Mexico Complains That Texas is Sending National Guard Troops to the Border

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Most of you don't know that mexico is allied with china, and Canada is allied with Russia.

This is all planned. It is a bigger picture then what the news is showing you, you can research this on the net if you don't believe me.

America is screwed on all sides.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Fatal Jay said:
Most of you don't know that mexico is allied with china, and Canada is allied with Russia.

This is all planned. It is a bigger picture then what the news is showing you, you can research this on the net if you don't believe me.

America is screwed on all sides.
yep, it's our own damn fault for sticking our noses into everyone else's business...Imperialism, if you will, afterall we Did come from Great Britain which is/was All about Imperialism, as was France. It's trying to tell everyone what's best for them, for their own good, Without, using the words, "In My Opinion" you should do this (become a Democracy) and that (not keep immigrants out - as is said by us to Russia, the Swiss, and every other country that has strict immigration, falling on deaf ears, no less). Our elitists who run our country NEVER use the words, "In my opinion..." when dictating to another country what they should do. It's this "We are a (beacon of) light shinning on a hill" that's got Every fvckin country against us. And we keep electing these fools cause nobody cares...nobody cares. They've got their internet, facebook, compooter, games, bbq, tv, everything else, they say..."who gives a fvck?"

Special EDy

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Im neither a democrat nor republican. My stance on immigration comes from empathy for other human beings. Illegals cant vote, so why would anybody assume that people want them here to throw off the polls.

I voted red the last two presidential elections, but tbh Im kinda tired of the GOP saying one thing and doing another. Were concerned with finances? Then stop giving other countries aid (including Israel!) and stop getting us into all these wars. Im a libertarian so stop saying you want less government while at the same time trying to say who can marry who, who can have abortions and crap like making me show my ID to vote. Once I accepted the fact that Im an athiest I have really turned my back on the Republican party. I cant wait to move out of this ignorant state.

What we really need is like 4 or more major parties. And if there wasnt two parties, maybe congress would start representing their constituents instead of just voting whatever the national party tells them to vote.

Oh and its silly to think that China is our enemy. Their economy is entirely dependent on ours, so much of the world is. Something like 70% of the worlds food exports come from the USA, and Im certain we are one of the largest importers of goods. Besides the fact that we owe them a huge amount of debt theyd lose if we got into a conflict.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
If you think china depends on America you are out of your damn mind. China owns pretty much all the roads and building in the U.S. Probably even the street you live on.

Also they are becoming the leading nation in owning gold, which means when the dollar is done, which is basically is, they can back their yen up with gold, and have the new number one standard.

Their army outnumber us, the only way we could beat china in a war is dropping nukes, and they have those also.

Special EDy

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
The strength of our military is mobility, not size. North Korea has a million man standing army, look at what good it does them. China cant even take back Taiwan, they are pvssys.

China only owns 8% of our federal governments debt. Japan owns 7%. The Federal Reserve owns the lions share. So oh my gawd watch out for those Japs who are taking over the world and own everything in America


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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The answer to any problem lies in the answer to the question:

Cui Bono?

Whenever there's an equal number of those who benefit, and those who DON'T benefit, issues tend to stagnate.

Whenever there's an overwhelming number of people who BENEFIT and they either outnumber or hold more power than those who DON'T benefit, the issue moves forward.

It can either move forward due to down-to-the-detail planning, as conspiracists claim, or they are merely a perfect storm of events. Usually a combination of both.

So, who BENEFITS from the current influx of immigrants?

1) The immigrants themselves

2) Liberal governments - as they gain in power as the number of those dependent on government social programs increase

3) Conservative governments - They benefit indirectly, as businesses LOVE immigrants, since they are eager to work hard for cheap

4) Liberal people - As they get to "feel good" about giving something to those less fortunate (and almost always of a different color) without actually giving something of their own

5) Secondary government employees (social workers, educators, teachers etc) as a swell in low skilled, immigrant is job security

6) Unions of the above - for example, execs at teachers unions stand to benefit greatly from an increase in immigrants, as it will lead to an increase in demand for teachers

Who DOESN'T benefit?

1) Private property owners not connected to the government

2) conservatives not connected to the government

So long as THOSE WHO BENEFIT outnumber or hold more power than THOSE WHO DON'T BENEFIT, this will continue.

As far as the argument that most immigrants aren't a drain on society, that's not exactly true.

Consider that income taxes don't kick in until after a gross income of 40 or 50K, which most immigrants will NEVER earn, they will be USING government services (roads, hospitals, schools etc) without paying any taxes.

Even if they get a job as soon as they get here, stay out of jail, work hard and NEVER go on welfare, they still take more than they contribute, from a government budget standpoint.

