Let's not get our panties in a bunch here. I wasn't attacking your little wifey, she is the one who is always taking jabs at ME for whatever reason.Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
Neither did I. I was just saying that I think those worthless people should wake up and stop working for other people. Working for other people is for p*ssies, that's all I'm saying. People who buy real estate with credit cards are more valuable members of society than people who generate electricity or build cars, that's all I'm getting at. I'm just agreeing with you.
For anyone who doesn't care to scroll back to the post which Gio is referring, here is what I said:
I said "people who own businesses and real estate are the highest level PRODUCERS in society". That means they make it possible for you to live the comfortable life you live today. You take it for granted and look at them as greedy sob's when you should be thanking them.You have to realize that people who own businesses and real estate are the HIGHEST level producers in society. That is why if they are good at it they are rewarded handsomely in the form of money. If it weren't for landlords lots of people would be homeless, and if it weren't for business owners they wouldn't have a job.
Without the people who provide structure for our civilization the way we know it (the owners of assets) you wouldn't be able to enjoy YOUR life the way you know it. Take a trip to a former communist country...you will see how well that form of government and society worked out.
You will notice that there is no mention of anyone being "worthless" or "p*ssies".
You will also notice that there is no mention of anyone being "more valuable" than anyone else.
You will probably have that blue collar "I am better than you because I work with my HANDS" attittude until the day you die, but don't rub your negativity off on people who choose a different path.