DanelMadr said:
First Republic is necessary, you can't have a "democracy" where you have to ask for permission for everything. It would be unmanageable and stupid - it would take ages to decide and people don't have time to be experts in economy, defense etc. they pay the government to do that for them.
I agree, but they should also be able to choose the folks that make those decisions. It's fairly obvious that this "choice" is nothing more than an illusion. Elections are rigged in this country. Dead people vote and black people's vote's were tossed in 2000 AND 2004. That is a serious problem that not enough people talk about!
Smaller components? Your enemies would crush you in a day. Not talking about inability to maintain order in the world - merchant routes...even more chaos.
We survived for thousands of years as tribal societies, with trade routes, waging wars, and all with rudimentary tools/technology. I'd also wager that we'd have a lot less enemies if we were not invading sovereign countries and violating the very laws we put in place, *ahem*
Why do you think EU is trying to federalize?
Because its way more lucrative for the 1% at the top. Plain and simple. With the introduction of the Euro, the cost of living has doubled or tripled in some countries. The middle class has all but vanished, where does all that money go?
You almost make me cry. Billions of people would give their left nut to live in a freedom like yours. I lived in totalitarian state and believe me you can feel the difference. Don't call for revolution when you can get elected and change that. Oh you can't? Thats because majority is not on the same wave.
Plenty of people feel this way. The problem is that in order to even make the running, you have to either be filthy rich, or sell out to the very same people who lobby/bribe the government into writing their perverse laws. Look at Obama - he wanted so much to make a difference, and has always talked a good game. But when push comes to shove he works for the same military-industrial complex that Bush did, and is making a lot of the same choices based on that. (especially concerning foreign policy with oil-rich countries)
It is not capitalism. It is modern economy based on free market. And especially in US you can go from 0 to million if you have the right ideas. In other countries you would add up bribes and AK47 to achieve something.
I agree it's the biggest selling point of this country, and the main reason I still live here. But whether you call it capitalism or a "free market economy", it is still based on a model of infinite growth/resources, which is a flawed and dangerous assumption.
Oh common. You have your checks and balances.
LOL - Now that's funny! Thank you for the belly laugh and excuse me while I wipe this tear....
You don't think that legislative, judicial and executive branches all bow to the almighty dollar? The Federal Reserve is what runs this nation, and it is a PRIVATE institution that is not at all regulated - it can do what it pleases at any given time, and all three branches can do nothing more than bend over and take it. This is why I believe America died in 1913. That unique balance of power which made this nation so great was effectively destroyed the moment that the majority of the nation's control was put into the hands of a powerful minority. Ever since then we have become a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.
Germans, Russians who occupied my country made sure that everyone disposed of their guns. You can't have a dictatorship with population having significant firepower. Hold on to the right to carry.
Hear hear! *raises AK-47 in salute*
I don't know man. it could have been risky but it certainly made you prosper for half a century. Is there a better financial system? I don't know any.
Actually America was quite wealthy before the Fed was instated. It got that way by people developing currencies based on local resources. In some places metals were the hot commodity, in others food/produce and in others it was textiles & furs. If you did use plain old dollars, they were backed by actual gold. Point is people traded something of TANGIBLE value.
Today's dollar bill is backed by nothing more than collective debt, along with the empty promise that it's worth something. To make matters worse, that value has steadily plummeted as the Fed prints more money and inflated the currency at their leisure.
Except what I heard in one critique of FR by some commies. The proposed to get rid of money and use work coupons - I give you a car and you will work for me for 10 month. Fvcking ridiculous. Basically making people slaves.
What do you think people are right now? The amount of personal debt in this country is staggering. I have friends who will be paying off their CCs and mortgages (with crazy interest) for the rest of their natural lives - how is that any better?
He said that? I refuse to believe he knew at that time about inflation, corporation or even homeless
The guy practiced law, served many public offices and authored the Declaration of Independence. He knew/saw a lot of things that the people of his time didn't, which is why he is still hailed as a visionary. He has some of the best quotes of all time. Check em out
Here is another gem:
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers... And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for[ another]... till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery... And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.
You live in the best country. You take my place I take yours, what do ya say?
Haha, no thanks dude. It is a great country and I would love to see it prosper again. But history is showing us that huge, monolithic governments just can't shake off the corruption. It's too far removed from the very people it is designed to serve in order to place their interests over its own.
Right now the government itself has gotten too big for its britches, building shady alliances with businesses that collide with the average american's concerns. We divorced ourselves from the church for this very reason, only to end up replacing the wealth and influence of religion with defense contractors, oil moguls and corporate leeches. This has to change if we want to stay on the path that got us so much freedom to begin with.