part of options? maybe putting then in rotation is another thing, you don't entretain attention ***** just for the chance of puss, the whole thing is a waste of time, with again with option you can do more then entretain her, but hey each to his own if you don't understand this I don't think you can get itLol bro married women comming at you are part of your options. To guys with options. Iron sharpens iron.
Puszzy pulls puzzy. Don't hate the game I didn't make the rules
Man some of you guys.
again losing the point, i'm not even taking the whole he can come after you, or the crazy ***** use you just to make him jealous, i'm saying it a waste of time having damaged goods on a rotation, in a way you need to hide what you do, and reward bad behavior, only reason I can see a guy do so is for lack of options, if he had options he wouldn't have time to waste on a married womanWhy? Whats the benefit of not spinning a married chic? Cause it "feels" right?
Doing the "right thing"
Is this the same "right thing" to do when you marry a chic by obligation? Worked for so many huh? Lol
In you are in over your head bro. The market is not 1950 anymore
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