Of course, if I were a poor Mexican or Central American or South American, you better believe I'd do everything to get the U.S. and get any kind of job. So I don't blame the immigrants in the least. They're just doing what any human would do in the same situation.

However, this will ONLY increase animosity between various groups in the states, between citizens and the government, AND make the financial health of the government worse over time.

This will CONTINUE until the U.S. is by and large a third world cesspool.

DETROIT is the future for ALL U.S. cities.

Maybe not in the next year or two, but most certainly in the next decade or two.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Special EDy said:
Once I accepted the fact that Im an athiest I have really turned my back on the Republican party.
You sure about that?

Lets not forget you've just spent the best part of how many posts excusing hordes of 3rd worlders flooding the US because of a perceived injustice that was done to the "noble savage" hundreds of years ago. You made mention of it what 3 times? In other words to you it's a white penance that must be paid. That my friend is RELIGION . All libtards have done is substituted Christianity for the God of political correctness, moral preening and "equality".

Ever wonder why every hiveminded neckbeard loves shouting to the world that he's an atheist nowadays yet always parrots progtard groupthink the loudest especially toward the "heretics"?

Whether you like it or not white progressivism ticks every single box for a religion.

I encourage you to watch this clip if you get a spare moment. (start at the 10 min mark) Understand I'm not trying to be a cvnt to you, I'm trying to get you to that "Oh sh!t, I'm an idiot" moment that every leftist indoctrinated cathedralyte with a semblance of awareness eventually goes through if he's lucky.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
We stole the land fair and square from natives. If the immigrants want to take our land, attack us and if you can win, its all theirs. Thats how it has worked for thousands of years every where in the world.

The worse things is that instead of having to assimilate to our society, they sit on reservations and get nice checks. That means they dont have a drive to better themselves or work hard, many of them literally drink, do drugs, and fvck off all day.

Go to a reservation and see for yourselves.

Special EDy

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
( . )( . ) said:
You sure about that?

Lets not forget you've just spent the best part of how many posts excusing hordes of 3rd worlders flooding the US because of a perceived injustice that was done to the "noble savage" hundreds of years ago. You made mention of it what 3 times? In other words to you it's a white penance that must be paid. That my friend is RELIGION . All libtards have done is substituted Christianity for the God of political correctness, moral preening and "equality".

Ever wonder why every hiveminded neckbeard loves shouting to the world that he's an atheist nowadays yet always parrots progtard groupthink the loudest especially toward the "heretics"?

Whether you like it or not white progressivism ticks every single box for a religion.

I encourage you to watch this clip if you get a spare moment. (start at the 10 min mark) Understand I'm not trying to be a cvnt to you, I'm trying to get you to that "Oh sh!t, I'm an idiot" moment that every leftist indoctrinated cathedralyte with a semblance of awareness eventually goes through if he's lucky.
Yes Im sure Im an athiest. According to gallup polls over 3/4 of athiests vote Democrat, and not surprisingly the Athiest group which was going to attend CPAC got "uninvited". When your forced to choose between one party with all its flaws, and another party that bases all its major decisions on a fairy tale written 2000 years ago things start to get mucky.

As for the "white penance" crap, thats so silly and obviously you've been reading what you want me to be saying and not what Im actually typing. We dont owe anybody anything. But dont ***** like a petulant child when someone does the same thing to us that weve been doing since before this was even a country. Just because jesus is your imaginary friend doesnt mean you are always right and everyone else is always wrong.
A criminal is no more right or wrong than a saint; take any issue and neither side is right or wrong, they both just have different convictions to lead them to their decision. So why do I tend to take the immigrant side of the issue? Because once you've matured emotionally and intellectually, you will develop compassion and empathy for your fellow human beings. Conservatives really dont care that much about fellow man, unless it israel. They just take the least compassionate route on every issue, which isnt to say that there arent good resons behind some of these stances, but quite often its just boneheaded hate. Conservative in a nutshell is the resistance to change.

The statistics dont lie, as the intelligence and education of a person increases, so does their likelyhood of being a progressive or an athiest. You know where the most conservative and religious people in the world live? Take a look at the middle east or Africa, what wonders it does for them. Most progressive/athiest countries? The ones that are highest on the quality of life scale. Statistically religious countries are the poorest, have the highest crime rates and the lowest education, non religious countries are the opposite.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Special EDy said:
Last time we put troops on the border with Mexico we took Texas, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Kansas from them by force. Why wouldnt Mexico be worried?
Considering that those muthaf*ckas want to be up here anyway, invasion, then colonization and/or annexation of Mexico would be the best thing for them.

