and online? Thats cool i did that for a one course thing. im a computer engineer.
HB10: Yeah, you should maybe come over and help with one i have but it doesnt work well.
Me: Oh,.. Why dont you just build one.
HB10: ::looks confused:: ohh.. ok.
Me: Okay Bye.
OMG...If i could watch my own death i would....
This one of wild... but a goody,
I was 16, My mothers boyfriend (at the time) His daughter would stay over, (HB7.5) she was 20. one night i was watching TV in the living room alone laying down. she gets out of the shower and grabs the remote and changes the channel... i say "Hey WTF!?" she goes "i wanna watch TV,...." i said "let me get the remote" she put the remote in her shorts, (she didnt wear any panties) she says "Come get it". I say "ugh fine keep it".
Another night im laying in my bed playing Nintendo64, she comes in and says "its nice and cool in here,..." after a while she lays on top of me and starts a humping motion she starts playfully moaning and i say "come on, get off" ::SIgh:: It gets WORSE. ANother night we are i the room alone again. she shes playing with a baseball bat i had, she grabs it and starts Jerking it in front of me giggling.. i laugh a bit and then she turns it side ways and acts like shes sucking a d*ck. I said "come on put the bat down".. LMAO i know i know.
ANOTHER night and the worst of them.... I was laying in my room and she was staying in the room next to me,... I would hear her playing with her Puzzy... i could hear moaning and heavy breathing coming from her room. so like 2 days later,... were talkin and she says "ima go to sleep" i say "sure you are" and she looks at me with a smile and a wink. i just stood there...
OKAY i have more but if i bring up any more memories, ill probably commit suicide.