Stagger Lee said:
Yep these immigration schemers are trying to fill all levels of jobs with immigrants, and colleges too.
Yeah, Julio who crawled under the fence from Mexico is a high commodity to get an executive management job. A guy who can't speak a lick of English with no college education is going to get the nod over a dude who put in 4 hard years at a Big Time University. When Julio tries to fill out the paperwork to get on the company pay roll with no Social Security Number he will get deported. Don't be so ignorant dude. :yes:
( . )( . ) said:
Trust me mate the hotel room cvm stains will get cleaned up.
Yes they will, by a non English speaking person. The same person who was shampooing the carpet in my hotel room with a machine cleaning up my cvm stains. :yes:
Danger said:
I agree with everything you say except for the "American's won't do those jobs".
The only reason we have a lack of workers right now is because of entitlements. In our "compassion" we are giving more money to sit around instead of cleaning up those ***-stained hotel rooms. The illegals will learn that quick enough and won't bother working either.
Right, but Americans aren't going to do those jobs when they can make more money sitting on their ass or working at Denny's.
Illegal Aliens aren't going to risk getting deported by going to the welfare office to get a hand out. They try to stay under the radar as much as possible until they gain citizenship. Then when they do that, they get on the dole. But guess what, they are always new Aliens coming in all time to replace the ones who left. It's a repeat and recycle process.
Another thing, let's say an American did get a job picking lettuce in the field. After two days of that hard work, he is going to say fvck it, I can get more money going on welfare or working at Burger King that requires less work. That's why Americans don't do that work. The farmers and employers of those companies know that. That's why they don't hire Americans and only illegals. They can exploit the illegals and use them for hard work and less pay. If they get pissed off and want more money, they get threatened to be deported so they shut up and do the work.
There used to be a guy on the corner asking for hand outs from people driving by. This dude was late 30's/early 40's and there was no reason why he couldn't get a job.
One day I walked by him and asked him why he doesn't try to get a job. He told me:
"Why the hell should I get a job, when I'm making $200 a day standing out here. I make more in a day than what I would in a week. I get to make my own hours and get my money tax free."
He told me I should do the same. To wear some ratty clothes, make a sign, look pitiful, then get some free money.
Some dude when I was leaving reached out and handed him a $20.
The guy said "See this? A $20. It would take me 3 hours to make this. I got it in 2 seconds."
I haven't forgotten that to remind myself how lazy some people are. This same guy is probably on welfare getting extra money on the side for still doing nothing.
You guys think he is going to clean a room or pick vegetables? :crackup:
noobolgy said:
But this will end up like feminism. If we just let them in and allow it be socially acceptable, they will start wanting 9 per hour jobs with benefits. They will become entitled.
The problem is, they are being let in to do the hard labor for cheap pay that Americans won't do. No, because they are afraid of being deported without a green card so they shut up and do the work. The employers aren't going to give out any benefits, that's why they hire illegals and not Americans.
noobolgy said:
Their children get to attend our public schools, taking up resources and the time of the teachers.
Foodstamps, especially if they have kids they get a good amount of that. If your not a citizen you shouldn't get a piece of dog sh!t from our government. I dont care if there are children, they are as illegal as adults.
I agree, but nobody in congress is stepping up to the plate to do anything about it. Do you think congressmen are going to risk their political office, their kickbacks, their friendship with their special interest buddies over the illegal aliens who are making their special interest buddies rich?
noobolgy said:
Trust me, there is always some one willing to do those sh!t jobs. Plenty of legal immigrants who will do all those jobs you listed above. Legals grew up in sh!t hole cesspools, and still have very little when they get here.
I dont care at all about any of your "they do jobs americans don't want" nonsense. Guess farmers and hotels will have to offer americans more money to do those lines of work if the illegals were deported. So maybe getting rid of illegals would create better paying jobs using that logic.
There is a fallacy with this statement. The legals were once illegal when they got here. The legals want to go to school to get better jobs, they don't want to do those sh1t jobs.
Well, you should care because that's how it is Jack. The farmers are in business to make a profit, they aren't going to give out extra money plus benefits when they don't need to despite what you think. Nobody is deporting them because then nobody would be doing those jobs, companies will be losing money when those jobs are not filled.
noobolgy said:
But guess what. none of that matters. Illegals need to be deported and kept out because that is the law and that law is to protect our security.
Why shouldn't it matter? That is not the law because it's not being enforced. People are being paid to look the other way so they can stay here and work hard for cheap pay. They should not be here but nobody in congress will do anything about it because they are beholden to their special interest friends who keep them in office. Do you think a congressman in a farming district would even think of that? LOL. No, he doesn't care because he is making money off of it to.
( . )( . ) said:
That's a whole lot of hamsterbation as to why the U.S MUST be flooded with third worlders. So basically the jist of your argument is Americans just can't cope without Julio and Abubakur yeah?
Sheesh man, I'd don't have a lot of love for the white European type anymore either but you seem to think they are mildly retarded and can barely wipe their own asses. Makes one wonder how they even coped 5 or so decades ago when the U.S was what 95%? white.
I wonder is it only the white gentiles who MUST have this "help". What I mean does this apply to Asia , Africa and Israel as well? Or is it just those lucky Western white gentile countries that need to get the help?
Here's the point that nobody is talking about.
Liberals have "compassion" for them saying, "Oh, we can't kick them out they have families here and they are working." Even Conservatives said this too.
Conservatives and Liberals are making money off their cheap labor.
Who's actually doing something to kick them out? Nobody, because they all are making money off of them in some way.