Special EDy said:
So yes, Texas was a part of Mexico, and so were all the other states stolen from Mexico.
Rex REALLY hates to part an argument down into this dichotomy, (because it marginalizes an argument,) but liberals LOVE to talk about how a muthaf*cka supposedly "stole," something from somebody. Seriously, though, up until the end of the Second World War, there isn't a country in existence that hasn't come about via the right of conquest. Also, the people who bring up this b.s. argument make it seem as if Europeans are the only people who ran up in another people's lands and seized them as their own. If U.S. "stole," the southwest from Mexico, then this must also be true,

The Manchus stole China from the Mings.

The Romans stole Gaul from those Celtic people who were living there at the time.

The Romans stole Greece from the Greeks

Alexander stole a gang of land from the Indians, Egyptians, and a bunch of other people.

The Duke of Normandy (William the Conqueror,) stole England from the English nobility

Not only did the Aztecs steal land, but these muthaf*ckas, sacrificed virgin survivors to Quetzalcoatl, in addition to eatin' folks.

Wars of conquest have been a part of human history since the dawn of man and they've only (only very recently in humanity's history have they stopped,) So let's stop it with the big, bad, white people, stole something from somebody.) As a African American, I'm the first to stay that Europeans have done f*cked up things to other people, but they've also done f*cked up things to themselves also. I may also add, that if African nations had the military technology and might, they would have been on some conquering sh*t too.

Special EDy said:
Im not stating support for either side, I'm merely stating obvious facts that everyone seems to ignore.
So why are you ignoring the fact that wars of conquest aren't exclusive to those who are decent of Europeans.

Special EDy said:
Illegal immigration started 522 years ago when Columbus landed on these shores.
Really bruh? Be f*cking serious. That's an argument an emotional woman would put forth.

Special EDy said:
We just happen to be the latest victims who feel entitled to the land.
It's our land because we've fought to make this country what it is today, and let ole Rex get frank and racial. The these illegals want to come up and ride the coattails of what African Americans got in the streets marched for under the threat of violence. My people were spat upon, bombed in churches, lynched, beaten, burned, and killed in order to force the government to give them the rights that were afford them in the Constitution. It would have much easier for black people en masse to migrate to Canada, due to an undying patriotism to (a then ungrateful nation,) Dr. King "and em," got in the streets to march for what was rightfully theirs. Now these illegals (not only come up when they're not suppose to,) they're demanding sh*t that they're not even entitled to.

Special EDy said:
Do Palestinians deserve Israel, or do the jews who moved there in the 1940's deserve it?
Name a point in the history of man where there was never a Jewish presence in Israel? I ask because I can point out exactly when Muslims should up in that area of the world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Special EDy said:
The statistics dont lie, as the intelligence and education of a person increases, so does their likelyhood of being a progressive or an athiest. well as their likelihood of being angry, jaded d!ckheads who think everyone else in the world has to agree with them about everything.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Special EDy said:
The statistics dont lie, as the intelligence and education of a person increases, so does their likelyhood of being a progressive or an athiest
Again you are NOT an athiest. You merely swapped out one religion for another.

As for progtards being smarter, were you being sarcastic? Wasn't there a study done just recently showing Tea Partiers were smarter than you nation destroying parasites? (I'm neither btw) The inability to recognize patterns and riding on the coattails of others is not "intelligence". As Steve Sailer puts it progressivism is the religion for the single and the unhappy. In other words your average blue state modern grrrl who wants free sh!t. These are not traits of "smart" people. The only difference between you and her is she generally drops worshiping at the alter of "progressivism" when she gets married.
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May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Jews live in Palestine 6,000 years ago, muslims occupied it about 2,000 years ago. So jews took it back, oh well. Muslims are little cry babies.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
noobolgy said:
Jews live in Palestine 6,000 years ago, muslims occupied it about 2,000 years ago. So jews took it back, oh well. Muslims are little cry babies.
Not even, the Muslims have only been there for a little under 1500 years. For them to have been in the Holy Land for 2,000 years would have meant they would have been in conflict with the Jews and Rome.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Let me just say, any "compassionate" libtard, like the one here in Ft Worth, why don't you open your home to feed and shelter some of these illegals? Why must you force the rest of the country to shoulder the burden? Or at least let them stay near your neighborhood to annoy, intimidated, steal from you or maybe worse.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
here and there
This whole immigration issue is a joke. Nobody in Congress is serious about doing anything about immigration because they are all making money off their special interest buddies who are making money of the illegals.

This is just a "red meat" issue that both sides throw out to their base to get votes and to rile people up. "You don't want those illegals taking your jobs do you? Vote for me!" Then people go out and do it. :crackup:

They've been arguing over this sh1t for over 30 years, nothing has been done about it. Republicans and Democrats both controlled congress at some point during these last 30 years. Neither party did anything about it.

