Most DJ advice is for dating out of your league


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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What a fresh insight from a guy living on the other mythical side of seduction. I always feared physique is absolutely critical today and is also why I am working out more seriously than ever before and will not stop until I know I can compete with the elite. At least I am tall and the face is alright I have been told, just skinny, but we all have something to work on.

The status thing is the hard part when you start from point blank in your late twenties, it seems almost impossible at times when you know ur facebook has very few likes cause you didnt care about social media at all. It destroys ur fakebook-game and credibility as a valued man, obviously.

I will make it or die trying guys, I want to see the other side!


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Haven't even bothered to check out his attention wh0ring. But, if he's pulling 6 and 7's, and allowing it to get to his head in this extent, he really needs to sort his act out.

6's and 7's are my staple diet. And I don't think it's good enough. My average last year was 6.7 - or 6.9 (I forget).

I understand that pvssy is a powerful drug. A guy having success with his game can get really carried away. I get carried away sometimes too.

But, fvck me. This guy is chatting some serious nonsense :D

He isn't at "level 4". He's built himself up a comfortable bubble of steady sex. And I seriously doubt that he dares rock the boat now.

In life, when we are comfortable, it's extremely hard to break a pattern. We are all beings that want to survive. So, if we are still here at this point, we rarely see any reason to try anything different.

True growth happens outside of our comfort zones.

Take away crutches, and a guy is left as an incel.

That was never good enough for me. I wanted to be completely self-sufficient.

Now, If a guy is killing it, and he's happy, then I'm happy for him. I respect the hustle.

But, when a guy starts thinking that he's going to preach the gospel, and he's a pillock living in a fantasy land of his own creation, I'll address him in the objective reality.

And he'll likely capitulate quickly, like this plank did here. It's predictable.
Agreed! That is why we are here to grow. We should always strive for the best in our career, progress, lives, and women. I used to message many more women on OLD, 6's and above. I had to cut back because I realized once I get them out, I don't have much desire to do any more than that. I know I can get 6's no problem at all. I know I can get 7s with about 50% success rate. The only real 8 I have had is probably my exgf. Because I know she was interested, I know I can get more of them. My boundary is currently with 7s, but not for long...

Just for perspective, this one is a 7ish to me (kiss closed on first date). This is about as low as I will go now...
She sent this last week while on vacay in the Cayman Islands

Namely, why I need to work more on cold approaching, which sets you apart from "hi how are you" with a couple pics. I could (likely) get laid left and right if I consistently went for 6s. However, that is not really improving myself.

When you guys get a woman with a certain attractiveness, you should aim higher for the next one. When you get higher, you aim even higher. Constantly pushing your comfort zone. Stand on your edge and test your boundaries!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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@da dynamically I like a lot of what I've seen you post while I've been on SS; but you over-played your hand ITT. Of course you don't need game if you're slumming it with low SMV women. If that's your pic in the OLD thread, then you have a solid 3-4 points over ALL of the chicks you posted. Throw in a karaoke bar & no sh1t your value is so much higher relative to theirs that you don't have to do anything to demonstrate it other than holding a little frame. Matching with you is like winning the CC lotto for them.

I mean, it's great that you're getting laid. BUT you're hardly living up to your potential. And you've demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of what 'game' is:
  • We can pretty accurately state that women will only sleep with men whose value she perceives to be higher than her own. Therefore game is the ability to convince a girl, through behavior, verbals, or passive indicators (looks, social proof, body language, etc.) that your value is higher than hers.
Even if you're not doing it consciously--every time the bartender pats you on the shoulder; every time your friend talks you up; every time you look her confidently in the eyes--you are running game. Which brings us to this:

WTF? Passive game? I don't even need game. I TAKE women. What the hell is game to a king? You really are an ex dweeb PUA. I was born alpha. Alpha males don't use game you dweeb. I AM the game. That's what you don't understand. It is beyond your reality as a low value game player who is reliant on tactics to appear high value.
Arousal happens on a preconscious level; the prefrontal cortex--the part of the brain responsible for planning, long term decision making, memory consolidation, judgement, social self-monitoring--evolved 200,000 years ago. Our humanoid ancestors were having sex for millennia prior to that.

