The last woman I had free sex with, I spent 2 years flirting off and on with her before finally getting sex. No way would an impatient guy be willing to hold out 2 years.Not necessarily.
To clarify, the self-centeredness, self-consciousness, entitlement, self-absorption, insecurity, impatience, and other similar traits are not unique to the woman you parted ways with. These seem to be recurring issues that could explain why you don't often have sex, why you don't have sex more than once with the same person, and why you don't have a consistent pipeline of potential suitors wanting to build a connection with you.
I stand by my claim that I'm not impatient.
That being said, after doing some reflection, I totally admit one big problem of mine is that the relationship would have to be on my terms.
As soon as a relationship becomes more stress than it's worth, I start looking for an exit plan (That's why I bailed when the woman I had my last date with started giving me attitude). Especially when I have a fallback strategy to get laid, there's no reason for me to tolerate stress.
It's likely hardly any woman would agree to a relationship on my terms. And that's fine. I'd rather have no girlfriend/wife than have a girlfriend/wife I'm miserable with.
Based on stories various coworkers have shared about their relationships through the years, a lot of their relationships sound downright miserable to me.
For that matter, as an observer looking in, my parents' marriage looks like torture to me. Same goes for my 2 living grandparents' marriage (and my 2 dead grandparents' marriage)