8 years Reagan.....Nothing

4 years Bush Sr......Nothing

8 years Clinton.....Nothing

8 Years Bush Jr.....Nothing

6 years Obama....Nothing

Do you think the Republican/Democrat congressmen in the mid west are going to go against the big farmers who hire illegals to pick the fields? Fvck No. That's who puts them in office.

None of you guys are going to do those jobs. Are you going to clean the cvm stains out of the hotel carpets? Are you going to pick fruits and vegetables at 6 am in inclement weather all year round for less than minimum wage? Give some fat chick her Big Mac and Fries at the drive through window? Clean up someone's sh1t and piss in the pubic toilets?

I'm all for cracking down on this but nobody wants to because they are making money off it and they are scamming you in the process.

Get some real people in office that will actually do something.

This is the worst congress in the history of our country. If these idiots were around in 1776 they would still be fighting over The Bill Of Rights and the Declaration Of Independence.

( . )( . ) said:
I thought we already put that tired and lame libtard argument to bed? Americans would cope and DID cope just fine prior to the flooding of third worlders. Nobody with an IQ higher than room temperature is buying that "jobs Muricans won't do" sh!t anymore.
This isn't liberal nor consevative, it's just common sense.

Believe what you want mate, name me one self respecting Don Juan who is standing in the work line to sign up to clean sh1t out of a public toilet or to pick oranges in a grove for a few bucks an hour. Would you?
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( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
rascal99v said:
None of you guys are going to do those jobs. Are you going to clean the cvm stains out of the hotel carpets? Are you going to pick fruits and vegetables at 6 am in inclement weather all year round for less than minimum wage?
I thought we already put that tired and lame libtard argument to bed? Americans would cope and DID cope just fine prior to the flooding of third worlders. Nobody with an IQ higher than room temperature is buying that "jobs Muricans won't do" sh!t anymore.

Or in other words. Minimum wage after inflation literally lower now than it was half a century ago, average person now unable to afford a house and the U.S in $17,615,939,876,739.99 debt I'm sure if you asked average Joe taxpayer he would say phuck it, lets take that risk.

Trust me mate the hotel room cvm stains will get cleaned up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
Not even, the Muslims have only been there for a little under 1500 years. For them to have been in the Holy Land for 2,000 years would have meant they would have been in conflict with the Jews and Rome.
Well, considering Mohammed wasn't born until 570 AD, no Muslims could live anywhere until at least 100 years or so after that.

Unless of course you're talking about the descendants of Ishmael vs. the decedents of Isaac, which is another story altogether.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
I thought we already put that tired and lame libtard argument to bed? Americans would cope and DID cope just fine prior to the flooding of third worlders. Nobody with an IQ higher than room temperature is buying that "jobs Muricans won't do" sh!t anymore.

Or in other words. Minimum wage after inflation literally lower now than it was half a century ago, average person now unable to afford a house and the U.S in $17,615,939,876,739.99 debt I'm sure if you asked average Joe taxpayer he would say phuck it, lets take that risk.

Trust me mate the hotel room cvm stains will get cleaned up.
Yeah it's a red herring. Americans won't go to college for computer programming either if you fill all the jobs with visa workers from India. If it even were the case you can't get legal citizens to do a job, then you're not meeting the labor market's demand.

The illegal aliens taking jobs on the lower end is just part of it. Immigrants are filling $100k/year government and contracting jobs ahead of Americans on the other end.

The US doesn't need and really can't sustain anymore immigration from anywhere.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
None of you guys are going to do those jobs. Are you going to clean the cvm stains out of the hotel carpets? Are you going to pick fruits and vegetables at 6 am in inclement weather all year round for less than minimum wage? Give some fat chick her Big Mac and Fries at the drive through window? Clean up someone's sh1t and piss in the pubic toilets?
But this will end up like feminism. If we just let them in and allow it be socially acceptable, they will start wanting 9 per hour jobs with benefits. They will become entitled.

Their children get to attend our public schools, taking up resources and the time of the teachers.

Foodstamps, especially if they have kids they get a good amount of that. If your not a citizen you shouldn't get a piece of dog sh!t from our government. I dont care if there are children, they are as illegal as adults.

Trust me, there is always some one willing to do those sh!t jobs. Plenty of legal immigrants who will do all those jobs you listed above. Legals grew up in sh!t hole cesspools, and still have very little when they get here.

I dont care at all about any of your "they do jobs americans don't want" nonsense. Guess farmers and hotels will have to offer americans more money to do those lines of work if the illegals were deported. So maybe getting rid of illegals would create better paying jobs using that logic.

But guess what. none of that matters. Illegals need to be deported and kept out because that is the law and that law is to protect our security.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