It's totally arrogant to think that our lymbic system is capable of distinguishing honest signals (i.e. you actually are alpha) from mimicry (i.e. a PUA pretending to be alpha)--at least given the short period of time necessary from meeting a girl to bedding her. Like you said, your 'innergame' can be totally fvcked up, but if you hit the right buttons--i.e. the girl perceives your value as higher than her own--then she'll still sleep with you.

In a perfect world, your lifestyle would be at all times witnessed by a tribe of >80 people, so that girls would have the most possible information on which to base their perception of your genetic value. We simply don't have that luxury in modern life, at least after high school or college, for girls to make an accurate evaluation. Therefore, if, say, you move cities (no more social circle), your friends all get married or wifed up and all of your boy's gf's friends she could introduce you to are older than peak fertility (no more social circle), you work in an environment isolated from females you find attractive (no more social circle), you have a very narrow window in which to demonstrate your genetic value to any females you come across in your day to day. So let's pretend we're not going for 4-6's on POF--and say we want 8-9's in the 18-21 y/o age group where there is 0 overlap in our social cirlces. Well, you might have a bar where you have tons of social proof--everyone loves you and girls there vouch for you--well, within that specific context you could just go up to girls and say, "Are you married?" and be balls deep within a couple hours. You didn't need active game, since your passive game (indicators of your genetic fitness) filled up enough of the picture for the girl to feel like she could form an accurate perception of your value.

But let's say that bar closes. Let's say your buddies are in relationships and won't hit the town with you anymore. Let's say you see a solid 9--but she's surrounded by her tribe and you're the outsider. Let's say you only have 10 minutes to strike her interest--and until she can form an accurate picture of your value YOU ARE A LIABILITY--since she already has super high value and if you're not actually cool (even if you look cool & have six pack abs) then she is jeopardizing her value in the tribe. No matter how solid your frame is or how good you look, if you stand on the wall looking like James Bond, she will not risk social ostracization to come up and game you. It won't happen--maybe a drunk 6 whose batting out of her league--or girls with super low internal value (if a smokeshow approaches you then there's a very good chance she has BPD ;) Field-tested).

But when you approach that 9, and she's surrounded by all her friends and orbiters and you're by yourself and might be a murderer or rapist--and you approach her--then it's her onus to have you display your genetic fitness as rapidly as possible. Sh1t test. Sh1t test. Sh1t test. Well, if you're not an 'overcompensating dweeb' you reject yourself. She's just a b1tch and won't immediately bow to your superior value (or the value your ego convinces itself of). But what if you could pass sh1t tests (proof of your genetic fitness), what if that same girl had just seen you making out with another girl (proof of your genetic fitness), what if you told that girl a cool story about what you did last night (proof of your genetic fitness)? Well, then there's a good chance she'll be the sweetest, most submissive girl ever & might ditch her friends and risk seeming like a slvt because you DEMONSTRATED enough value--actively--using active game--and risked seeming like a TRY-HARD, LOSER, PUA to give her an accurate, full picture of your genetic fitness.

Then you can sit back and let her chase ;)


Apr 21, 2015
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Da dynamically is getting some serious hate from his jealous kj fanclub.

But that's to be expected from try hard "gamers".

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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So @da dynamically you don't game women but women game you? So what did you post on post #78?

OLD is something else, you're in an environment where women are directly looking for men (for the most part) and if you are reasonably attractive you will attract women.

However, if you want to attract women who get messaged "hello sexy" (or even "How are you/you are very sexy" as you posted) on a regular basis (i.e. 7s, 8s and 9s) you're going to have to proactively do something else.

What do you do outside of OLD? Do you even cold approach?